I made this as a rant the day before my AP test, I hope it helps :). Check the notes, they are better and have more info, a lot more.
Colombian Exchange
The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world after Columbus's voyages.
Abbasid Caliphate
A dynasty that ruled the Islamic world and was known for advancements in art, sciences, mathematics, and trade.
Hundred Years War
A conflict between France and England that led to the unification of France and England's withdrawal.
Foot Binding
The practice of binding women's feet in China to keep them small.
Song Dynasty
A period in China known for manufacturing, practicing Buddhism and Confucianism, and developing the Grand Canal and gunpowder.
Great Schism
The split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Protestant Reformation
A movement led by Martin Luther against the Catholic Church's practices.
Habeas Corpus Act
Legislation that prevents unlawful or arbitrary imprisonment.
Genghis Khan
The Mongol leader who unified tribes in Mongolia and invaded China.
A period of renewed interest in classical art and literature in Europe.