Great Depression

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Warren Harding

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Warren Harding

  • Won the 1920 election

  • First president during the roaring twenties

  • “return to normalcy”

  • run the government like a business

  • Currup: Ohio gang

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Calvin Collage

  • Took over when Harding died

  • won the 1924 election

  • The government should let businessmen handle their own affairs

  • A man of few words

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Herbert Hoover

  • Won the election of 1928

  • Height of Republican Ascendancy

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Consumer Goods Industry

  • Making lots of Durable goods: automobile industry was booming

  • Lack of Diversity: Only construction and automobiles

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Rise in the use of Credit

people were buying nearly everything on credit, especially stocks. This caused a lot of inflation and when the market crash they were in lots of debt

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Mellon plan

  • Tax cut plan proposed in the 1920s

  • Tax cuts to the richest people so that they would have more money to expand their businesses and pay workers

  • Tickle down economics → never works

  • increased the wealth gap

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Economic/political interactions between the US and Europe during the 1920s

  • Many European countries owed the US money

  • after WW1, the US wanted to remain out of European affairs and economies → Return to normalcy

  • The US wanted peaceful resolution after WW1 but European powers still had tensions

  • Republican presidents pursued pro-business and laissaz-faire policies

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Farm Life in the 1920-1930

  • In the 1930s, many farms faced foreclosure due to low prices for agricultural goods

  • The Dust bowl furthered these difficulties and many farmers like the Great Plains → Okies

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The US didn’t want to interfere with European issues

Return to Normalcy

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  • Rise of the KKK: more national and against immigration

  • Palmer raids: looking fro suspected russian spies → stop communism, they targeted immigrants: eastern European and Russian

  • Emergency Quota act: 3% of an ethnicity, limit people based on origin

  • Eugenics movement: change the genetic pool of the US to encourage some people to reproduce and discourage others → Sterized and put in Mental institutions and prisons

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Great Migration

African Americans moved from the south to northern cities

  • met with lots off racism: Red summer and Tulsa Race massacre

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Stock market crash cases

  • Speculation: Not buying stocked based on history/knowledge → bigger peaks and troughs

  • Buying on margin: with credit/borrowed money → inflation

  • Interest rate hike by federal government

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Stock Market crash effects

  • Bank runs: people withdrew their money in the bank → banks were shutting down

  • People stopped buying goods and unemployment tripled

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Causes of the Great depression

  • Overproduction: The automobile and construction industries had too much supply with too little demand

  • Overuse of Credit

  • The Smoot-hawlet Tariff → decline in global trade

  • Bank failures and panics

  • Inflation and collapse in the money supply

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Herbert Hoover Presidency and Rugged Individualism

  • Believed that the American people should just work harder → American Individualism: hard work brought it’s own rewards

  • $160 mil in tax cuts

  • vetoed relief bills

  • gave money to businesses, banks, and public works projects

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Smoot-Hawlet tarrif

Hoover raised tariffs on thousands of imports to increase the sale of American goods

  • increased the global depression and caused a collapse in world trade

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FRD road to Presidency

  • FDR became governer of NY and managed it well during the Great Depression

  • growing resentment towards Hoover

  • easily became president in the election of 1932

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Dust bowl causes

  • Overfarming of monocultures (wheat) in the Midwest → soil lost nutrients

  • Massive droughts and heavy winds causes dust storms

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Dust Bowl effects

farmers left the Midwest to go to California and Washington to find jobs

  • Called Okies

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Farmers who left the Midwest during the Dust bowl to find jobs

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Fireside Chats

FDR used these to explain the New Deal policies to the American People

  • Simple and clear language

  • gained popularity, support for programs, confidence that the government is actually working to help them

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Banking Holiday

FDR made the fed go to every bank and inspect them

  • good bank with healthy business decisions were reopens while banks with Predatory decisions were closed

  • Increased public trust on banks

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Emergency Banking Act

  • more power to federal government to make sure banks and acting properly

  • separates money from gold → more flexibility

  • Bank holiday: four days to check every bank in america

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Federal Emergency relief Act (FERA)

- reduce unemployment rates

-jobs will be created 

-relief checks - food and shelter - to families 

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SEC (Securities Act)

- Restore investor trust

- regulate the market and increase transparency

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FDIC (Glass-Steagall Banking Act)

-establish a distinction between investment and commercial banks 

-regulate federal banks 

-ensure the safe use of depositor’s shareholder’s money

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CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

-establish work sites within national parks and forest 

-provide jobs and plant jobs

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WPA (Works Progress Administration)

-8 million jobs for americans -> construction

-build schools, roads, and bridges

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NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act)

limiting hours and launching a public works program and b) increasing individuals' purchasing power by establishing minimum wage rates

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AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)

-To stabilize the agricultural economy 

-regulate pricing so that farmers make profits

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NLRB (Wagner Act)

-all workers to have certain rights -> workers unions 

- raise wages and better working conditions 

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TVA (authority)

problems and improve the quality of life in the Tennessee valley region 

-Establish the largest public power plant company in the US 

-Establish a hydroelectric power plant

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PWA (Publics Works Administration )

- creating jobs jobs through public infrastructure

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Americans would still go to movies to try and forget about their financial situation

  • More interest in sex and sexuality

  • Movies were about the community

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people who would move around form place to place to look for jobs

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Supreme Court vs. FDR

  • The Supreme Court would try every single First New Deal Act — overreach of Federal gov power

  • FDR proposed the Judicary procedures reform Bill → never passed

  • The Supreme Court gets scared and doesn’t challenge second New deal acts

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Critics of Great Depression

Young intellectual’s edevours would come to grips with feeling of disillusionment

  • Hopeless and Despair

  • Criticized and escaped it

  • Eg. Fitzgerald

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Huey Long

  • Critic of the Great Depression

  • We need to target the wealthy bc they have too much in savings

    • Wealth distribution

    • Assasinated

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Success of the New deal

Good for prevention

  • Glass-Steagal Act → good banks

  • Regulation of the Stock market

  • Social Security and Relief

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failures of the New Deal

  • Not good at recovery → didn’t end the Great depression

  • only gave jobs to white males → only specific populations

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End of Great Depression

Ended during WW2 → war economy

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