Content for Lessons 1 & 2
An object is in motion if its position changes when compared to another object.
Reference Point
A place or object used to determine whether something is in motion.
Relative Motion
Motion that is determined by a reference point that can change.
A push or pull on an object described by its strength and direction.
Contact Forces
Forces that are applied only when one object touches another.
Noncontact Forces
Forces applied to an object whether it touches the object or not.
Net Force
The combination of all the forces acting on an object.
Balanced Forces
Forces that result in a net force of zero.
Unbalanced Forces
Forces that result in a non-zero net force acting on an object.
The distance an object moves per unit of time.
Instantaneous Speed
The speed of an object at a particular instant in time.
Average Speed
The total distance traveled divided by the total time.
The speed of an object in a given direction.
The rate at which velocity changes.
Change in Velocity
Can involve a change in speed, direction, or both.
Constant Speed
An object that travels at the same speed but can still accelerate if it changes direction.
The amount of something that occurs during changes in one unit of time.
The line along which something moves or faces, needed to describe motion.
Instantaneous Speed Calculation
To calculate, divide the distance traveled by the time taken.
Average Speed Calculation
To calculate, divide the total distance traveled by the total time.
Force Classification
Forces can be classified as contact or noncontact forces.
Unbalanced Forces Effect
Cause an object to accelerate or change its motion.
Net Force Calculation
If forces act in the same direction, the net force is the sum; if opposite, the difference.
Acceleration Definition
Refers to any change in speed or direction.
Effects of Forces
An object's motion can change when one or more forces act on it.
Example of Contact Force
Friction, tension, and normal force are types of contact forces.
Example of Noncontact Force
Gravity and magnetic forces are examples of noncontact forces.