Chapter 8 Training

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Process whereby people acquire capabilities to perform jobs.

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Why is training important?

-It provides employees with specific, identifiable knowledge and skills (hard and soft) for use in their present jobs. -It can have long-term effect on organizational success.

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Some examples of typical benefits of training are...

-Increase in production -Less errors and accidents -Less turnover -Less supervision necessary -Ability to use new capabilities -Attitude changes

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What kinds of activities usually require training?

Safety, customer service, computer skills, quality initiatives, dealing with sexual harassment, and communication.

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Which are the benefits of well-done training for individuals and teams?

-enhanced skills -greater ability to adapt and innovate -better self-management -performance improvement

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Which are the benefits of well-done training for organizations ?

-improvements in effectiveness and productivity -more profitability and reduced costs -improved quality -increased social capitol

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Which are the 4 training categories?

-Required and regular training -Job/technical training -Development and career training -Interpersonal and problem-solving training

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What is "required and regular training"?

Type of training that complies with various mandated legal requireents and is given to all employees. A must in order to perform in a company, bare minimum

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Mention some examples of "Required and regular training"

-Safety compliance -Driving positions -Wage and hour rules -Employee orientation -Benefits enrollment -Sexual harassment prevention

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What is "Job/technical training"?

Type of training that enables employees to perform their jobs well. The basic to do the job right and according to the company's standards.

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Mention some examples of "Job/technical training"

-Customer service -Equipment operations -Recordkeeping needs -Telecommunications -IT systems -Product details

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What is "Developmental and career training"?

Type of training that provides long-term focus to enhace individual and organizational capabilities for the future. Being part of the development and growth of the company, to grown in the company.

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Mention some examples of "Developmental and career training"

-Business trends -Strategic thinking -Leadership -Change management -Career planning -Performance management

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What is "Interpersonal and problem-solving training"?

Type of training that addresses both operational and interpersonal problems and seeks to improve organizational working relationships.

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Mention some examples of "Interpersonal and problem-solving training"

-Communications -Writing skills -Team relationships -Coaching skills -Problem analysis -Conflict resolution

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What is de difference between training and development?

Training helps the individual to gain and enhace the skills needed for their positions on the short term in a limited scope while development has a broader scope and focuses on individuals' gaining new capabilities useful for both present and future jobs.

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What are common legal issues related to training for companies?

-Stablising the correct criteria during selection processes, so it doesn't restrict candidates unfairly -Failure to accomodate the participation of individuals with disabilities in training -Making employees sign training contracts in order to protect themselves from the costs and time invested that can be wasted if the employee decides to resign. -The payment for the employee's time invested in trainig outside working hours.

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What does "strategic training" means?

Training that is used to help the organization accomplish its goals. Training as part of the solution for the company's problems.

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Which are the benefits of "Starategic training"?

-Makes significant contributions to organizational results due to the help of many HR employees and managers. -Reduces the mind-set that training is the only solution for the company's problems, and helps identify other solutions. -The establishment of specific training plans gives the company some competitive advantage.

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What is the consequence of technological innovation and change?

If employees are not trained all the time, they may fall behind and the company could become less competitive.

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What is the relationship between training and organisational competitiveness?

Without continual training, organisations may not have staff members with the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed to compete effectively. Also helps keeping good employees in the company.

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How to enhance retention efforts in a company?

By investing in training and developing their employees, specially those who are more promising

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What is knowledge management?

Art of creating value by using organisational intellectual capital, what their people know, which makes them competitive. Conscious effort to get the right knowledge to the right people at the right time so that it can be shared and put into action.

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How training may help accomplish certain strategies?

  1. Organisational strategies are establish (what they want to achieve)

  2. Identify the necessary outcomes to implement such strategies (what they have to do to achieved it)

  3. Stablish the training activities (how they will achieve those outcomes)

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Mention examples of training as a revenue source

-manufacturers of industrial equipment offer customers training on machine upgrades and new features. Customers of many of these firms pay for additional training either by course, by participant, or as part of equipment or software purchases. -Customer satisfaction and loyalty increase if customers know how to use the products and services purchased. Thus, customer training aids customer retention and enhances future sales revenues

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What is performance consulting?

Process in which a trainer (either internal or external) and an organization work together to decide how to improve organizational and individual results. Doesn't necessary means training

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what is the main performance consulting approach?

Recognizes that training alone cannot automatically solve every employer performance problem. Instead, training is one piece of a larger "bundled solution."

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what means integration of performance with training?

Job performance, training, and employee learning must be integrated to be effective, and HR plays a crucial role in this integration. Trainers incorporate everyday business issues as learning examples, thus increasing the realism of training exercises and scenarios

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who is a chief learning officer?

A leader who designs knowledge through training for individual employees and the organization.

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which are the main characteristics of a chief learning officer?

-A high level of comfort in working with boards of directors and the top management team -A track record of success in running some type of business unit -An understanding of adult learning technologies and processes

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What does global assignment training include?

Not just training for expatriate employees on technical skills but also in the ways of the foreign country. Ex. Japanese firms training their expatriates for the food, customs, etc., of the US.

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What does intercultural competence training include?

Incorporates a wide range of human social skills and personality characteristics.

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Which are the 3 components of intercultural competence needed to train expatriates for global assigments?

CEB -Cognitive -Emotional -Behavioural

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What does the cognitive component of intercultural competence referes to?

Refers to the knowledge that the person has about other cultures. Helps to develop culture-specific training (traditions, history, customes, etc.) including language.

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What does the emotional component of intercultural competence referes to?

Refers to the way a person views other cultures and the sensitivity this person may have to cultural customs and issues. Helps develop training in uneasiness (social skills training focusing on new/unclear and intercultural situations); prejudices and sensitivity (active listening, empathy, verbal/nonverbal cues)

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What does the behavioural component of intercultural competence referes to?

Refers to the way a person acts in an intercultural environment or situations. Helps develop international projects, culture assimilator method, social skills training focusing on intercultural sitiations).

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What is the culture assimilator method?

A programmed training and learning method consisting of short case studies and critical incidents. These cases describe intercultural interactions and potencial misunderstandings involving expatriates and host-country nationals.

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What is the importance of planning for training?

Because it helps identify what is needed for employee performance before even starting training. It considers not just the "big picture" but the specifics for the design of any particular training. Its benefit is that takes into consideration changes an details that makes for a more effective training program, a fit between training and strategic issues..

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What is knowledge retention?

It is another training planning issue involving the departure of employees who have valuable information that cannot be acquire or replicated easily or it is an important part of the company's know-how. To solve this, companies respond by identifying and trying to keep the employees with said knowledge, making then teach it to others so it is not lost.

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What is orientation?

A kind of planned training offered by most employers, works as an introduction of new employees to their jobs, coworkers and the organization. It's the most important and widely conducted type of regular training done for newbies.

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Which are the benefits of a well-planned orientation?

It reduces: -Role ambiguity -Role conflict -Intention to quit It increases: -Perception of fit in the company -Job satisfaction -Commitment -Performance

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What are the key purposes of orientation?

-Establishes a favourable employee impression of the organization and the job -Provides organization and job info -Enhaces interpersonal acceptance by coworkers -Accelerates socialization and integration of the new employee into the organization -Ensures that employee performance and productivity begin more quickly

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Why are metrics relevant in the orientation process?

Bc they help determine or evaluate the effectiveness of an orientation training program. Said metrics should be made of the success of both the orientation program and the new hires themselves.

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Effective training requires the use of a systemic training process. Which are the 4 phases of said systemic approach?

-Training Needs Assessment -Training Design -Training Delivery -Evaluation of training

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What is the benefit of a systemic training process?

It reduces the likelihood that unplanned, uncoordinated, and haphazard training efforts will occur

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What is knonw as the diagnostic phase of a training plan?

Assessing organizational training needs

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Training Needs Assessment

A systematic process of identifying and specifying training requirements. Consists of organizational, task, and person analyses. Can training really help solve an issue within the company?

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Which are the two steps on Training needs assesment?

-Analyze training needs -Identify training objectives and criteria

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Which are the sources of Information when analyzing training needs?

-Organization-Wide Sources -Job/Task Sources -Individual Employee Sources

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What is Organizational Analysis?

A part of Analyzing training needs, focus on the identification of the KSAs that will be needed now and in the future as both jobs and the organization change. Both internal and external forces must be considered when doing organizational analysis.

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Which are the Organization-wide sources?

-Grievances -Accidents Waste/scrap -Training observations -Observations -Customer complaints -Exit interviews -Equipment use -Attitude surveys

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What is Job/Task Analysis?

A part of Analyzing training needs, focus on reviewing the jobs involved and the tasks performed in those jobs

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Whch are the Job/Task Sources?

-Employee KSAs -Job specifications -Benchmarks -Effectiveness -Efficiency data -Employees surveys

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What is Individual Analysis?

A part of Analyzing training needs, focus on diagnosing training needs focuses on individuals and how they perform their jobs

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Which are the Individual Employee Sources?

-Performance appraisals (most common) -Skill tests -Individual assessment tests -Records of critical incidents -Assessment center exercises -Questionnaires and surveys -Job knowledge tools -Internet input

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How does a company Identifies training objectives and criteria?

By a "gap analysis," which indicates the distance between where an organization is with its employee capabilities and where it needs to be. Training objectives and priorities are then determined to close the gap.

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Which are the 3 types of training objectives?

-Attitude: Creating interest in and awareness of the importance of something -Knowledge: Imparting cognitive information and details to trainees -Skill: Developing behavioral changes in how jobs and various task requirements are performed

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How does one measures the success of a training program?

By comparing the results with the objectives set at the beginning. Objectives are measurable.

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What is the main goal of Training design?

To address the specific objectives Whether job-specific or broader in nature.

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Which are the elements of Training design?

-Learner characteristics -Training transfer -Instructional Strategies

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Which are the Learner characteristics that have to be consider while designing a training program?

-Ability to learn -Motivation to learn -Self-efficacy -Perceived utility/value -Learning styles

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What does ability to learn refers to?

That the employee possesses the basic skills needed to understand and learn the training program such as basic math abilities, reading, writing skills, etc.

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What does motivation refers to?

Refers to the person's desire to learn training content, which is influenced by multiple factors: gender, ethnicity, the instructor's charisma, etc.

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What does Self-efficacy refers to?

Refers to people's belief that they can successfully learn the training program content

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What does Perceived utility/value refers to?

Means that in the training is viewed as useful, it is more likely to be tried on the job hence learned. Likelihood that the training would lead to improvement

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What does a learning style is?

Different ways how people learn.

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What is adult learning?

Ways in which adults learn differently than younger people

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Which are the 5 principles of adult learning?

-Why -Self-directed -Work-related -Problem-centered approach -Motivation

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What does Instructional Strategies refers to?

Select the right mix of strategies to fit the learner's characteristics.

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Which are some examples of Instructional Strategies?

-Practice/feedback -overlearning -behavioral modeling -error-based examples -reinforcement/immediate confirmation

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What does the practice/feedback strategy refers to?

It is to practice what they have learned and get feedback on how they have done so they can improve

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What does active practice means?

Performance of job-related tasks and duties by trainees during training. More effective.

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How can active practice be structured?

In 2 ways: Spaced practice and Massed practice

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What is Spaced practice?

Practice performed in several sessions spaced over a period of hours or days

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What is Massed practice?

Practice performed all at once

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What does the overlearning strategy refers to?

It is repeated practice even after the learner has mastered the performance. Improves learner retention.

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What does the behavioural modeling strategy refers to?

Copying someone else's behavior

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What does the error-based examples strategy refers to?

It involves sharing with learners what can go wrong when they do not use the training properly.

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What does the reinforcement strategy refers to?

Law of effect -> Based on the idea that people tend to repeat responses that give them some type of positive reward and to avoid actions associated with negative consequences

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What does the immediate confirmation strategy refers to?

Based on the idea that people learn best if reinforcement and feedback are given as soon as possible after training

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What does tranfer of training refers to?

Transfer occurs when trainees actually use on the job what knowledge and information they learned in training.

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What is the objective of Transfer of Training?

It is to design training for the highest possible transfer from the class to the job

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Effective transfer of training meets two conditions:

  1. the trainees can take the material learned and apply it to theor work

  2. employees maintain their use of the learned material over time.

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Which are the training delivery options?

-Internal -External

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Some examples of variables considered to select the delivery method of training are:

-Nature of training -Subject matter -Number of trainees -Individual versus team -Self-paced versus guided -Training resources/costs -E-learning versus traditional learning -Geographic locations -Time allotted -Completion timeline

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What does internal training refers to?

Training that generally applies very specifically to the organization and its jobs. Skills-based technical training is usually conducted inside organizations. Mandated by federal regulations

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Which are the benefits of internal training?

-It saves the cost of sending employees away for training and/or outside trainers. -Training materials are often created internally

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Which are the three types of internal training?

-Informal training -On-the-job training (OJT) -Cross training

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What is informal training?

Training that occurs through interactions and feedback among employees. It occur as a result of a learning need in the context of working. Asking questions to coworkers. A great deal of learning occurs informally in work organizations

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What is on-the-job training (OJT)?

Training that is based on a guided form (it is planned) of training known as job instruction training (JIT), OJT is most effective if a logical progression of stages is used. The most common type.

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Which are the stages for On-the-Job Training?

-Prepare the Trainees: know what they know, make them interested on training. -Present the Information: Show the steps they'll follow, make sure they know -Provide the Trainees with Practice: Observe and correct, make them do it, question them. -Do Follow-Up: Check on them, less follow-ups over time

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What are the main problems with On-the-Job Training?

-Those doing the training may have no experience, no time to do it, or no desire to participate in it. -Disruption of regular work

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What is cross training?

Training people to do more than one job. It has the potential to be good for both employer and employee.

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What are the advantage and disadvantage of cross training?

For the employer, the advantages of cross training are flexibility and development. For the employee, the advantage is they learn more skills that can help them with promotion. The disadvantage is that they could be push to do more work that they get pay for.

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What does external training refers to?

Training that takes place outside the employing organization. It is used extensively by organizations of all sizes

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Which are the benefits of externat training?

-Specialized training that the company cannot offer -Employees are trained quickly -Could be cheaper in certain training areas

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How is external training implemented?

-Outsourcing of Training -Government-Supported Job Training -Educational Assistance Programs

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What is outsourcing of training?

Employers hire external training firms, consultants, and other entitie. Quite expensive. Used more frequently when mergers and acquisition occur. A popular route for some employers is to use vendors and suppliers to train employees. EX. Microsoft can provide certifications on the use of the programs

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What is Government-Supported Job Training?

Federal, state, and local governments provide a wide range of external training assistance and funding. Sometimes, according to the company's country of residence, they can receive tax credit, funding, etc.

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What is Educational Assistance Programs?

Some employers pay for additional education for their employees. Typically, the employee pays for a course that applies to a college degree and is reimbursed upon successful completion of the course. Lifelong Learning Accounts (LiLA) programs can be offered by employers.

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