Princeton Review - The Cold War

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The power struggle between the major powers between 1945-1980 is called ____

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The power struggle between the major powers between 1945-1980 is called ____

The Cold War

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The major powers did not enter into combat during this time, instead they fought ______ in places like Korea and Vietnam

proxy wars

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American government policy to support free people who are fighting against communists through military financial support was called ________ after the president who first advocated for the policy

The Truman Doctrine

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The policy of George Kennan that stated that the United States would not instigate a war with the USSR but would come to the defense of nations in danger of Soviet takeover is called _________


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The plan that sent Europe $12 billion dollars to help rebuild its cities and economy after WWII is called

The Marshall Plan

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The mutual defense agreement created by the United States with Canada and countries in Western Europe in 1949 was called ________

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

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In 1949 the USSR imposed a _____ on the city of Berlin Germany. In response, Truman authorized an airlift to supply the city and the Soviets eventually gave up.


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Two issues dominated U.S. policy in Asia during the Truman Administration, the reconstruction of Japan and the ______

Chinese Revolution

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The United States backed the nationalist Chinese under Chaing Kai-shek against the communist Chinese under _______. In 1949, the communists took control of China and the nationalists were exiled to Taiwan.

Mao Zedong

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A demagogic senator named ____ led to an anti-communist campaign against members of the government and the army that resulted in Senate hearings filled with innuendo and blacklists of innocent Americans.

Joseph McCarthy

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During the coal miners strike led by the UMW President Truman ordered the _______ when a settlement could not be reached. This alienated labor unions.

seizure of the mines

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Part of President Truman’s civil rights agenda was the formation of a committee called the _____ that called for the end of segregation, antilynching laws and resulted in the desegregation of the armed forces.

President’s Committee on Civil Rights

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In 1948, in response to President Truman’s civil rights agenda, southern segregationist Democrats, also called _____ abandoned the democratic party to support Strom Thurmond for president.


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The _____ supported by the conservative Republic Congress in 1948, limited closed shop union workplaces, restricted labor right to strike and prohibited the use of union funds for political purposes. It was passed over Truman’s veto.

Taft-Hartley Act

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Truman’s domestic program that continued the tradition of president’s offering “deals” to the public focused on provisions for reintegrating WWII veterans into society such as the GI Bill. It was called the ___.

Fair Deal

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The general in the Korean war that recommended invading China was ____. He publicly criticized Truman and was fired by the president.

Douglas MacArthur

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In the 1952 Presidential election, the Republicans chose ____ a war hero. This was a direct attack on Truman’s inability to end the Korean War.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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The 1950’s are often depicted as a time of conformity due to the ___ that reigned across the country.

consensus of values

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Eisenhower reduced the military and introduced new weapons systems shaping the ___

New Look Army

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The government under Eisenhower the ____ primarily to move soldiers and missiles around the country but also tying the counties transportation systems together.

Interstate Highway System

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Eisenhower’s policy toward native Americans would liquidate reservations, end federal support and subject them to state laws was called ___.


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In 1954, the Supreme Court heard the case of ____ a lawsuit by the NAACP over “separate but equal” education.

Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka

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The Supreme Court decision concerning school segregation overturned an earlier decision in the case ____.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

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In 1957, the governor of Arkansas called in the National Guard to prevent a group of Black students from enrolling in Little Rock high school, these students were known as the ____.

Little Rock Nine

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In 1955, ___ was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus. This event was the beginning of the Montgomery bus boycott.

Rosa Parks

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The Montomgery bus bocott brought to national prominence a minister and community leader who became the face of the Civil Rights Movement. His name was ______

Martin Luther King

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In 1960, students in Greensboro, North Carolina used the civil disobedience methods of the civil rights movement to challenge segregation of ____ by organizing a sit in.

Lunch counters

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President Eisenhower and his Secretary of State, ___, continued the Cold War policy of his predecessor but renamed it liberation.

John Foster Dulles

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Deterrence policy suggested that the mere knowledge of ____ prevented the United States and the USSR from deploying nuclear weapons.

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

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The policy of the US involvement in South East Asia was based on the ___ that if South Vietnam fell to communism than toher nations in the region would also fall under Soviet Influence.

domino theory

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After the death of Joseph Stalin, ___ became the leader of the Soviet Union and promoted “peaceful coexistence”.

Nikita Khrushchev

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The Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space, Sputnik. This prompted the United States to create and fund a government agency focused on space exploration called _____.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

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Countries not allied with either the United States nor the Soviet Union during the Cold War were considered part of the ___

Third World

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In Egypt, the United States tried to foster good relations by offering foreign aid, an example was building the much needed ___ in 1956.

Aswan Dam

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Despite US foreign aid, Egypt’s leader, Gamal Nasser, allied with the Soviet Union and nationalized the ___. This prompted a conflict with American allies Great Britain and Israel. Eisenhower negotiated a settlement between the three powers to avoid an escalation of the Cold War.

Suez canal

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The CIA used covert operation to increase US interest abroad. This included trying to assassinate the Soviet allied communist leader of Cuba, ___.

Fidel Castro

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In 1960 ___, Eisenhower’s vice president, ran against John F. Kennedy, a Democratic Senator from Massachusetts. In the first televised Presidential Debate, Kennedy trounced Nixon due to his good looks and charismatic personality.

Richard Nixon

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President Kennedy emphasized his youth, surrounding himself with young, ambitious intellectuals as his advisors. His optimistic and future focused domestic program was the ____.

New Frontier

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The ____ was a failed attempt by Cuban Exiles backed by the CIA to overthrow the Castro regime in Cuba that failed and was a disaster for President Kennedy in his first year in office.

Bay of Pigs invasion

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The Soviet Union erected a barrier in the shared city of Berlin. The ____ was erected in order to keep East Germans from escaping communist East Germany to West Germany. It became a symbol of the Cold War.

Berlin Wall

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In October of 1962, the most serious Cold War confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States when the USSR began placing nuclear missiles in Cuba. This became known as the ____.

Cuban Missile Crisis

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The ____ mission was to provide teachers and specialists in various fields to emerging nations in order to foster good will. The process was called nation building.

Peace Corps

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Kennedy’s civil rights agenda resulted in some progress on women’s rights. In 1963, Congress passed the ______ which required employers to pay equal pay for equal work regardless of gender. Many employers were able to find loopholes to get around the law.

Equal Pay Act

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During the Kennedy administration, many non-governmental organizations mobilized to build on early gains. The ______ was led by martin Luther King and organized sit-ins, boycotts and other peaceful protests.

SCLC - Southern Christian Leadership Conference

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The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) organized the ______ who staged sit-ins on segregated buses.

Freedom Riders

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The student civil rights organization ______ did grassroots work in the area of voter registration and anti-segregationist activism.

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

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In 1963, Mississippi’s NAACP director, ______ was shot to death.

Medgar Evers

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After Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon Johnson lobbied for the ______ that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion or gender.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

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The ______ passed in 1965 that cracked on Southern states that had denied African Americans the right to vote in the violation of the 15th amendment.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

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Johnson’s social agenda was called ______ and included programs like the War on Poverty, Head Start, Upward Bound, Job Corps, and Legal Services for the Poor.

Great Society

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Johnson added the executive department ______ to increase federal aid to low-income renter and build more federal housing projects and well as establishing Medicare and Medicaid health insurance programs.

Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

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The Supreme Court in the 1960’s was very liberal and helped pass Johnson’s domestic program as well as uphold many civil liberties cases. The Chief Justice of the court was ______.

Earl Warren

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In ______ the Supreme Court ruled that upon arrest, a subject must be informed of his rights.

Miranda vs. Arizona

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In 1963 Betty Friedan’s book _______ challenged many assumptions about a woman’s place in society. It became an important manifesto for the new feminist movement.

The Feminine Mystique

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Environmental issues were also a focus in the 1950’s and 60’s. Rachel Carson wrote _______ that exposed how widespread use of DDT led to environmental damage. This added interest resulted in the passage of the Clean Air Act in 1955.

Silent Spring

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As a result of its anticommunist foreign policy, the US backed by the French supported South Vietnamese government against the communist insurgency of the northern Vietminh led by _______. This led to the Vietnam War.

Ho Chi Minh

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The _______ of 1954 temporarily divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel into Communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam under the Ngo Dinh Diem who became a despot.

Geneva Accords

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Johnson used an alleged attack on American destroyer ships to pass the _______ which allowed for American military involvement in Vietnam. This led to the first American ground troops in 1965.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

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America’s Vietnam involvement rapidly escalated to its height in 1968. January 1968, the North Vietnamese launched the _______ which inflicted huge damage on American troops. This led to the American public becoming disenchanted with the conflict.

Tet Offensive

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In 1968, Johnson decided not to run for reelection. Robert Kennedy the Democratic frontrunner was assassinated and _______ over Hubert Humphrey due to a 3rd party candidate George Wallace who diverted some southern support.

Richard Nixon won

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Nixon changed the strategy in Vietnam by turning the war over to the South Vietnamese and pulling back on American involvement. This process called _______ and resulted in Secretary of State Henry Kissinger negotiating a peace treaty with the North Vietnamese in 1973.


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In 1975 Saigon fell and Vietnam became a communist country. The Congress passed the _______ in 1973 to prevent any future president from involving the military in an undeclared war.

War Powers Act

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Nixon and Kissinger formulated an approach called the _______, a policy of openness that called for countries to respect each other’s differences and cooperate. Led to brief period of relaxed tensions between United States and the USSR.


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The confrontation between the National Guard and protesters at _______ resulted in the death of four protesters and represented the ongoing divison between the youth counter culture and the middle class establishment.

Kent State University

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In 1971, two major newspapers published the _______ a top-secret study of US involvement in Vietnam that criticized the military and accused the government of lying to the public, Despite Nixon administration objects and legal action, the information was published.

Pentagon Papers

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A burglary at the Democratic Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel during the 1972 election that was carried out by Republican operatives led to a political scandal that was exposed by investigative reporters _______ and _______ of the Washington Post. It led to the Watergate Scandal that resulted in the resignation of President Richard Nixon. Vice-President Gerald Ford became president and pardoned Nixon.

Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein

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A fuel embargo against the United States by the Arab oil nations organized as _______ . Led to high inflation in the Ford Administration that carried over into the Carter Administration in 1976.


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Jimmy Carter’s had a foreign policy success when he presided over a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel called the _______ Accords.

Camp David

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During his administration Jimmy Carter dealt with a economic crisis based on inflated fuel prices. In response he proposed alternative sources of energy like nuclear power. However, a nuclear accident at _______ in Pennsylvania undermined his efforts.

Three Mile Island

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Jimmy Carter promoted human rights during presidency and while his presidency was seen as having few successes, he became a famous humanitarian in retirement through his work with _______ .

Habitat for Humanity

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