History Mid-terms ID terms

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A grant of land made by Spain to a settler in the Americas, including the right to use Native Americans as laborers on it

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Bartolome de Las Casas

Dominican priest who spoke out against mistreatment of Native Americans

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An indigenous city with a lot of mounds

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Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.

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Treaty of Tordesillas

A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.

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Middle Passage

The transportation of slaves across thee Atlantic ocean (Africa to America)

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joint-stock company / Virginia Company

was a settlement of Jamestown by the English. It was chartered by the king who had hoped to get rich from the company by taking and extracting gold, growing crops such as silk, etc. The major goal of this company was to get rich fast, and there was no intention to stay. In Jamestown, the first settlers were young "gentlemen" who were adventurers who had invested in the company and hoped to obtain their goal.

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Halfway Covenant (1662)

New england is defined by puritan standers, but overtime they feel that they are becoming less religious and decreasing in size in result they lower the bar to get into the church. Now you only have to have one parent who was a member of the church opposed to two that was before and you do not need a turning point story.

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Holy Experiment

William Penn's approach to Pennsylvania where any religion could practice freely

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King Philip's War

Natives of new england were tired of the way they were being treated and went around and burned all the colonists towns

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City on a Hill Speech

A sermon by John Winthrop describing Massachusetts bay colony

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Virginia's House of Burgesses

The first elected body of officials in North America made by the English, established/promoted by the Virginia Company. (symbolizes colonial self government)

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New England Confederation

New england colonies each contributed fighting forces to fight against american indians in the 1600s. (new england military alliance)

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Indentured Servants

Someone who comes to the colonies for free and works for 7-10 years as a slave for a promised amount of land

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Headright System

A system where you get a land reward for how many "heads" you bring to the virginia colony.

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Task System

(specific to south carolina) Said each day each slave was given one task they had to accomplish before the end of the (ex. ho ÂĽ of an acre). Organized their work for the day. Enslaved people did not have to work for their owners on sunday.

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Stono Rebellion

Slaves who tried to uprise and robbed a gun store on sunday (there day off) while their owners were at church. They then tried to run to Florida where they could be free however they were caught and most of them were killed.

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Great Awakening

Religious revival in the American colonies of the eighteenth century during which a number of new Protestant churches were established.

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Bacon's Rebellion

A rebellion lead by Nathaniel Bacon with backcountry farmers to attack Native Americans in an attemp to gain more land

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Mayflower Commpact

What was signed by the pilgrims on the ship. First written government constitution / agreement in the colonies. Was not very specific and very broad.

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French and Indian War

Over occupation of the Ohio river valley, between the British and French and the British won and the win led to the French abandoning their North American colonial possessions. Deeply sent Great Britain into debt.

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Pontiac’s Rebellion

After the french and Indian war, indian alliances came together and tried to resist

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Sugar Act/Stamp Act Congress

tax placed on paper goods and sugar luxuries in attempt to regulate trade and raise revenues

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Sons/Daughters of Liberty

American colonists who supported the patriot cause

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Declaratory Act

Passed by parliament after repelling the stamp act, and declared that they still had the right to tax the colonies

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Boston Massacre

colonists threw a snowball at a british troop and then the british troop openly fired into a mass crowd of people leaving panic and ultimately ending in 5 deaths. The guards went to court and were convicted of murder.

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Boston Tea Party

The colonists were enraged by the sugar/stamp act so they protested by dumping a bunch of tea in the Boston harbor.

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Intolerable Acts

Passed by parliament. Way of punishing the colonies after the Boston tea party, placed them under martial law (ex. Closed the port)

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Battle of Saratoga

Battle that convinced france to ally with the US

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Battle of Yorktown

The last / winning battle of the American revolution. Led by hamilton. Britain signed the treaty of paris after.p

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Treaty of Paris

Ended the American revolution. The British recognized American independence for the first time and agreed to abandon forts still in place.

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Gradual Emancipation

A domestic effect of the ideals of the american revolution. Since fighting for liberty and fredom some states deciede that their value they fought for were agianst slavery and started to outlaw it.

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Republican Motherhood

This made women unpleasant with the inequity in work spaces. Their roles were to educate sons, advise husbands and shape the nation from

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Haitian Revolution

Hati (french colony) their was a slave uprising and used the same points as the enlightenment ideas. One of the only successful slave rebellion

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French Revolution

French revolution against parliament. Revolted because of a borderline famine and differences in classes. When voting the nobles got most of the votes but they were the least of the population

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Articles of Confederation

purposefully weak government made when declaring independence. The strongest power they had was the ability to wage war but it never happened.

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Northwest Ordinance

Create a process for creating new states and territories and forbid expansion of slavery in the northwest

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Shays’ Rebellion

armed uprising in Western Massachusetts and Worcester in response to a debt crisis among the citizenry and in opposition to the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades

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Constitutional Convention

The point of the event was decide how America was going to be governed

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Federalism, Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances

A system put forth to make sure no one branch of government can become too powerful.

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Great Compromise

The senate and the house of representatives. Senate was based on equal representation and the house of representatives was based on population

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Three / Fifths Compromise

In the census it states that slaves only count as â…— a person.

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Electoral College

Popular vote in each state decides the electors in each state, and each elector votes for the president. They are able to overturn the popular vote but have not yet.

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Hamilton vs Jefferson. Pro - bank vs no bank...

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Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments of the constitution

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Judiciary Act of 1789

established the supreme court. Under Washington

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Hamilton’s Financial Plan

His plan was to pay off the nation's debt accumulated in war and other alliances. The way he was going to do this was by placing a tax on imported goods. Lastly, he wanted to create a national bank

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Whiskey Rebellion

Hamilton wanted to place a tax on whiskey to make up for lost revenue. This was retaliate by framers for it went against the constitution

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Farewell Address

Washington's address when deciding to retire from his presidency, siad points like he was getting old and a presidency isn’t a for life job. This set the standards for the next to come.

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Election of 1800

The only constitutional change that resulted from the election of 1800 was the twelfth amendment requiring separate electoral votes for president and vice president.

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Marbury vs Madision

Principle of Judicial Review: Supreme court had the final authority to determine constitutionality

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Louisiana Purchase

Thomas Jefferson bought a huge chunk of land in the south for a small price of $15 million. Made the people question if expanding was apart of the constitution

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Lewis and Clark

Expedition to cross the newly bought, form the Louisiana purchase, western portion of the country

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Embargo of 1807

Peaceful Coercion! Closed the US ports to all imports from Britain. It hurt the US more than Britian's or frances

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Hartford Convention

Series of meetings where new England federalists meet to discuss grievances of the war of 1812 and the political problems coming from the rise in federal government power

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American System

Three-prong system to promote American industry created by Henry Clay.

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Missouri Compromise

replaced the Tallmadge amendment and allowed Maine to join the US as a free state and Missouri to join as a slave state

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Monroe Doctrine

Warned Europe not to colonize or intervene in the western hemisphere (self defense doctrine)

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Eli Whitney

Created the cotton gin and interchangable parts

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Lowell System

Factory system with efficiency because everything was taken place and everyone was working inside the factory

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Interchangeable Parts

created by Eli Whitney, allowing products to last longer and companies to create more

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Erie canal

Connects the east and the west together, connected the Hudson river and lake Erie. Allowed people to travel up and downstream

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National Road

first major improved highway in the United States built by the federal government.

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Steam power

Allowed the steamboat to flourish, which made it much faster to transport goods and people all around the rivers and lakes.

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Made land travel flourish. Allowed people and goods to travel faster and much greater distances by land.

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Used codes to deliver messages through lines. It sends messages faster and helps the government run more efficiently.

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Cotton Gin

Removes cotton seeds from cotton fibers. Works way faster than slaves doing it and it decreases the demand for slaves

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Cult of Domesticity

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George Fitzhugh

American social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories. Said slavery was helpful because African Americans are children in adult bodies

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Second Middle Passage

Journey from the upper south to the deep south to meet the slave demand (1 million slaves)

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One person who makes all the decisions for the people they are governing leaving them not be able to do nor make their own decisions

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Nat Turner’s Rebellion

Enslaved man who led a rebellion, resulting in 200 black people dying and new laws prohibiting the education of those enslaved

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Corrupt Bargain

Alleged deal between presidential candidates John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay to throw the election, to be decided by the House of Representatives, in Adams' favor.

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Spoils System

A practice of successful political parties giving public offices to their supporters

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Bank Wars

The disagreement over the second bank of the united states

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Indian Removal Act

authorized the president to grant lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders

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Tariff of Abominations

Tarrif of 1816; sought to protect northern and western agricultural products from competition with foreign imports;

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Second Party System (Whigs & Democrats)

the political party system in the United States during the 1800s.

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Second great awakening

A religious movement that swept the US during the early decades of the 19th century

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Charles Grandison Finney

A Presbyterian minister who started a religious revival in New York, promoted people to publicize their faith, and founded Oberlin college making him one of the most influential preachers in the US.

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Burned-Over District

New York was named by Minister Charles Finney because so many souls were revived that they were all burnt out of spiritual beliefs

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American Colonization Society

American organization founded in 1816 by Robert Finley to encourage and support the migration of freeborn blacks and emancipated slaves to the continent of Africa.

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William Lloyd Garrison/ The Liberator

The Liberator, weekly newspaper of abolitionist crusader William Lloyd Garrison for 35 years

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Dorothea Dix/Asylum Movement

challenged the idea that people with mental disturbances could not be cured or helped.

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Declaration of Sentiments

A declaration written by the first women's rights movement said that men and women are equal.

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Women part of the reform movement

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the avoidance of alcohol. A group of wives came together to try and banned alcohol to prevent their husbands from coming home drunk and abuse them

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