technological advances helped increase almost a second industrial revolution
henry ford introduced a production line which revolutionised car manufacturing since workers learned to assemble one part of a car at once-allowed lower skilled workers to be employed
in 1920 there were 8 million cars in the uk but by 1929 there were 26 million (ford model T was most common)
mass production led to higher output and lower prices meaning the model T only cost $290 well within most people’s reach
Frederick Taylor introduced time and motion studies which were analysed to find newer and more efficient ways of manufacturing goods
More efficient ways to manufacture goods meant labour costs were lower and profits were higher
Bought up alot of raw materials and goods allowing companies to benefit from economies of scale
Larger corporations also controlled a very large proportion of the market (in 1929 16 companies controlled 90% of the USAS Electricity supply industry
Economies of scale helped companies due to the industrial corporation
The Industrial Corporation also meant that companies could benefit from lower raw material costs which they could then pass on to consumers
stimulated the advance of things such as vacuums, toasters etc.
in 1912 there were 2.4 million electrical appliances but by 1929 there were 160 million
75% of Americans had electricity in their homes