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Involuntary responses

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Involuntary responses

________ include salivation, blinking, sweating and cringing or the automatic bodily reactions to strong emotions such as fear.

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________ is what happens when repeated stimulation produces waning responsiveness.

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Classical conditioning

________ is a type of associative learning that involves learned involuntary responses.

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________ are things we do not control and that we respond to automatically (involuntary responses)

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Sensory adaptation

________ is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when the brain stops recognizing a constant and unchanging stimulus.

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The behaviour that follows a(n) ________.

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________ is a type of learning or relatively permanent change in behavior that involves a reduced response as a result of repeated but not constant exposure.

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classical conditioning

In ________, we learn to associate two stimuli and thus anticipate events.

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classical conditioning

The events may be two stimuli (as in ________) or a response and its consequence (as in operant conditioning)

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