AP Psych Unit 9: Social Psychology

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Social group

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Social group

Two or more individuals sharing common goals and interests

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implicit/explicit rules that we apply to all members of the group

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Zimbardo prison study

  • students assigned prison or guard

  • guards took their roles too seriously and hurt the prisoners

  • 1/3 of the guards inflicted harsh punishment onto the prisoners

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socia loafing

feeling less pressure to put forth effort when engaged in group projects

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we tend to lose some self-awareness, may engage in uncharacteristic behavior

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Stanley Milgram

Teacher applied electric shocks when learner does not answer questions correctly

  • obedience to authority

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Soloman Asch

Select the line in a triad that matches the stimulus line

  • conformity

  • normative influence

  • social influence

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Leon Festinger

Gave two different groups either $1 or $20 to lie about a boring task to future subjects

  • cognitive dissonance

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Latane & Darley

Emergency situation created to test people’s helping behavior

  • diffusion of responsibility

  • bystander intervention

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Muzafer Sherif

Boy’s camp study where an emergency required group cooperation

  • contact theory

  • superordinate goal

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Aronson and Gonzales

Devised a teaching strategy (jigsaw) making Anglo and Latino children interdependent on each other

  • jigsaw classroom

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Rosenthal and Jacobsen

Teachers were told prior to school year to expect certain students to “bloom” academically during the year

  • self-fulfiling prophecy

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Looked at the effect of an audience when learned had learned task well or were just beginning to learn it

  • social facilitation

  • social impairment

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Social impairment

When first learning a new task, performing in front of others leads to the opposite tendency

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Group polarization

When we are in a group of like-minded people, our decisions can become very extreme

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If some members of the group do not speak out and a bad conclusion is made

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Minority influence

One member of the jury held that a man is innocent, and all the other jurors wanted to leave, so they all agreed, as each juror supported conviction, members of the group became even more sure it was right

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Diffusion of responsbility

Reduces the sense of personal responsibility that any one person feels to help another in need and increase in proportion to the size of the group present

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Individuals engage in acts of selfless sacrifice for others

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Social cognition

The way people gather, use, interpret information about the social aspects of the world around them

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Attribution theory

Why people behave the way they do

  • dispositional attributions

  • situational attributions

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Self-serving bias

We attribute our achievements and successes to personal stable causes and our failures to situational factors

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Fundamental attribution error

Tendency to underestimate the impact of situational factors and overestimate the impact of personal factors when assessing why other people acted the way they did

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Actor-observer bias

Tendency to attribute our own behavior to situational causes and behavior of others to personal causes

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Just-world phenomenon

believe that people get what they deserve

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Self-fullfilling prophecy

Tendency to let our preconceived expectations of others influence how we treat them, and thus bring about the behavior we expected

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Implicit bias

Unconscious attribution of particular qualities to members of a particular group

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Scapegoat theory

When our self-worth is in jeopardy, we become frustrated and try to find others to blame

  • hitler and the jews

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belief that our culture is superior to others

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Out-group homogeneity

Tendency to believe all members of another group are more similar than is true

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Contact theory

Equal status contact between antagonistic groups should lower tension and increase harmony

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Mere exposure effect

the more we come into contact with something, the more we are to like that thing

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Normative social influence

going along with the decision of a group in order to gain social approval

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Informational social influence

accepting others opinions about reality, especially under conditions of uncertainty

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Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon

Tendency to comply with a large request if we have previously complied with a smaller request

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They gift something small, and then ask for a donation, we are obliged to give one

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Elaboration likelihood model

  • central route of persuasion

  • peripheral route

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central route of persuasion

speaker uses facts, figures, other information

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Peripheral route

Superficial information to distract the audience, usually in sales

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Cognitive dissonance

tension that results from holding conflicting beliefs, attitudes, opinions, or values, or when our actions do not coincide with these cognitions

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Instrumental aggression

purpose is that satisfaction of some goal behavior ro benefit

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Hostile aggression

A person feels pain, anger, frustration

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