Which government building was stormed by revolutionary citizens on July 14th, 1789?
The Bastille
Which social class made up the Second Estate in France before the revolution?
Napoleon Bonaparte was a brilliant military leader who could be described as…
Ruthless & Ambitious
Who was executed during the Reign of Terror?
Both men and women who disagreed with how the Revolution was going were executed.
“Let them eat cake” was a phrase mistakenly attributed to which French Revolution figure?
Marie Antoinette
The people of France felt how about the King & Queen?
Hated or Despised
Which important figure(s) of the French Revolution were guillotined?
Maximilien Robespierre, Louis XVI, and Marie Antoinette
On June 20th French politicians at Versailles swore an oath in a hall used for which sport?
Tennis/on a tennis court.
Causes of the French Revolution to 1789?
Excessive and unfair taxation, food shortages, high prices, and Royalty negligence
What was the name of the first governing body of revolutionary France?
The National Assembly
Maximilien Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries belonged to which political club?
The Third Estate was made up of what group of people?
A device that dropped a heavy sharp blade through a victim's neck.
A term that describes Napoleon Bonaparte’s ability to unify the French people by appealing to a strong sense of French identity?
Economic causes of the French Revolution?
Tithes, Forced paying for roads & bridges, and Peasants paying a land tax
This person emerged as emperor of France after the revolution and wanted to take over all of Europe.
Napoleon Bonaparte
This French Estate was 97% of the total number of people in France.
Third Estate
What is included in The Declaration of the Rights of Man?
All men are born free and equal, freedom from unlawful arrest, freedom of the speech, press, and religion.
Which food crop came from the "Columbian Exchange" that made food production increase & be easier in England?
What domestic crop took the place of wool during the Industrial Revolution?
Which TWO resources were needed & in abundance in England to fuel the Industrial Revolution?
Coal & Iron
The Industrial Revolution began where?
What were working conditions in a cotton mill like?
Dirty, poor ventilation, and had dangerous machines
What is the effect of perfected scientific agriculture in England?
Increase of food production.
The food supply growth in England led to what?
Increase of population.
The two step process to make cloth…
Spinning thread and then weaving thread into cloth with a loom.
James Watt improved what machine?
The Steam Engine
The steam engine improvement had this effect on textile factories.
Factories could be built away from rivers.
High quality iron & steam engines led to this important new invention.
Locomotive Trains
How did the invention of trains change the world?
People did not have to live/travel near/on a river.
What would business owners do that grew the economy?
Reinvest their profits into new equipment.
How did factory owners & managers train workers in a factory?
Unskilled workers had to do one job over and over again.
Where did over 50% of people in England live by 1850?
In cities/urban areas.
Increased urban/city populations led to what kind of living conditions?
Poor/harsh living conditions in slums.
What is a "Commercial Capitalism" economic system?
A economic system based on trading between countries.
What are "Middle Class" jobs during the Industrial Revolution?
Factory owner, manager, doctor, teacher, and banker
How much would workers work BEFORE labor laws were made in Britain?
They would work 12-16 hours, 6 days a week.
Because factory owners usually had control of the town the factory was in, what usually happened to a worker after losing their job?
Get evicted (removed) from their apartment/home.
With new labor laws enacted, British children under what age could no longer work in mines or factories?
9 years old
When men started taking over jobs outside the home, women did what?
Went back home to do home chores & some low paying jobs at home like laundry.
By the 1850s, terrible working conditions in factories and mines led to which new economic system?
Socialist intellectuals believed in what?
Equality for all people and replacing competition with cooperation.
In a Socialist system, who owns the means of production such as factories and mines?
The government
Who started a socialist society in New Lanark, Scotland?
Robert Owen
What happened to a socialist community that was formed in New Harmony, Indiana?
It was unsuccessful/failed.