Earth Art

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Earth Art

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Earth Art

A large-scale outdoor installation

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1960s and 1970s

Earthworks were part of the wider conceptual art movement in the ____ and ____

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Aesthetic Statement

Transformation of a natural site into an _____

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Commercialization and Commodification

A response to the _____ of art in the 1960s

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Natural Materials

Land artists often use _____ such as rocks, wood, leaves, and soil to create their works

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Natural Processes

Subject to _____ such as erosion, decay, and weathering

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Robert Smithson

1970, Northeastern shore of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, 6,000 tons of black basalt rocks and earth

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Walter de Maria

Lightning Fields, 1977, New Mexico, USA

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Lightning Fields

An area of one mile by one kilometer, comprising 400 stainless steel poles arranged in a grid pattern, Each pole stands 20 feet tall and is spaced 220 feet apart

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Andy Goldsworthy

English sculptor, photographer, and environmentalist, Produces site-specific sculptures and land art situated in natural and urban settings

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