Human Rights
Basic claims and entitlements inherent to all individuals, essential for living a life of dignity and considered universal.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The document adopted by the UN in 1948 marking the start of formal discussions on human rights globally.
The concept associated with fairness and individuals receiving what they deserve, often viewed through the lens of individual rights.
The condition of being free, divided into positive liberty (autonomy to act) and negative liberty (freedom from coercion).
Egalitarian Theories
Theories asserting that all individuals possess equal intrinsic value, linking equality to justice and fairness.
Positive Human Rights
Rights that enable individuals to act and realize their potential, often requiring assistance or provision.
Negative Human Rights
Rights that protect individuals from interference or coercion by others or the state.
The mutual dependence between two or more people or entities.
Inalienable Rights
Rights that cannot be taken away or given up.
Indivisible Rights
Rights that are interconnected and cannot be separated or prioritized.
International Criminal Court (ICC)
A court located in The Hague that prosecutes individuals for international crimes, including human rights violations.
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Organizations that protect and monitor human rights through advocacy, education, and mobilization of public efforts.
Cultural Relativism
The perspective that beliefs and practices should be understood based on one's own culture, often complicating the concept of universal human rights.
The idea that there is a universal human nature that transcends traditional boundaries, often associated with Western values.
Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Rights that include sovereignty, land rights, and the right to education and liberty.
UN Treaty Bodies
Committees established by the United Nations to monitor the implementation of human rights treaties.
Advantages of Treaty Bodies
Benefits include individualized attention to human rights issues and the creation of national action plans for protections.
Disadvantages of Treaty Bodies
Limitations include lack of binding power unless countries agree and limited resources focused on specific commitments.
Human Rights Violations
Acts that infringe upon the basic rights and freedoms entitled to individuals, as seen in cases like the Indigenous Children Mass Graves in Canada.
Amnesty International
An NGO that focuses on the protection and monitoring of human rights through education and advocacy.