Chem 8LC

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The solids obtained by vacuum filtration is mostly pure. Which of the following statements is false?

  • the product is a solid that can be isolated by filtration

  • most unreacted indene should pass through the filter because it is a liquid

  • acetonitrile and indene are possible impurities contaminating the product

  • formation of a diastereomeric product is possible, which can contaminate the major product

  • vacuum filtration is capable of removing impurities because it is similar column chromatography

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Pre-labs and procedures for labs 1-8

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The solids obtained by vacuum filtration is mostly pure. Which of the following statements is false?

  • the product is a solid that can be isolated by filtration

  • most unreacted indene should pass through the filter because it is a liquid

  • acetonitrile and indene are possible impurities contaminating the product

  • formation of a diastereomeric product is possible, which can contaminate the major product

  • vacuum filtration is capable of removing impurities because it is similar column chromatography

vacuum filtration is capable of removing impurities because it is similar column chromatography

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You will be "rotovapping" a 1:1 mixture of acetonitrile/water. It is unlikely that all of the solvent will evaporate. Which solvent will remain and why?

  • acetonitrile will remain because it has a higher boiling point

  • acetonitrile will remain because it has a lower boiling point

  • acetonitrile will remain because it is organic and organic solvents are harder to evaporate

  • water will remain because it was a higher boiling point

  • water will remain because it has a lower boiling point

water will remain because it has a higher boiling point

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What is Oxone?

  • O2

  • O3

  • KHSO5

  • KHSO4

  • a 2:1:1 mixture of KHSO5/KHSO4/K2SO4

a 2:1:1 mixture of KHSO5/KHSO4/K2SO4

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How many mL of indene should you measure out if 2.15 mmol is required for the experiment? The density, ρ, of indene 0.997 g/mL.

  • 0.233mL

  • 2.33mL

  • 0.025mL

  • 0.25mL

  • 2.5mL

0.25 mL

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Oxone consists of a 2:1:1 molar mixture of KHSO5 (152.20 g/mol), KHSO4 (136.17 g/mol), and K2SO4 (174.26 g/mol). KHSOand K2SO4 act to stabilize the active oxidant. Based on their molecular weights, approximately 49.5% of the Oxone reagent measured out will correspond to the active oxidant. How many mmol of KHSO5 is present in 1 gram of Oxone? 

3.29 mmol 

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Which of the following is not a vicinal halohydrin?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • E


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Which of the following atoms or groups are arranged in a vicinal relationship?

  • OH and CH3

  • Cl and H

  • OH and Ph

  • OH and F

  • Cl and CH3

OH and CH3

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Will this reaction be successful in producing an iodonium ion? 

  • Yes: NaI is a good source of iodine

  • Yes: NaI is a good electrophile

  • No: the alkene is a poor nucleophile

  • No: iodonium ions are unstable

  • No: NaI is not an electrophilic iodine source

No: NaI is not an electrophilic iodine source

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Which is the correct chloronium ion formed in the following reaction? 

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • E


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Why does the nucleophile attack the halonium ion? [select multiple]

  • the halonium ion is electron-rich and likes electrons

  • the halogen is electronegative and renders the adjacent carbon atoms electrophilic

  • attacking the halonium ion opens the 3-membered ring to produce a molecule with less strain

  • the nucleophile is electron-poor and therefore interacts with the electron-rich halonium ion

  • the halogen is electropositive and renders the adjacent carbon atoms nucleophilic

  • the halogen is electronegative and renders the adjacent carbon atoms electrophilic 

  • attacking the halonium ion opens the 3-membered ring to produce a molecule with less strain 

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Which of the following are true regarding alkenes?

  • alkenes contain a triple bond

  • alkenes and olefins refer to different functional groups

  • alkenes are C=N bonds

  • alkenes are C=O bonds

  • alkenes are C=C bonds

alkenes are C=C bonds

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How many alkenes are in palbociclib?Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 12.38.37 PM.png

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7


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Which of the following statements are FALSE regarding carbonyl compounds?

  • aldehydes and ketones are carbonyl compounds

  • carbonyl compounds have C=O bonds

  • carbonyl compounds have triple bonds

  • amides and esters are carbonyl compounds

  • none of the above

carbonyl compounds have triple bonds

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Is the product of this reaction a stabilized or unstabilized ylide?

  • stabilized ylide

  • unstabilized ylide

  • neither stabilized nor unstabilized

  • not enough information to determine

unstabilized ylide

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Which of the product is correct for this reaction?

  • Z-alkene

  • E-alkene

  • both are correct

  • both are incorrect


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How many hydrogens are on each of the indicated carbons?

  • a=2 b=2

  • a=1 b=2

  • a=1 b=1

  • a=2 b=0

  • a=2 b=1

a=2 b=1

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Select all that is true regarding Nafion resin 417.

  • it is a solvent for Fischer esterification

  • it protonates the carboxylic acid

  • it is a superacid

  • it is a catalyst

  • it is a superbase

  • it protonates the carboxylic acid

  • it is a superacid

  • it is a catalyst

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The molecular ion, M+, is

  • an ionized fragment of the molecule that is smaller than the molecular weight

  • a positively charged molybdenum ion

  • the ionized form of the molecule with a mass that corresponds to the molecular weight of the molecule

  • the largest peak in the NMR spectrum

  • always the tallest signal in the mass spectrum

the ionized form of the molecule with a mass that corresponds to the molecular weight of the molecule

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The molecular ion for an unknown carboxylic acid has m/z = 122. Using the Rule of 13, determine a possible molecular formula. Hint: consider how many oxygen atoms a carboxylic acid should have.

  • C9H14

  • C9H5

  • C8H10O

  • C7H6O2

  • C6H2O3


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Which of the following molecules has 2 degrees of unsaturations?

  • cyclohexane

  • cyclohexene

  • cyclopentane

  • benzene

  • cyclohexadiene


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How many degrees of unsaturation does the compound with molecular formula C6H12O6 have?

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


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Which signal in the above 13C NMR spectrum is characteristic of the ester carbonyl carbon?

  • δ14

  • δ19

  • δ22

  • δ31

  • δ65

  • δ171


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Which is true of the signal at δ1.4?

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  • triplet representing 2 hydrogens

  • singlet; hydrogens have 2 hydrogen neighbors

  • triplet representing 3 hydrogens

  • quintet; hydrogens have 4 hydrogen neighbors

  • sextet; hydrogens have 5 hydrogen neighbors

sextet; hydrogens have 5 hydrogen neighbors

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What is glacial acetic acid?

  • acetic acid that contains minimal water

  • regular vinegar

  • acetic acid extracted from glaciers

  • acetic acid with ice

  • a specific brand of acetic acid

acetic acid that contains minimal water

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When extracting water with diethyl ether, which of the follow statement(s) are correct?

  • Diethyl ether is more dense than water

  • Water is more dense than diethyl ether

  • Water is the bottom layer

  • Diethyl ether is the bottom layer

  • The organic and aqueous layers are completely miscible

  • Water is more dense than diethyl ether

  • Water is the bottom layer

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What important information can be derived from IR spectroscopy?

  • the total number of carbons in the molecule

  • the total number of hydrogens in the molecule

  • the shape of the molecule

  • the melting and boiling points of the sample

  • key functional groups present in the sample

key functional groups present in the sample

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What is a heterocycle?

  • a molecule that contains two different rings

  • any cyclic ring structure

  • a cyclic ring structure that contains only carbons and hydrogens

  • a cyclic ring structure that contains any element(s) outside of carbons and hydrogens

  • a non-cyclic molecule that becomes a cyclic molecule

a cyclic ring structure that contains any element(s) outside of carbons and hydrogens

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Which of the follow molecules represent an unsubstituted amine(s)?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • E

  • A, C, and E


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Which of the following molecules represent a disubstituted amine?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • E


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In Figure 2 above, why is the SN2 reaction a poor choice for synthesizing substituted amines?

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  • only 1 product can be formed from an SN2 reaction

  • amines do not participate in SN2 reactions

  • the primary amine is too nucleophilic

  • amines' nucleophilicities increase with increasing substitution, which leads to multiple products

  • the quaternary ammonium salt is not nucleophilic enough to react further

amines' nucleophilicities increase with increasing substitution, which leads to multiple products

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Which of the following are true regarding the mechanism of imine formation? [select multiple]

  • The aldehyde attacks the amine

  • the amine attacks the carbonyl

  • formation of the hemiaminal is reversible

  • formation of the imine is reversible

  • the hemiaminal is more stable than the starting aldehyde and amine

  • the amine attacks the carbonyl

  • formation of the hemiaminal is reversible

  • formation of the imine is reversible

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<p>Predict the product of the following reaction. [free response]</p><p></p>

Predict the product of the following reaction. [free response]


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Predict the product for the following reaction:

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • C and D


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The synthesis of compound X requires 2 steps. The first step was accomplished in 80% yield and the second step in 90% yield. What is the overall yield of the 2-step synthesis?

  • 80%

  • 90%

  • 81%

  • 64%

  • 72%


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What is the purpose of mixing the 2 solids with a stirring rod?

  • to prepare the substances to react at a later stage

  • to purify the two solids

  • to recrystallize the two solids

  • to induce a chemical reaction between the two solids

  • it doesn't accomplish anything

to induce a chemical reaction between the two solids

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What can happen if too much hexanes is used in the recrystallization?

  • the recrystallization yield can be low or even no crystals may form

  • hexanes is a non-polar solvent so there is no consequence for using too much

  • hexanes is a polar solvent so it can absorb water and complicate the recrystallization process

  • the yield will be >100%

  • the product may decompose

the recrystallization yield can be low or even no crystals may form

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What is the most important piece of information that we can obtain from the IR spectrum at this step?

  • product formation can be distinguished by looking at the C-H stretches between 2850-3150 cm-1

  • product formation can be distinguished by looking for a new C=O stretch at approximately 1700 cm-1

  • product formation can be distinguished by the presence of an O-H stretch between 3200-3400 cm-1

  • product formation can be distinguished by looking for new C=C stretches at approximately 1600-1650 cm-1

  • product formation can be distinguished by the disappearance of the C=O stretch at approximately 1700 cm-1

product formation can be distinguished by the disappearance of the C=O stretch at approximately 1700 cm-1

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Is p-toluidine or o-vanillin expected to be more polar?

  • they are both equally polar

  • p-toluidine

  • o-vanillin

  • p-toluidine is more polar only in polar solvents

  • it is impossible to distinguish


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Ethanol - Is the highlighted atom best described as a hydrogen, proton, or hydride?

  • proton

  • hydride

  • hydrogen

  • All of the above

  • None of the above


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LiAlH4 - Is the highlighted atom best described as a hydrogen, proton, or hydride?

  • proton

  • hydride

  • hydrogen

  • all of the above

  • none of the above


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Acetic acid - Is the highlighted atom best described as a hydrogen, proton, or hydride?

  • proton

  • hydride

  • hydrogen

  • all of the above

  • none of the above


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Methyl acetate - Is the highlighted atom best described as a hydrogen, proton, or hydride?

  • proton

  • hydride

  • hydrogen

  • all of the above

  • none of the above


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Benzene - Is the highlighted atom best described as a hydrogen, proton, or hydride?

  • proton

  • hydride

  • hydrogen

  • all of the above

  • none of the above


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Pyridinium - Is the highlighted atom best described as a hydrogen, proton, or hydride?

  • proton

  • hydride

  • hydrogen

  • all of the above

  • none of the above


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Wilkinson's catalyst - Is the highlighted atom best described as a hydrogen, proton, or hydride?

  • proton

  • hydride

  • hydrogen

  • all of the above

  • none of the above


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Predict the product of the reaction below:


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What is the purpose of saving some imine for TLC analysis? Select all that apply.

  • to add to the reaction in case something goes wrong

  • it helps the solvent elute faster during tlc analysis

  • to decrease the melting point

  • to determine reaction progress 

  • to compare the Rf's of the starting material and product

  • to prevent imine from decomposing

  • to determine reaction progress 

  • to compare the Rf's of the starting material and product

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A gas is formed in this step from the quenching of any unreacted borohydride. What is this gas?

  • hydrogen gas

  • helium gas

  • oxygen gas

  • air

  • steam

hydrogen gas

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What should be in the organic layer?

  • ethyl acetate only

  • ethyl acetate and NaBH4

  • NaBH4 and amine product

  • ethyl acetate and amine product

  • water and byproducts from NaBH4

ethyl acetate and amine product

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What is the purpose of washing the organic layer with brine?

  • it removes NaCl from the organic layer

  • it removes amine from the organic layer

  • it removes water from the organic layer

  • it purifies the organic layer

  • it purifies both the organic and aqueous layers

it removes water from the organic layer

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What structural feature of ethyl acetate will complicate the IR spectrum?

  • the methyl C-H bonds

  • the ethyl C-H bonds

  • the C=O double bond of the ester

  • the C-O single bond of the ester

  • both A & B

the C=O double bond of the ester

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A TLC analysis using 30% EtOAc in hexanes indicated an Rf = 0.63 for the product. What should you do from here?

  • Record the Rf and proceed with the experiment according to the procedure

  • Repeat the TLC analysis using a solvent mixture with greater polarity (50% EtOAc in hexanes) to increase the Rf further

  • Repeat the TLC analysis using a solvent mixture with lower polarity (15% EtOAc in hexanes) to decrease the Rf to about 0.3

  • Repeat the experiment entirely because something went wrong

  • Ask TA for help because it is impossible to obtain an Rf = 0.63

Repeat the TLC analysis using a solvent mixture with lower polarity (15% EtOAc in hexanes) to decrease the Rf to about 0.3

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Which of the following statements are true with respect to Figure 3?

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  • SN2 reactions can proceed with iodobenzene

  • SN1 reaction can proceed with iodobenzene

  • SN2 reactions cannot proceed with iodobenzene

  • Aniline can be synthesized through a reductive amination

  • Aniline can neither be synthesized from SN2 reactions nor reductive aminations

Aniline can neither be synthesized from SN2 reactions nor reductive aminations

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Which of the following statements are true for household bleach? (Select all that apply.)

  • bleach contains 5.25%-5.75% sodium hypochlorite

  • bleach is mainly chlorine gas

  • bleach is mainly sodium hydroxide

  • sodium hypochlorite is in equilibrium with chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide

  • sodium hypochlorite is safe when dilute

  • bleach contains 5.25%-5.75% sodium hypochlorite

  • sodium hypochlorite is in equilibrium with chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide

  • sodium hypochlorite is safe when dilute

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What is the role of bleach in this experiment?

  • to disinfect glassware

  • to kill bacteria that would interfere with the Hofmann rearrangement

  • to be used as a clean source of water

  • to be used as a convenient source of chlorine

  • to be used as a source of strong acid

to be used as a convenient source of chlorine

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How much sodium hypochlorite (in grams) is in 9.0 mL of 5.75% bleach solution?

  • 5.2g

  • 9.0g

  • 52g

  • 5.75g

  • 0.52g


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What is the purpose of adding sodium bisulfite solution?

  • it is a strong acid to react with sodium hydroxide

  • it is a strong base to react with 3-nitrobenzamide

  • it is a reducing agent to neutralize unreacted chlorine

  • it helps to cool the reaction mixture

  • it is an oxidant to neutralize unreacted chlorine

it is a reducing agent to neutralize unreacted chlorine

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Predict the product of the following reaction.


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Predict the product of the following reaction.


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Predict the product of the following reaction.


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How many acetal functional groups are in this molecule?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • None


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What is the role of para-toluenesulfonic acid?

  • it is the solvent

  • it is the acid catalyst that reacts with benzaldehyde dimethylacetal

  • it is the acid catalyst that reacts with acetonitrile

  • it is the acid catalyst that reacts with the sugar

  • it removes water from the reaction

it is the acid catalyst that reacts with benzaldehyde dimethylacetal

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What is triethylamine reacting with?

  • acetonitrile

  • unreacted sugar starting material

  • unreacted benzaldehyde dimethylacetal

  • para-toluenesulfonic acid

  • water

para-toluenesulfonic acid

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Which of the following is/are true regarding the organic layer? (select all that applies)

  • the organic layer is consists of ethyl acetate & acetonitrile & organic product

  • the organic layer consists of ethyl acetate only

  • the organic layer is beneath the aqueous layer

  • the organic layer is above the aqueous layer

  • the organic layer consists primarily of water

  • the organic layer is consists of ethyl acetate & acetonitrile & organic product

  • the organic layer is above the aqueous layer

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What happens if one were to use too much DCM?

  • the yield will increase because more solids will precipitate

  • the yield will decrease because the product decomposes

  • the product will revert back to starting material (i.e. deprotection)

  • the solution will not be saturated and the product will not precipitate as easily or at all

  • there should be no consequences

the solution will not be saturated and the product will not precipitate as easily or at all

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The pKa's refer to the protons highlighted in blue. Select all of the correct statements.

  • Butane is more acidic than acetone

  • Acetone is more acidic than butane

  • Butane can be deprotonated by NaOH (pKa = 15) or LDA (pKa = 35.7)

  • Acetone can be deprotonated by NaOH (pKa = 15) or LDA (pKa = 35.7)

  • Butane can deprotonate acetone

  • Acetone is more acidic than butane

  • Acetone can be deprotonated by NaOH (pKa = 15) or LDA (pKa = 35.7)

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Which of the following statements is false?

  • The higher the pKa, the harder it is to deprotonate the hydrogens

  • The higher the pKa, the easier it is to deprotonate the hydrogens

  • The pKa of a molecule is low when the molecule can form a stabilized carbanion after deprotonation

  • Deprotonation of acetone forms a stabilized enolate carbanion

  • Acetone is more acidic than pentane

The higher the pKa, the easier it is to deprotonate the hydrogens

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Identify the main electrophile in the reaction depicted in Figure 3?


  • aldehyde

  • ketone

  • β-Hydroxyketone

  • HCl

  • αβ-Unsaturated ketone


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Which of the molecules drawn on the product side of the chemical reaction is incorrect?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D


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What is the product of the aldol reaction?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • This reaction as drawn does not work


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Why is a reflux condenser needed for this experiment?

  • It is not really necessary

  • To prevent dust and dirt in the air from entering the reaction apparatus

  • It helps to heat the reaction mixture

  • It prevents the solvent from boiling away by condensing the vapors

It prevents the solvent from boiling away by condensing the vapors

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What is the purpose of adding 6 M HCl?

  • To protonate the aldehyde

  • To react with acetone

  • To promote elimination of water in the aldol condensation

  • To heat up the ice

To promote elimination of water in the aldol condensation

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What is the solid precipitate that forms when the mixture is acidified with 6 M HCl?

  • Hydrogen chloride

  • The β-hydroxyketone

  • Sodium chloride

  • αβ-Unsaturated ketone

  • Vanillin

αβ-Unsaturated ketone

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Which of the following statement is false regarding TLC analysis?

  • It provides an indication of the progress of the reaction.

  • It provides information on the purity of the substance.

  • Silica gel acts as the stationary phase.

  • Ethyl acetate acts as the mobile phase.

  • Hexanes acts as the stationary phase.

Hexanes acts as the stationary phase.

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