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An area organized by an established government, with control over internal and foreign affairs, defined territory, permanent population, and recognized by other states.
States with very small land areas; The Vatican is the largest microstate at 0.44 square kilometers.
Independence from control of its internal affairs by other states.
Sovereign States
States that have total control over their internal and foreign affairs.
The process by which a land area is established under a jurisdiction.
Formal Uniform Region
An area within which everyone shares one or more distinctive characteristics.
A large group of people united by common cultural characteristics, such as language and ethnicity, or by shared history.
A group of people sharing common cultural characteristics whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular nation.
The concept that nations have the right to govern themselves.
Stateless Nation
A nation of people without a state that considers it home.
Multiethnic State
A state that contains more than one ethnicity.
Multinational State
A state that contains more than one nation.
Multistate Nations
Ethnic or cultural groups that exist across multiple state boundaries.
Buffer States
States that lie between two much larger and more powerful states.
A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being completely independent.
An effort by one country to establish settlements in a territory and impose its political, economic, and cultural principles.
The process by which colonies become independent of the colonizing country.
The control of less developed countries by developed countries using economic, political, and cultural pressures.
Internal Boundaries
Political or administrative lines that separate different regions within a larger governing entity.
International Boundaries
Demarcations that separate two sovereign states, defining their territorial limits.
Autonomous Regions
Administrative divisions within a country that have a certain degree of self-governance.
Semi-Autonomous Regions
Subdivisions that have a degree of autonomy, but not complete sovereignty.
The policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization and military force.
Supranationalism/Supranational Organizations
The process of nation states organizing politically and economically into alliances for collective power.
The process of moving a nation's government from authoritarian to democratic systems.
Subnational Political Territorial Units
regions or entities within a country that possess a degree of autonomy or self-governance
Economies of Scale
The reduction in the per unit cost of production as the volume of production increases.
Trade Agreements
Legal pacts between two or more countries outlining trade rules.
Military Alliances
Formal agreements between nations specifying mutual obligations regarding national security.
Balance of Power
A condition of roughly equal strength between opposing alliances.
Unitary State
A state where most power is in the hands of central government officials.
Federal State
A state that allocates strong power to units of local government.
Centripetal Force
A force that tends to unify people.
Centrifugal Force
A force that tends to pull people apart.
Failed States
States that are no longer working in their political structure.
Uneven Development
The unequal distribution of resources, wealth, and opportunities across regions.
Ethnic Nationalist Movements
Collective ideas and actions designed to promote the identity and rights of an ethnicity.
Independence Movements
Efforts by groups within a country to gain political autonomy and establish sovereignty.
Devolution/Devolutionary Pressures
The breakup of a state or transfer of authority from a central government to smaller organizations.
The process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities.
Ethnic Homogeneity
a sense of common identity — a common language, a common culture, perhaps a common ancestry, etc
a region experiencing continued pressures from internal and external forces resulting in conflict, separatist movements, and division; a region in which internal, geographical, cultural, religious, and political fragmentation is compounded by pressures from external major powers attracted by the region’s strategic location and economic resources
often emerges in response to perceived threats against an ethnic group's identity, leading to movements that seek greater autonomy or independence
loyalty and devotion to a nationality
challenges existing notions of sovereignty by asserting that groups within a state have the right to seek independence or greater autonomy based on their unique identities
Ethnic Separatism
the advocacy for the separation of a particular ethnic group from a larger political entity, often driven by the desire for self-determination, autonomy, or independence
the concept of reuniting a historical group that was divided
Ethnic Cleansing
The systematic removal or extermination of an ethnic group from a particular territory.
The threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political goal.
the mass killing of a group of people in an attempt to eliminate the entire group from existence
a political movement aimed at gaining independence or autonomy for a particular group or region within a larger political entity
Separatist Movements
efforts by a group within a larger political entity to gain independence or autonomy from that entity, often based on ethnic, cultural, or religious identities
European Union (EU)
An international alliance formed to promote economic cooperation and healing post WWII.
African Union (AU)
An intergovernmental organization to promote unity and development among African states.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
a regional grouping that aims to promote economic and security cooperation among its ten members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)
A group formed to promote trade and sharing of resources in Communist Eastern Europe.
United Nations (UN)
An international organization focused on peace and security globally.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
A military alliance among democratic states in Europe and North America.
The Warsaw Pact
A military agreement among Communist Eastern European countries.
An invisible line that marks the end of a state’s territory.
A zone where no state exercises complete political control.
Compact State
States where the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly.
Elongated State
States that are long and thin, suffering from poor internal communications.
Prorupted State
Compact states with a larger projecting extension.
Fragmented State
A state divided into several discontinuous pieces of territory.
Perforated State
A state that completely surrounds another state.
Landlocked State
A state that lacks a direct outlet to a sea.
Cultural Boundaries
Borders between different ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups.
Religious Boundaries
A demarcation separating different religious groups.
Language Boundaries
Boundaries based on different language speakers.
Relic Boundaries
Boundaries that no longer exist but hold historical significance.
Superimposed Boundaries
Political boundaries drawn with disregard for cultural and ethnic divisions.
Subsequent Boundaries
Political boundaries established after cultural or social landscapes have developed.
Antecedent Boundaries
Boundaries that existed before settlement in that area occurred.
Geometric Boundaries
Boundaries following straight lines with little relation to landscapes.
Consequent Boundaries
Boundaries formed based on the cultural or ethnic characteristics of a population.
Defined Boundaries
Specific and clear demarcations of a territory defined by political means.
Delimited Boundaries
Boundaries drawn on a map by geographers.
Demarcated Boundaries
Defined lines that mark a state's territory using markers.
Administered Boundaries
Maintenance of a boundary by government enforcement.
Demilitarized Zones
Regions where military forces are prohibited, established to reduce conflict.
Defacto Boundaries
not agreed upon and disputed but still functioning as a boundary
Berlin Conference
An 1884 meeting to divide Africa among European powers.
Land Boundaries
formed by physical features like rivers or mountains, providing a clear demarcation based on geography
Maritime Boundaries
Legal delineations establishing limits of a state's jurisdiction over sea areas.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
An international treaty outlining nations' rights regarding the oceans.
Artic Council
The Arctic Council acts as a forum for cooperation and coordination among the Arctic States, but it is not a true international organization with rule-making power. All decision-making is done on a consensus basis, and treaties negotiated in the Council are enacted between the Arctic States without reference to the Council as a legal entity.
International Waters/High Seas
the areas of the sea that are not under the jurisdiction of any country
Territorial Seas/Waters
up to 12 nautical miles from shore (about 22 kilometers or 14 land miles) a state may set laws regulating passage by ships registered in other states
Contiguous Zone
between 12 and 24 nautical miles from shore, a state may enforce laws concerning pollution, taxation, customs, and immigration
Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)
between 24 and 200 nautical miles, a state has the sole right to the fish and other marine life
Voting Districts
specific geographic areas defined for the purpose of electing representatives to government bodies
the process of redrawing the boundaries of electoral districts to reflect changes in population and ensure fair representation
the redrawing legislative boundaries to benefit the party in power
geographic locations where the flow of people and goods can be constricted and choked off in the event of a conflict
real estate agents convinced white homeowners living near a black area to sell their houses at low prices, preying on their feats that black families would soon move into the neighborhood and cause property values to decline
a process by which financial institutions draw red-colored lines on a map and refuse to lend money for people to purchase or improve property within the lines