ceded New France to Great Britain during the French and Indian War
poor economic policies drove them into more debt
economic issues
far-reaching change demands
no powerful parliament with Burbons (abs monarchs)
Palace of Versailles cost half of the national budget and the additions made to house the nobles were costly
France was a:
Center of Enligtenment
leader in scientific advances
prosporus in foreign trade
97% of people belonged to the Third Estate
First group - Bourgeoisie (middle class)
Well educated, some were rich
Second group - Workers
Poorest group, tradespeople
Third group - Peasants
80% of France’s 26 mil people
They resented the clergy and nobles for their privileges and special treatment. The third estate themselves had little rights and paid half of their income in taxes while the other estates paid nothing.
power and authority
sucess of the american revolution
the questioning of the long-standing societal structure
construction workers
street sellers
begging and crime
heavy taxes made it impossible to conduct profitable businuess
bad weather caused widespread crop falures
food became scarce and expensive so people starved to death
no one was happy so peasants rioted nobles houses
Louis XVI’s financial advisor
reduced extravagant spending
abolished burdensome tariffs
published doings of the treasury which won him the public’s favor
dissmissed when he called for the first and second estates to be taxed
Notables refused changes to taxation system: goverment expenditures cut, trade restrictions removed, and limiting the taxation privileges of the first and second estates.
Even though it was last called in 1614 because absolute monarchs had no need to meet with parliament officials since they had full control.
Legeslative body containing representatives from each estate.
urged fro fairer taxes
freedom of the press
regular EG meetings
worst famine in history
80% of income was spent on bread
In response to rising bread prices, Parisian women marched to the Palace of Versailles
They demanded that Louis return to Paris
Signaled the change of power and radical reforms about to overtake France
Influenced by the Declaration of Independence
“Men are born and remain free and equal in rights”
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
Guaranteed men equal justice, freedoms of speech and religion
Natural rights and fair taxation also promised
Government existed to protect natural rights
All citizens were equal before the law
anyone could hold office
No incarceration without a crime
Limited monarchy was established, stripping the king of much of his power, ending royal absolutism
legeslative assembly formed
make laws
collect taxes
make decisions about war and peace
elected tax paying males over 25
king still had executive power
Monarchs and nobles in other countries had growing concerns, spread by the emigres. Austria and Prussia urged the French to restore Louis XVI as an absolute monarch (Pillnitz)
National Assembly responds by declaring war
1792, Prussia threatened to destroy Paris if the royal family was harmed Parisians invaded the Tuileries, imprisoned the royal family