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The ability of human beings to access necessities for a happy and healthy life, such as food, water, education, safety, and security.
Human factors affecting wellbeing
Social, economic, historical, and political factors influencing wellbeing, including population changes, inequalities, political instability, and conflict.
Environmental factors affecting wellbeing
Factors like land suitability for agriculture, climate, and presence of natural resources impacting wellbeing.
Qualitative data
Information recorded in words, like describing Uluru as "very large."
Quantitative data
Information recorded as numbers, like stating Uluru is "3.6 kilometers long."
Literacy rate
Statistical measure of the percentage of people in an area who can read and write.
Human Development Index (HDI)
Indicates a country's development status based on factors like life expectancy, education levels, literacy rates, and income per capita.
Gross National Happiness (GNH)
Measure by a country's government to enhance citizens' happiness, focusing on social development, cultural preservation, environmental conservation, and good governance.
Scatter plots
Graph showing data correlation with plotted points on two axes.
Statistical measure showing the relationship between variables, indicating interlinkage but not necessarily causation.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Total monetary value of goods and services produced by a country in a specific time period.
Fertility rate
Average number of children all women in a specific area will have in their lifetime, expressed as births per 1000 women.
Statistical data of a population or specific groups within it, including age, gender, income, and education level.