Well-being hass exam def

Wellbeing is the ability of human beings to access the things they need in order to live happy and healthy lives (e.g. food, water, education, safety and security).


Human factors that affect wellbeing are a combination of different social, economic, historical and political factors. Changes in the size of populations, inequalities between different groups in society, political instability and conflict are all examples of human factors that affect wellbeing. 


Environmental factors that affect wellbeing include the suitability of the land for agriculture, the climate and whether there are any natural resources present in the landscape. In some places, good growing conditions ensure that food is plentiful and minerals in the ground bring wealth and industry. In other places, poor soils or

unreliable rainfall are the key factors that limit people’s wellbeing.




Qualitative data is any information that can be recorded in words (e.g. Uluru is very large).


Quantitative data is any information that can be recorded as numbers (e.g. Uluru is 3.6 kilometres long).


Literacy rate is a statistical measure of the percentage of people in an area or population that can read and write


The Human Development Index (HDI) gives an indication of whether a country is developed, still developing, or underdeveloped based on a range of factors such as life such as life expectancy, education levels, literacy rates, and income levels per capita.


Gross National Happiness is a measure is taken every year as the country’s government attempts to move its citizens towards a happier state. The four guiding principles of GNH are equitable social development, cultural preservation, conservation of the environment and promotion of good governance.

Scatter plots are a type of graph that shows two sets of data by plotted points along two axes, the pattern of which shows their correlation; also called a scatter graph or scattergram


Correlation is a statistical measure that indicates the extent to which two or more variables are related or interlinked. It may or may not indicate causation.


Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total monetary value of all the goods and services produced by a country over a specific time period (usually a year)


Fertility rate is a statistical measure of the average number of children that all women in a particular area or population will have throughout the course of their lives; expressed as births per 1000 women


Demographics is the statistical data of a population or of particular groups within a population, especially those related to average age, gender, income, education level, e
