Napolian Class Notes

  • born in Corsica in Italy.

  • Father apart of noble family,

  • not wealthy,

  • 8 siblings,

  • Corsica just got out of french control,

  • Neapolitan was boarded in a military academy as a teen, (auxiliary)

  • Tensions high in France since they were in revolution, leaving them bank rubbed

  • huge mom would fill the streets in Paris

  • King Louis the 16 was killed/beheaded

  • many armies ready to invade France

  • saved revolution government, receiving a rank (general)

  • put in command of army in Italy

  • came out victorious

  • advanced onto Vivian

  • french gov still in charged

  • 1797 con-quested in Egypt

  • attempt to disrupt English trade

  • french navy didn’t have same dominance as they did on sea, the land France army was better

  • restore nobility in France

  • Napoleon called himself emperor

  • shows irony

  • Napolian is only one in France able to beat other armies

  • clossing gaps between rich and poor

  • 1805 machu… was in his control

  • Napolian lost his navy, making England saved from France

  • Napolian view himself as invincible

  • continued conquest

  • put loyalist government, then relatives to make sure they’re doing everything correct. them

  • Britian and Russia are his real enemies

  • Created a continental system for every country in Europe had to transfer hoods at land, and not at sea since his land army was stronger than the Navy.

  • Spain is only a major country who ignored this, so he created a peninsular war between Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain

  • lasted 1808-1814

  • had his armies to attempt to hold down their trade

  • Spain stopped using the peninsular trade, and traded with Britain

  • Spain and Russia would harass the men back

  • 10k men were fit to combat

  • 1814 Paris fell to the 6 collision

  • Napolian was finally beat, getting exiled

  • but came back and started the war again for 100 days campaign

  • won first few engagement

  • then got defeated by Persia and someone else

  • S. Helena spent the rest of his life here, and slowly died with cancer

  • his ideas still spread making him

  • “Alive”
