born in Corsica in Italy.
Father apart of noble family,
not wealthy,
8 siblings,
Corsica just got out of french control,
Neapolitan was boarded in a military academy as a teen, (auxiliary)
Tensions high in France since they were in revolution, leaving them bank rubbed
huge mom would fill the streets in Paris
King Louis the 16 was killed/beheaded
many armies ready to invade France
saved revolution government, receiving a rank (general)
put in command of army in Italy
came out victorious
advanced onto Vivian
french gov still in charged
1797 con-quested in Egypt
attempt to disrupt English trade
french navy didn’t have same dominance as they did on sea, the land France army was better
restore nobility in France
Napoleon called himself emperor
shows irony
Napolian is only one in France able to beat other armies
clossing gaps between rich and poor
1805 machu… was in his control
Napolian lost his navy, making England saved from France
Napolian view himself as invincible
continued conquest
put loyalist government, then relatives to make sure they’re doing everything correct. them
Britian and Russia are his real enemies
Created a continental system for every country in Europe had to transfer hoods at land, and not at sea since his land army was stronger than the Navy.
Spain is only a major country who ignored this, so he created a peninsular war between Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain
lasted 1808-1814
had his armies to attempt to hold down their trade
Spain stopped using the peninsular trade, and traded with Britain
Spain and Russia would harass the men back
10k men were fit to combat
1814 Paris fell to the 6 collision
Napolian was finally beat, getting exiled
but came back and started the war again for 100 days campaign
won first few engagement
then got defeated by Persia and someone else
S. Helena spent the rest of his life here, and slowly died with cancer
his ideas still spread making him