BISC 101 Test 2

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Physical constraints

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Physical constraints

  • Climate, temperature, aquatic vs terrestrial environments, common competition, other animals, etc.

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Higher surface area to volume =

Better exchange of materials with environment. Larger animals have low surface area: volume ratio due to slower metabolism

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Physiological response

e.g. Hot temperature outside, so an elephant flaps its ears

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Phenotypic Plasticity

e.g. An elephant that grows up in a particular hot climate has developed strong muscles for flapping its ear

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e.g. Elephants have lived for generations in hot climates. They have evolved broad, thin ears

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Stability in the chemical and physical conditions of an organism’s cell, tissues and organs

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Homeostasis Negative Feedback Loop

  • Sensors measure a variable (Temp raised to 39 C)

  • Integrator compares this input to the current set point (37 C)

  • Effectors act to return body to set point (lower to 37 C)

    • The feedback is the reverse of the stimulus/ trigger

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Animals which create most of their own heat and metabolism

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Animals which receive heat primarily from external sources

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Endotherms Pros and Cons

Pros: consistently ideal temperature for active lifestyle, even when environment is cold

Cons: requires much more energy/food to fuel heat production

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Ectotherms Pros and Cons

Pros: needs less food, and saves more energy for growth and reproduction

Cons: low activity levels and metabolism when too cold

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Organisms that are able to maintain different temperatures in different regions. Ex: Bees

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Countercurrent flow

  • Circulatory system arrangement to minimize heat loss (An adaptation to counter cold)

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Why is countercurrent flow necessary?

Without it, lots of heat would be lost to the ground and cold venous blood would need to be re-warmed

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How does countercurrent flow work?

Blood going to extremities is “pre-cooled” then venous blood heated by arterial blood. Arteries and veins are very close together, high SA exists for heat transfer, gradient exists along entire transfer surface

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Factors in maximizing heat transfer

  • A continual heat gradient/ big difference in temperature

  • Distance between two things exchanging heat

  • Surface area over which heat transfer is occurring

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What challenges to osmoregulation do a marine fish, freshwater fish and terrestrial vertebrates face?

Marine fish: gains salt, lose water

Freshwater, lose salts, gain water

Terrestrial vertebrates: lose salts, lose water

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Challenges of osmoregulation for Marine fish

  • Hypertonic environment leads to water loss by osmosis

  • Drinking/ eating brings excess salts

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Solutions of osmoregulation for Marine fish

  • Drinking large volumes of water replenishes water lost by osmosis

  • Active transport of ions out of the body through gills removes excess salt

  • Urine is very salty, very low in volume

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Challenges of osmoregulation for Freshwater fish

  • Hypotonic environment brings in excess water by osmosis

  • Salts are lost by excretion

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Solutions of osmoregulation of Freshwater fish

  • Producing lots of dilute urine removes excess water

  • Salts are actively transported into the body through bills

  • Very little drinking

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Challenges of osmoregulation of sharks

  • Sharks are osmoconformers (isotonic to water), but regulate salt concentrations

  • Maintaining lower NaCl concentrations than seawater

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Solutions of osmoregulation of sharks

  • Rectal gland secretes high concentration of Na+ and Cl- into rectum

    1. Na+/K+ pump: sets up Na+ gradient

    2. Co-transporter uses Na+ gradient to actively pump Cl- and K+

    3. Cl- and K+ channels remove ions by facilitated diffusion

    4. Na+ diffuses between cells into lumen

    5. Gland secretes Na+ and Cl- into rectum

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Challenges of osmoregulation of terrestrial vertebrates

  • Water lost by evaporation

  • Salts lost through sweat

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Solutions of osmoregulation of terrestrial vertebrates

  • Drink/eat to replenish waters and salts

  • Reabsorb water and salts in kidney

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  • Effector for regulation of water, salt and pH balance

  • Excretion for selective removal of nitrogenous wastes, toxins/ chemicals

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Water, Urea + wastes, Excess acid, Excess salt

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  • Blood filtered in the renal corpuscle

  • Reabsorption/ secretion in proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule. optimizes water and solute concentrations

  • Urine excreted via the collecting duct

  • Purpose is to recapture nutrients, salts and water

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Renal corpuscle - Filtration

  • Capillaries in the glomerulus have large poles

  • Blood pressure causes water and small solutes (filtrates) to seep out, into Bowman’s capsule

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Proximal Tubule - Reabsorption

  • Valuable solutes reabsorbed by active or passive transport

  • Water follows by osmosis

  • Water and solutes leaving the nephron are reabsorbed by nearby blood vessels

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Loop of Henle - Reabsorption

  • Water reabsorbed, decreasing urine volume

  • Salt reabsorbed

  • Descending limb of the loop of Henle NOT permeable to salts, VERY permeable to water which results to volume of filtrate to decrease

  • Ascending limb of the loop VERY permeable to salts, NOT permeable to water which results to salts maintaining osmolarity of the medulla

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Distal Tubule - Regulated reabsorption

  • If blood [Na+] is low, the hormone aldosterone is produced

  • Aldosterone activates sodium potassium pumps and sodium proton anti-porters in the distal tubule

  • Results in Na+ reabsorbed, water follows by osmosis and pH levels regulated

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Collecting Duct - Reabsorption

  • Filtrate travels through osmolarity gradient again

  • Water reabsorbed by osmosis

  • Some urea is allowed to leak into the medulla to help maintain osmolarity

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Collecting Duct - Regulated reabsorption

  • Dehydration triggers the release of ADH (antidiuretic hormone)

  • ADH causes cells in the collecting duct to add more aquaporins, retaining water

  • Results in water balance achieved, wastes concentrated and osmotic gradient of kidney maintained

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Countercurrent flow in nephrons

  • Capillaries wrap around the nephron and there are gradients of osmolarity within the nephron

  • Blood travels in the opposite direction of the filtrate to efficiently reabsorb water and solutes by diffusion/ osmosis

  • Capillary absorbs salt from ascending limb of the loop and capillary absorbs water from descending limb of loop

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Digestive system

Purpose is to obtain nutrients from food

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Substances that organisms need to survive. Provide energy and building blocks for maintenance/ growth/ reproduction

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Any material that contains nutrients. But these nutrients are usually not ready for reabsorption and use by animals

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Four main steps for animal digestion

  1. Ingestion - get food into body

  2. Digestion - break down food to release absorbable nutrients

  3. Absorption of nutrients from food

  4. Excretion/ Elimination of wastes and undigested materials

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The Human Digestive System

  • The alimentary canal is one tube

  • Food travels in one direction

  • Many glands secrete in specific locations to help digest food

  • Food digested first, then nutrients absorbed

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Function: Mechanical and chemical digestion

  • Teeth grind and crush foods to increase SA

  • Saliva contains water and mucus to lubricate the food and digestive enzymes

Key Enzymes:

  • Salivary Amylase: digests starch to release maltose

  • Lingual lipase: digests fats to release some fatty acids

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Function: Mechanical and Chemical digestion

  • Stomach muscles contract to churn food into uniform chyme

  • In gastric pits

    • Parietal cells secrete HCl, to lower pH as low as 1.5

    • Chief cells secrete pepsinogen, which is activated to pepsin (lower pH)

    • Mucous cells make mucous to protect the stomach from acid/ pepsin

Key Enzyme:

  • Pepsin: digests protein into smaller polypeptides

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Small Intestine

Function: Chemical digestion and absorption

  • Secretions from liver and pancreas neutralize pH, and supply enzymes

Key enzymes:

  • Pancreatic Amylase: completes starch digestion to monosaccharides

  • Pancreatic Lipase: completes fat digestion releasing fatty acids (with bile salts)

  • Proteolytic enzymes: completes protein digestion to amino acids

Key Adaptations:

  • Huge surface area: long with folds, villi, and microvilli

  • Short distance for nutrient travel: epithelium right next to capillaries

  • Lots of transport proteins: allow nutrients to cross cell membranes

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Where do nutrients go once absorbed?

Lipids: enter lymphatic system which drains into veins near the heart

All other nutrients: enter liver via hepatic portal vein and adjust their concentrations before circulating.

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Large Intestine

Function: Absorption and compaction

  • Water is absorbed before excretion/ elimination

  • Community of beneficial bacterial symbionts help produce nutrients

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Function: Absorption of water and holds feces

  • Water absorbed before excretion/ elimination

  • Feces stored until defecation

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Why is a respiratory system necessary?

  • Cells need O2 to perform cellular respiration, and need to get rid of CO2

  • For most animals, surface area to volume ratio us not sufficient for this gas exchange

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Bulk flow/ convection

Movement of fluid molecules as a group; requires extra energy input into the system

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Partial Pressure

The contribution of a given gas to the total pressure and tells us how much of a gas is available in a given volume.

  • Total pressure of two gasses mixed together is additive

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Fick’s Law of Diffusion

Rate of diffusion of high when:

  • Area for gas exchange (A) is large

  • Distance that the has must travel by diffusion (D) is small

  • Partial Pressure Gradient (P2 - P1) is large

Rate of diffusion: k x A x (P2 - P1)/ D

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Gas exchange in aquatic animals

Water flows:

  • in the mouth

  • over gill filaments (composed of many gill lamellae)

  • out the operculum (stiff flap of tissue covering the gills)

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How do gills maximize efficiency of gas exchange?

  • Area for gas exchanged increased by many thin gill filaments

  • Thin lamellae walls minimize diffusion distance

  • Countercurrent flow of water and blood maintain partial pressure gradients

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Gas exchange in terrestrial vertebrates

Air flows:

  • Down the trachea

  • Into one of 2 bronchi

  • Into one of many bronchioles

  • Into an alveolus (thin walled sac where gas exchange occurs)

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How do lungs maximize efficiency of gas exchange?

  • Area for gas exchanged increased by many alveoli

  • Thin alveolar walls minimize diffusion distance

  • Exhaling pushes out “old” air and inhaling in “new” air to maintain partial pressure gradients

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Ventilation in humans

  • Negative pressure

  • Diaphragm and ribs contract, opening the lungs

  • Low pressure in the lungs causes air to rush in

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Ventilation in frogs

  • Positive pressure

  • Air drawn into oral cavity

  • With nostrils and mouth closed, oral cavity constricts, pushing air into the lungs

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Why don’t humans use countercurrent flow for respiration?

We don’t need it.

  • Fish have a different physical environment where ventilation are more difficult.

  • Water: low oxygen (relatively low PO2); fluid is dense, harder to move around

  • Air: lots of oxygen (relatively high PO2); fluid is light, easier to move around

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Gas exchange as homeostasis

  • Blood CO2 measured by sensor neurons in the brain

  • Integrator compares to setpoint

  • If blood CO2 is high, breathing rate increases (effector)

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Direction of gas flow in Lungs/ Gills

O2 in , CO2 out

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Direction of gas flow in Tissues

O2 out , CO2 in

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Moving gases in animals: diffusion

Gases do not dissolve well in liquid

  • Bind oxygen to a carrier molecule (hemoglobin)

  • Convert CO2 into a chemical that is much more water-soluble (bicarbonate ions)

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What is blood

RBC, plasma, WBC, platelets

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Explain Strategy 1: Bind oxygen to a carrier molecule

  • Hemoglobin protein = 4 polypeptides

  • Each polypeptide binds a heme (a small molecule)

  • Heme contains an iron ion that can bind one O2 molecule

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Explain Strategy 2: Convert CO2 into a chemical that is much more water-soluble

  • Carbonic anhydrase in red blood cells catalyzes this reaction

  • CO2 is depleted, H+ ions are produced

  • Removing CO2 maintains partial pressure - allows more CO2 to diffuse in from tissue

  • H+ binds to hemoglobin

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How are O & CO2 carried in blood?

O is dissolved in the plasma, in the form of bicarbonate. CO2 binds to hemoglobin

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How does hemoglobin bind and release O2 so that it can diffuse in and out of the blood?

  • The tissues are actively respiring, using up oxygen, so they have a lower blood pO2

  • When oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, the oxygen is stuck in the red blood cell - not accessible to the tissue that is actively respiring

  • At the tissues, hemoglobin needs to release oxygen into the blood, so that it can diffuse into the cells there, so the cells can use it

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Hemoglobin % saturation

Amount of hemoglobin molecules that have oxygen bound to them (40% in tissues, 100% in lungs)

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Hemoglobin carries & releases oxygen

  • Hemoglobin picks up oxygen when high amounts are present

  • Hemoglobin drops off oxygen when low amounts are present

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Hemoglobin pH

  • It is beneficial for hemoglobin to carry less oxygen at low pH

  • Lower hemoglobin saturation = more O2 released to the tissue

  • This protein structure is an adaptation that allows a response to the environment at a molecular level

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Gas exchange in Alveoli (beginning)

  • O2 diffuses into blood due to partial pressure gradient

  • Hemoglobin binds O2 with high affinity (high PO2, high pH)

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Gas exchange in Tissues

  • Hemoglobin binds O2 with low affinity (low PO2, low pH)

  • O2 diffuses out of blood die to partial pressure gradient

  • CO2 diffuses into blood due to partial pressure gradient

  • CO2 converted to bicarbonate (maintains CO2 gradient, lowers pH)

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Gas exchange in Alveoli (ending)

  • CO2 diffuses out of the blood due to partial pressure gradient

  • Bicarbonate and H+ react to reform CO2

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2 main types of circulation

Closed & Open

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Closed Circulation

Blood flows through connected blood vessels, pumped by muscular hearts. The blood flows through vessels to supply tissues with nutrients

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Open circulation

Blood flow through a muscular vessel that act as a pump. Blood empties into an open body cavity to supply the tissues with nutrients, and is returned to the circulation

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Pros and Cons of Closed Circulation

Pros: Can generate enough pressure to maintain a high flow rate and can localize blood to tissues that need it most

Cons: Requires more structures (arteries, capillaries, veins) and diffusion is larger (across blood vessel walls and tissues’ cell membrane)

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Pros and Cons of Open Circulation

Pros: Hemolymph comes into direct contract with the tissues (small diffusion distance) and fewer blood vessels needed

Cons: Low pressure, so flow rates are usually low, as well and can’t increase flow of hemolymph to specific tissues

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Human circulatory systems

Notable features:

  • Double circuit - blood pressure in each is independent

  • 4 chambered heart


  • Blood pumped to tissues (systemic circuit) at high blood pressure, combats gravity

  • Blood pumped to lungs (pulmonary circuit) at low blood pressure because these are delicate

  • Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood kept separate for efficient gas exchange

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Fish circulatory system

Notable features:

  • Single circuit - means blood pressure is same throughout

  • 2 chambered heart


  • Simple (low energy to produce)

  • Gravity not a big concern for fish, so low blood pressure to tissue is OK

  • Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood kept separate for efficient gas exchange

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Frog circulatory system

Notable features:

  • Double circuit - partially separated

  • 3 chambered heart

  • can also perform gas exchange through skin


  • Can decrease blood flow to the lungs when under water, increase when breathing air

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How does blood move in blood vessels

  • Arteries transport blood away from the heart

  • Capillaries are small and thin-walled for efficient gas exchange

  • Veins transport blood to heart

  • From heart → Capillaries → Return to heart

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  • Ventricle contraction propels blood

  • Muscle layer in arteries contracts to maintain blood flow between heart beats

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  • Skeletal muscle contraction propels blood

  • Valves prevent backward flow

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The Cardiac Cycle

  • Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium through the vena cava (1)

  • Right atrium contracts, pushing blood into right ventricle through tricuspid valve (2)

  • Right ventricle contacts, pushing blood into pulmonary artery through pulmonary valve (3)

  • Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium (4)

  • Left atrium contracts, pushing blood into left ventricle through bicuspid valve (5)

  • Left ventricle contracts, pushing blood into aorta through aortic valve (6)

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Mammalian Circulatory - Homeostasis

Sensors: Pressure sensors in walls of heart and some arteries measure blood pressure

Integrators: Compares to desired blood pressure


  • Cardiac output (volume of blood pumped/ minute)

  • Capillary constriction (diverting blood away from less critical areas)

  • Vein constriction (decreases overall vein volume)

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First line of defence

Preventing pathogen entry

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Examples of first line defence

  • Many insects have a hard cuticle - includes a layer of wax

  • Many soft-bodied invertebrates are covered in mucus

  • Human skin covered in a layer of dead cells

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Immune system roles

  • Detect presence of a pathogen

  • Destruction of a pathogen

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Innate immunity

  • Non-specific immune response

  • Always ready (present in broader amounts of animals)

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Adaptive immunity

  • Only present in vertebrates (mostly)

  • Specific for a given invader

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Four main classes of mechanisms

  • Chemical Defence

  • Mechanical Defence

  • Behavioural Defence

  • Physical Defence

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Chemical Defense

A strategy employed by many organisms to avoid consumption by producing toxic or repellent metabolites or chemical warnings

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Mechanical Defence

Shedding of skin cells, mucociliary sweeping, shells, spikes, and remove pathogens from potential sites of infection.

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Behavioural Defence

Scare off predators using different emotions and flushing actions

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Physical Defence

Colour patterns as a advantage to scare off predators like camouflage and warning other of its colour.

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