My history revision
how did hitler use rallies as propaganda?
Hitler used rallies to promote Nazi ideology, instill a sense of unity and purpose among attendees, and create a powerful emotional connection to the regime. These events were meticulously planned to showcase the strength of the Nazi party and foster loyalty among the German people.
how did the treaty of versailles help hitler get elected?
how did nazi propaganda keep control
How did Hitler keep control of Germany?
Who was Joseph Goebbels and what was his role in the Nazi regime?
Who was Reinhard Heydrich and what role did he have in the Nazi regime?
Who was Heinrich Himmler and what role did he have in the Nazi regime?
Who was Ernst Rohm and what role did he have in the Nazi regime?
How and why was terror used by Hitler in Nazi Germany?
What were Nazi policies towards women?
What were Nazi policies towards children?
What were Nazi economic policies and what were Nazi living standards like?
What was Nazi Jewish policy up to 1939 and what was Hitler’s rhetoric towards Jewish individuals?
Describe the main anti-Jewish laws passed from 1933-1939 and anti-Jewish pogroms
What was Kristallnacht?
What was life like in the Jewish ghettos in Germany and Poland?