Article 5 ECHR states:
everyone has the right to liberty and security.
When can someone be deprived of their liberty?
when its for one of the lawful reasons set out in Article 5 (1)(a-f)
Explain the reasons for deprivation (a-f)
a) after conviction
b) non compliance with a lawful obligation
c) reasonable suspicion of having committed an offence
d) educational supervision
e) prevention of spreading infectious diseases. Persons of unsound mind
f) detention to prevent those unlawfully entering the country
Article 5 (2)
a person should be informed promptly and in a language they understand, of any arrest (Taylor)
Article 5 (3)
you must be brought promptly before a judge and you're entitled to a trial within reasonable time (Brogan)
remand time is 182 days
Article 5 (4)
If you have the right to challenge deprivation of liberty speedily in court.
Article 5 (5)
entitled to compensation
detention is allowed under a….
What are the condition of a TPIM?
No longer than 2 years (but can be extended)
Can include tagging and overnight residence requirement
restrictions on who you meet and where you go
restrict foreign travel.
Detention is allowed if a person is in care. What does Winterwerp state?
Must be medically recognised mental condition established by an expert
Sufficient to justify detention
Should be reviewed regulary
Only last for the duration of the disorder.
Section 7 Mental Health act 1983
What is the acid test?
From Lady Hale in Cheshire West.
“is the person under continous supervision and control and not free to leave?”
Deprivation depends on the circumstances and….
is a matter of “degree and intensity”
Explain the conditions of Kettling
Last resort when violence is imminent
Proportionate and necessary
Enforced for no longer than is necessary (Austen)