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Hello in French.
Thank you in French.
S'il vous plaît
Please in French.
Au revoir
Goodbye in French.
Yes in French.
No in French.
Comment ça va?
How are you? in French.
Je m'appelle...
My name is... in French.
Excuse me in French.
Parlez-vous anglais?
Do you speak English? in French.
Hello in French.
Thank you in French.
S'il vous plaît
Please in French.
Au revoir
Goodbye in French.
Yes in French.
No in French.
Comment ça va?
How are you? in French.
Je m'appelle...
My name is... in French.
Excuse me in French.
Parlez-vous anglais?
Do you speak English? in French.
Hello in French.
Thank you in French.
S'il vous plaît
Please in French.
Au revoir
Goodbye in French.
Yes in French.
No in French.
Comment ça va?
How are you? in French.
Je m'appelle...
My name is... in French.
Excuse me in French.
Parlez-vous anglais?
Do you speak English? in French.
Comment t'appelles-tu?
What is your name? in French.
Où est...?
Where is...? in French.
Je suis désolé(e)
I'm sorry in French.
Quelle heure est-il?
What time is it? in French.
Je ne comprends pas
I do not understand in French.
Ça va bien
I'm doing well in French.
À bientôt
See you soon in French.
Bonne journée
Have a good day in French.
Pouvez-vous répéter, s'il vous plaît?
Can you repeat, please? in French.
Je voudrais...
I would like... in French.
Je ne sais pas
I don't know in French.
Est-ce que vous avez...?
Do you have...? in French.
Il fait beau
It's nice weather in French.
Je suis fatigué(e)
I'm tired in French.
I like in French.
Je n'aime pas
I don't like in French.
Parlez plus lentement, s'il vous plaît
Speak more slowly, please in French.
Où sont les toilettes?
Where are the restrooms? in French.
C'est combien?
How much is it? in French.
Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît
Help me, please in French.
Quelle heure est-il?
What time is it? in French.