the ability of an individual to coordinate the other categories of resources to produce a good or service.
Economic growth
a sustained rise in aggregate output and an increase in standard of living (causes are developments in technology, or an increase in resources)
unlimited wants, limited resources (example: land)
to understand behavior are proved via a full procedure of hypothesis and testing.
we consider the big picture- the nations economy as a whole.
is directed at the roles households and firms play and how their decision- making and allocation of resources impact the overall economy.
private property rights
There are ________ which are protected, however, the government is able to intervene in order to meet societal aims.
If the ________ is linear, it has a constant opportunity cost, if it is curved, it has increasing opportunity costs.
allocate resources
The economy has to decide what goods and services the society needs in order to properly ________.
Optimal consumption rule
to maximize utility, marginal utility per dollar spend on each good= service in consumption bundle, MUc /Pc= MUt /Pt.
Comparative Advantage
The ability of a firm to produce a good or service at the lowest possible cost.
Opportunity costs
This is the cost we forgo or sacrifice, to opt for another choice.
filters our scope to individuals in an economy while keeping the overall economy in mind.
Human capital
education and training an individual has that is used in the production of a good or service.
physical labor, skills, and effort devoted into a task where workers are paid.
Absolute Advantage
Occurs when a firm as the ability to produce a specific amount of goods or services in comparison to the others.
is usually referred to as the liquid asset, or monetary value.
Productive efficiency
lowest cost possible on the PPC.
Allocative efficiency
the economy allocates resources so consumers are well off as possible, producing what is demanded.
Physical capital
tools and equipment used to produce a good or service.
Positive Economics
this approach to economics is based on facts and figures.
filters our scope to individuals in an economy while keeping the overall economy in mind
natural resources and raw material
physical labor, skills, and effort devoted into a task where workers are paid
is usually referred to as the liquid asset, or monetary value
Physical capital
tools and equipment used to produce a good or service
Human capital
education and training an individual has that is used in the production of a good or service
the ability of an individual to coordinate the other categories of resources to produce a good or service
The alternative choice which must be given up in order to make a decision
Opportunity costs
This is the cost we forgo or sacrifice, to opt for another choice
Positive Economics
this approach to economics is based on facts and figures
Normative Economics
this approach to economics is based on assumptions
Economic growth
a sustained rise in aggregate output and an increase in standard of living (causes are developments in technology, or an increase in resources)
Productive efficiency
lowest cost possible on the PPC
Allocative efficiency
the economy allocates resources so consumers are well off as possible, producing what is demanded
Absolute Advantage
Occurs when a firm as the ability to produce a specific amount of goods or services in comparison to the others
Comparative Advantage
The ability of a firm to produce a good or service at the lowest possible cost
Terms of Trade
people split up the work, and provide each other with a good in return for another
Capital goods
goods that make consumer goods (ex
Consumer goods
goods that are consumed (ex
Implicit costs
monetary or non-monetary opportunity costs in terms of making a choice
Explicit costs
traditional out of pocket costs which are associated with choosing one course of action
the measure of personal satisfaction (util is a unit of utility)
Marginal utility
the change in total utility by consumer one additional unit of that good/service
Principle of diminishing marginal utility
additional units of a good/service add less total utility than the previous units do
Marginal utility per dollar
MUgood/Pgood (marginal utility of one unit of the good / price of one unit of the good)
Optimal consumption rule
to maximize utility, marginal utility per dollar spend on each good = service in consumption bundle, MUc/Pc = MUt/Pt