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sand, rock, clay, organic matter, minerals
What is present in soil?
Plant nutrients required in large amounts
Nutrients required in small amounts
The process of converting a gas into an organic compound
In plants, the conversion of carbon dioxide into carbohydrates takes place in the______________.
Plants cannot access atmospheric ___________ due to its triple bond.
Rhizobia, nitrates
To convert nitrogen gas into organic matter, bacteria such as _____________ convert this compound into____________.
System Acquired Resistance
This is a temporary broad ranging defense mechanism to a pathogen.
A first line defense mechanism
Silica inclusions and thorns are an example of…
What is it called when one plant releases chemicals that prevents other plants from growing near it?
Jasmonic acid is an __________ defense mechanism that is triggered by wounding.
Food provides nutrients and energy for mammals, while fertilizer provides just nutrients
How is fertilizer for plants different than food for mammals?
The plant kills its own tissues that surround the invader thereby trapping it
How does a plant hypersensitive response work?
Pick younger leaves and protect from stressors
How would you prevent having bad tasting tea leaves full of tannin?
Go into a reproductive and eating rampage
Stressed pine trees release compounds that are detected by Pine Bark beetles which makes the trees easier to find and then the beetles…
Parasitoid wasps detect plant allelopathic chemicals which ultimately helps protect the plant
Parasitoid wasps lay eggs on insects that are eating the plants. The caterpillar is killed as wasp larvae slowly devour it. Why does this relationship happen?
influences the growth or metabolism of other plants
In allelopathy, one plant produces a signal that…
It uses its fungi network to tap into the roots of trees
The plant Dutchman’s Pipe does not have chlorophyll and can’t fix carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. How does is survive?
Fetch nutrients, help plants communicate, and protect plants from certain diseases
Mycorrhizal fungi are important to plants because fungi…
Ion exchange
Intake of nutrients from the soil is facilitated by…
Nitrogen fixation by bacteria
Nitrates become available to plants by…
Hydrogen bonds
________________ adhere water to soil particles, so water acts as the media between soil and roots.
The use of plants to clean polluted areas is called…
AVR gene
Genetic recognition depends upon the presence of a pair of matching genes, an ____________ in the pathogen and a resistance (R) gene in the plant.
Static defense
What type of defense is always present and active?
Inducible defense
What type of defense is active only when a threat is detected?
Pathogens produce proteins using _______________.
Weathering off rocks and sediments makes _______________available to plants
a high mineral content
The best soils have…
Negative, positive
Soil particles tend to have a ___________(±) charge while root hairs tend to have a __________(±) charge.