Radioactive Materials (OCR)

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"The basic unit of matter consisting of a nucleus surrounded by electrons."

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"A subatomic particle with a positive charge and mass of 1 atomic mass unit (amu)."

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"A subatomic particle with no charge and mass of 1 atomic mass unit (amu)."

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"A subatomic particle with a negative charge and negligible mass (approximately 1/2000 amu)."

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"Atomic Number"

"The number of protons in an atom's nucleus, which defines the element."

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"Mass Number"

"The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom's nucleus."

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"Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons and hence different mass numbers."

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"Dalton's Theory"

"The theory that atoms are indivisible, and all atoms of a given element are identical."

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"Plum Pudding Model"

"J.J. Thomson's model proposing that an atom is a sphere of positive charge with electrons embedded in it."

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"Rutherford's Experiment"

"An experiment where alpha particles were directed at a thin gold foil, leading to the discovery of the atomic nucleus."

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"The small, dense center of an atom containing protons and neutrons."

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"Bohr Model"

"Niels Bohr's model that proposed electrons orbit the nucleus at fixed energy levels."

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"Alpha Particle"

"A type of radiation consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons, leading to a decrease in mass number by 4 and atomic number by 2."

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"Beta Particle"

"A type of radiation where a neutron decays into a proton and an electron; the electron (beta particle) is emitted."

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"Gamma Ray"

"High-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted from a nucleus as it loses excess energy after alpha or beta decay."

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"Radioactive Decay"

"The process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation."

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"The time required for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay."

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"Nuclear Equation"

"A symbolic representation of nuclear reactions showing changes in atomic and mass numbers."

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"The number of radioactive decays detected per unit time, typically measured in counts per second."

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"Stable Nucleus"

"A nucleus with a balanced ratio of protons to neutrons, which does not undergo radioactive decay."

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"Alpha Radiation"

"A type of radiation with a strong ionizing power and a very short range; commonly used in smoke detectors."

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"Beta Radiation"

"Radiation resulting from the decay of a neutron into a proton and an electron (beta particle); has intermediate ionizing power and range."

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"Gamma Radiation"

"High-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted from a nucleus; has high penetration power and low ionizing power."

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"The process of exposing objects to radiation rays; can be harmful or beneficial depending on the context."

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"The presence of radioactive materials on or inside an object; differs from irradiation which is exposure to radiation."

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"Sterilization Using Radiation"

"The process of using gamma rays, such as from cobalt-60, to kill bacteria on fruits or other objects without making them radioactive."

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"Medical Irradiation"

"The use of radioactive sources for medical purposes, such as sterilizing equipment or treating tumors with gamma rays."

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"Gamma Knife"

"A specialized tool that uses gamma-ray beams to target and destroy malignant brain cells while minimizing damage to surrounding tissue."

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"Contamination Detection"

"The use of radioactive isotopes to detect leaks or contamination by measuring accumulated gamma radiation in a specific area."

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"Radiation Sickness"

"The illness caused by exposure to high levels of radiation, which can damage or destroy cells and tissues in the body."

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"Nuclear Fission"

"The process of splitting a heavy atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei, releasing energy and neutrons, and initiating a chain reaction."

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"Nuclear Fusion"

"The process of combining two light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy; occurs in stars like the Sun."

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"Chain Reaction"

"A self-sustaining sequence of nuclear fission reactions where neutrons from one fission event trigger further fission events."

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"Geiger-Müller Tube"

"A device used to detect and measure radiation by counting the number of ionizing particles that pass through it."

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"Radiation Penetration"

"The ability of different types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma) to penetrate materials; gamma rays penetrate most deeply."

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"Medical Tracers"

"Radioactive isotopes used in medical imaging to trace the movement of substances through the body and detect issues."

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"Protective Gear"

"Equipment used to shield individuals from exposure to radioactive materials, including lead aprons and face masks."

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"A radioactive isotope used as a tracer in medical imaging; has a short half-life and low toxicity."

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"Leak Detection"

"The use of radioactive isotopes to locate leaks in pipes or containers by measuring the accumulation of gamma radiation."

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"Radiation Exposure

"The amount of radiation absorbed by an object or person; managed by limiting time, distance, and shielding."

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"Alpha Decay"

"A type of radioactive decay where an alpha particle is emitted, reducing the mass number by 4 and atomic number by 2."

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"Beta Decay"

"A type of radioactive decay where a neutron converts to a proton and an electron is emitted, increasing the atomic number by 1."

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"Gamma Emission"

"The release of high-energy electromagnetic waves from a nucleus as it transitions to a lower energy state after alpha or beta decay."

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"Nuclear Reactor"

"A facility where nuclear fission occurs in a controlled manner to generate energy, primarily by heating water to produce steam."

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"Sun's Fusion"

"The process where hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium in the Sun, releasing energy and driving stellar processes."

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"Plasma State"

"A state of matter where gases are ionized, enabling nuclear fusion to occur due to the high temperatures and pressures."

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"Radiation Safety"

"Practices and precautions taken to minimize exposure to radioactive materials and ensure safety in handling and usage."

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"Contamination vs. Irradiation"

"Contamination refers to radioactive materials on or inside an object, while irradiation refers to exposure to radiation."

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"Radiation Detection"

"The process of using instruments like Geiger counters to measure radiation levels and assess exposure."

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"Radiation Protection"

"Methods to safeguard individuals from harmful effects of radiation, including using shielding, protective clothing, and minimizing exposure time."

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"Radioactive Decay"

"The process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation; includes alpha, beta, and gamma decay."

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