When was Mark written?
60-70 AD
What is the overall theme of Mark?
Suffering Servant
When was Matthew written?
70-80 AD
What was the theme of Matthew?
Jesus fulfilled OT prophecies
When was Luke written?
70-80 AD
What was the theme of Luke?
Jesus is the savior of all people
When was John written?
90-105 AD
What is the theme of John?
Jesus = God // Jesus’s statement about his identity
What are the “Synoptic” Gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke
What does the Synoptic Gospel mean?
seen together (???)
What are the infancy narratives
Tell the story of Jesus’s birth, and childhood Matthew and Luke
According to both Matthew & Luke what is Jesus’s identity?
The Son of God
According to both Matthew & Luke what foretells Jesus’s birth?
An angle
According to both Matthew & Luke Jesus is conceived by ___ , when?
The Holy Spirit; before Joseph & Mary were married
According to both Matthew & Luke Jesus is born by who?
According to both Matthew & Luke Joseph and Jesus are what?
of the house of David
According to both Matthew & Luke where is Jesus born & raised?
Born in Bethlehem , raised in Nazareth
In Matthew Joseph does what
plans on divorcing Mary
What is the Genealogy in Matthew
Back to Abraham
In Matthew who is the protagonist?
In Matthew who does the angle appear to
The story of the Magi appears in what Gospel?
Herods “Slaughter of the innocents” appears in what Gospel
In what Gospel does the Holy Family flee Egypt
The genealogy in Luke goes back to who
Who is the protagonist in the gospel of Luke?
In what gospel does Mary visit her cousin Elizabeth?
In what gospel is John the Baptist Jesus cousin
In what gospel do the shepherds visit baby Jesus first
In what gospel was Jesus presented in circumcision in Temple
The Annunciation
when an angel announces the birth of
Jesus (Matt / Luke)
The Visitation
pregnant Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth (Luke)
The Nativity
Jesus’s birth (?)
The Epiphany
the story of the magi visiting baby Jesus (Matt)
In what chapters are the infancy narratives?
Opening chapters of Matthew & Luke’s Gospel
The Finding in the Temple
Mary and Joseph realize Jesus is missing after three days they find him in the temple with the teachers as he preaches
Basic outline of each gospel (3)
declaration of Jesus’ identity
public ministry
death and resurrection
What happens at the Wedding in Cana
Jesus turns water into wine
Primary theme of Jesus’ ministry
the Kingdom of God
Short stories that convey unfamiliar truth in simple and easy to understand ways
4 major themes of Jesus’ kingdom
everyone is called to enter his kingdom
The kingdom belongs to the poor and lowly
Jesus call sinners to conversion and invites them to the kingdom
The coming of the kingdom will bring judgment
Particular Judgment
The judgment we experiences immediately after death
General judgment
The judgment we experience on the Last Day when Jesus brings a New Heavens and New Earth
“The one who is sent”
Jesus’ 3 temptations in the wilderness
the devil tempted him to make bread from the rocks
jump from the temple and let god save him
join the devil to get power over all the nation
The successor to the Apostles , leads a particular Church entrusted to him
The Keys to the Kingdom
Sacred authority given by Jesus to St.Peter
The successor of St. Peter as bishop of Rome
Event where Jesus shows his divine glory to Peter, James, and John on top of a mountain
4 types of miracles
Supply, supernatural, healing, nature
The infancy narratives
The stories about Jesus' conception and birth are called