Black Death
A devastating plague that swept through Europe in the 14th century, causing a loss of approximately one-third of the population.
Bubonic plague
A highly infectious disease spread by fleas that infested black rats, leading to the Black Death.
Hundred Years War
A series of conflicts fought between England and France from 1337 to 1453 over territorial claims.
Joan of Arc
A French peasant girl who led the French army to victory at Orléans during the Hundred Years War, later captured and executed by the English.
John Wyclif
A theologian and early critic of the Church who advocated for Scripture alone as the basis of faith and translated the Bible into English.
Followers of John Wyclif who spread his ideas and translated the Bible during the late medieval period.
John Hus
A Czech reformer whose teachings were similar to Wyclif’s; he was executed for his beliefs, igniting the Hussite Wars.
Babylonian Captivity
The period from 1309 to 1377 when the papacy resided in Avignon, France, diminishing the prestige of the papacy.
Great Schism
A division in the Catholic Church from 1377 to 1417 where two popes claimed authority, one in Rome and one in Avignon.
Conciliar Movement
An attempt to reform the Church in the early 15th century by establishing a council of cardinals that would hold power over the pope.
The use of native languages in literature instead of Latin, leading to a rise in nationalist literature during the Later Middle Ages.
Byzantine Empire
The continuation of the Roman Empire in the east, dominant until its fall to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.
Fall of Constantinople
The capture of the Byzantine capital by the Ottoman Empire in 1453, marking the end of the Byzantine Empire.
Ottoman Empire
A major Islamic empire that expanded into southeastern Europe and played a crucial role in the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
Dante Alighieri
An Italian poet known for his work The Divine Comedy, considered a key figure in the transition to the Renaissance.
A method of critical thought prevalent in medieval universities aimed at reconciling faith and reason, notably endorsed by Thomas Aquinas.
Thomas Aquinas
A theologian and philosopher known for his integration of Aristotelian philosophy with Christian doctrine through Scholasticism.