RS- Peace and Conflict

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Fighting between nations to resolve differences

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An absence of conflict which leads to happiness and harmony

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Bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law, or making up for a wrong that has been committed

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Showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong

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When groups or individuals restore friendly relations after conflict

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What quotes promote peace from Christianity?

Jesus said " put away your sword; he who lives by the sword will die by the sword" Isaiah said "Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore"

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What quotes promote forgiveness and Non- retaliation?

"If someone hits you on one cheek, other then the other cheek"

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Give a teaching and a quote from the Bible that could promote retaliation?

"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" The Old Testament describes religious wars fought for God.

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What quote from the Quar'an promotes peace?

"The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who reply with words of peace"

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What is one translation of the word Islam?


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What quote from Islam promotes justice?

"Do not take a life, which Allah has made sacred, except in the cause of justice"

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Give a quote from Islam which permits fighting in self-defence

"Fight in Allahs name those who fight you, but do not go beyond that"

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Define violence

Using actions that can threaten or harm others.

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Define protest

An expression of disapproval, often in a public group. By law we are allowed to protest in public to demonstrate a point of view. A protest which descends into violence is called a riot.

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Define terrorism

Unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

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Why might some Muslims believe it is better to be peaceful that resort to violence?

Muslims believe it is better to "reply with word of peace". After the 2011 riot in London, a a Muslim man who lost his son spoke out against violence and helped stop the riots.

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Why might some Christians believe it is better to be peaceful that resort to violence?

Christians believe that you shouldn't resort to violence, with Jesus teachings "put away your sword". Martin Luther King carried out peaceful protests in the USA for civil rights, for example by marching to vote.

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Give three reasons for war.

Greed, self-defence, retaliation

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Give a quote from the Bible against Greed.

"The love of money is the root of all evil"

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Give a quote from the Bible against retaliation.

"If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek"

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Give a quote to show fight in self-defence is allowed in Islam.

"Fight those who fight you, but do not go beyond this" "make your response proportionate"

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What are weapons of mass destruction?

Weapons that can kill large numbers of people

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What are nuclear weapons?

Weapons that work by a nuclear reaction that devastate huge areas and kill latprge amounts of people

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What are biological weapons?

Weapons that have living organisms or infective material that can lead to death or disease

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Give examples of Christian teachings that oppose kill a lot of people.

"Do not murder", "put away your sword", "turn the other cheek".

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What is a Just War?

A war which meets internationally accepted criteria for fairness. Follows traditional Christian rules for a war and is accepted by other religions.

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What are the rules for declaring a War?

  1. The you must have a just cause - This May include self defence or defending someone else.

  2. The war must be declared by the correct authority - usually the government.

  3. The intention of the war must be to promote good or defeat evil.

  4. fighting must be a last resort.

  5. The methods used to fight the war must be portional. Excessive force must not be used.

  6. there must be a reasonable chance of success.

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What are the rules for fighting a war?

  1. The war must be full by just means. Innocent people and civilians must not be targeted or harmed.

  2. only appropriate force must be used.

  3. International agreed conventions must be obeyed. For example the Geneva convention.

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What is lesser jihad?

The outward struggle to defend one's faith.

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What is a holy war?

Fighting for a religious cause or God, probably controlled by a religious leader

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Give a way in which the Bible promotes war.

In the Old Testament, wars where fought for God and during the crusade and many Christians believe God wanted them to fight to control Jerusalem, where Jesus lived and died.

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What is pacifism?

The belief of people who refuse to take part in war and any other form of violence.

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What is a pacifist?

A person who follows pacifism.

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Who are Quakers?

A Christian denomination which are pacifist.

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Name an Islamic organisation which promotes global peace.

Muslim Peace Fellowship

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How does war cause suffering?

-Families are left without parents/wage earners -Homes, hospitals and crops are destroyed -clean water supplies are destroyed, leading to disease -Government money spent on the war -people fleeing war as refugees

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What does Christian aid do to help war situations?

Christian Ais helps refugees, for example those fleeing the war in Syria, by providing shelter, food and medical supplies. They also aim to rid the world of poverty, with the slogan "we believe in life before death". They also help those who are in poverty as a result of war, for example bringing food and water for those in Yemen.

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What does the Islamic charity Islamic relief do to support war situations?

Islamic relief aims to follow the Islamic teachings on giving Zakat by helping refugees and those in poverty due to war. They provide emergency aid such as food, water and shelter. For example, in Yemen. They also give long-term support to communities. For example, by rebuilding homes in Syria.

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