Early Elizabethan England

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Flashcards made from Edexcel GCSE History ‘B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88’ Abbreviations: MQoS: Mary, Queen of Scots EEE: Early Elizabethan England CofE: Church of England

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What was the Divine Right of Kings?

★ The Divine Right of Kings is the idea that the king gets his power from God ✔︎ This would have applied in Eliabethan England

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What does hierarchy mean?

Hierarchal means classified into successive levels

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What was the House of Commons?

The House of Commons was the lower house of Parliament

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How many MPs were there?

There were approximately 450 MPs

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What were MPs in generally?

MPs were generally wealthy landowners

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What occupations would MPs mainly have?

MPs would often be: ★ Merchants ★ Gentlemen ★ Lawyers

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What was Parliament and what did it consist of?

★ Parliament was the representative law making body consisting of: ★ The monarch ★ The House of Lords ★ The House of Commons

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What was the Privy Council?

The privy council was important people who were advisors to Elizabeth

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What other jobs would privy councillors have?

Privy councillor would ensure: ★ Parliament, JPs. did their job ★ Law & order was being obeyed

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What were Justices of the Peace (JPs)?

JPs: ★ Were wealthy landowners ★ Weren't payed ★ Sometimes so local court cases ★ Kept law & order

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What was Elizabeth's royal court?

★ Centre of political power ★ All chief advisors and government officials would attend

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How many members were there in the privy council?

There were 19 members of the privy council

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How often would the privy council meet?

The privy council would meet several times a week

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How many nobles were there in Elizabethan England?

There were 100 nobles in Early Elizabethan England

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What were yeomen?

Yeomen: ★ Owned land ★ Had servants ★ Could vote if they proved ownership of land

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Why would parliament be run? Why?

★ Elizabeth ran parliament for financial reasons e.g. taxes ➜ This would be used to grant money and pay for the running and defence of the country

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How many members were typically apart of the House of Lords?

There were around 100 members in the House of Lords

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What did the House of Lords consist of?

The House of Lords consisted of: ★ Lords ★ Bishops ★ Judges

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Who was Elizabeth's mum and dad?

★ Elizabeth's mum: Anne Boleyn ★ Elizabeth's dad: King Henry VIII

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Who were the gentry?

Gentry were: ★ Less nobles ★ Would often be knights or lawyers ★ They helped run local government

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Who could vote?

Only wealthy landowners

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Who were the Lord Lieutenants?

Noblemen appointed by the government who governed English counties and raised the local militia.

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Was Elizabethan society equal?

Elizabethan society was unequal

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Who were tenant farmers?

Tenant farmers rented land from the yeoman farmers and gentry

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What was the hierarchy in Elizabethan England?

Hierarchy was: ★ Queen ★ Nobility ★ Gentry ★ Yeomen ★ Tennant farmers ★ Poor people (didn't own land) ★ Homeless & vagrants (looked down upon)

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What does illegitimate mean?

Illegitimate means that your parents marriage was not lawful

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Why did some people think Elizabeth was illegitimate?

★ Henry VIII divorced Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn ➜ This is not allowed in the Catholic Church

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What were Elizabeth's problems?

Elizabeth's problems was: ★ She was young (probably unexperienced) ★ Unmarried female (people though this meant she couldn't rule well) ➜ Her being unmarried meant she would have no heir ➜ This meant the Tudor line would be gone and the title would go to MQoS (a catholic) ★ (In the eyes of catholics) illegitimate ★ There was fear she wouldn't pick her advisors wisely

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What were Elizabeth's strengths?

Elizabeth's strengths were: ★ She was brought up as a Protestant ★ She was well educated (sharp mind) ★ She saw her mum get executed and her half-sister put her in prison

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What would Tudor monarchs do if they didn't have enough money? Why was this a problem?

★ If a Tudor monarch didn't have enough money, parliament could be called ➜ Monarchs didn't like this as it gave parliament to much power

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Who were England at war with in 1558?

England were at war with France in 1558

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How much debt did Elizabeth receive in 1558? Where did this debt come from?

Elizabeth received £300,000 of debt from her half-sister's war of France in 1558

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How much money did Elizabeth spend on arms and munitions in 1558 despite the debt?

Elizabeth received £100,000 on arms and munitions in 1558

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Why did many catholics want Mary, Queen of Scots to become Queen instead of Elizabeth?

★ MQoS was catholic ★ Catholics thought Elizabeth was illegitimate 𐬽 They thought MQoS should be Queen instead of Elizabeth

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Who was William Cecil?

William Cecil was the Secretary of State

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What was happening to money? Give an example

★ In Early Elizabethan England, inflation was a big problem

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How did Elizabeth deal with financial problems?

Elizabeth dealt with financial problems by cutting spending on the royal household by half

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How many Protestants did Mary I burn?

Mary I burned 300 Protestants.

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What percentage of people were catholic and Protestant in Elizabethan England?

In EEE: ★ 50% of people were catholic ★ 50% of people were Protestant

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Who were the Puritans?

Puritans were people who wanted to purify the Church of England (purely CofE, no catholic elements)

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What was the Act of Supremacy?

The act of supremacy declared Elizabeth Supreme Governor of the Church of England

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What was the Act of Uniformity?

The Act of Uniformity established the appearance of churches and the form of services they held

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When was the Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity signed?

The Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity were both signed in 1559?

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Who had to swear an oath to Elizabeth? Did they accept?

★ All government officials and clergy (religious officials) had to swear an oath to Elizabeth ★ Most people accepted the oath

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Who were the clergy?

Clergy were people who were trained to hold religious services

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What is a parish?

An area that has its own local church and priest

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What was the Prayer Book?

The Prayer Book was the official book service book for the CofE

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Why did catholics accept the Act of Supremacy?

Catholics accepted the Act of Supremacy as it accepted the Pope as the overall Head of the Church

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What change was made to Church Services and the Bible? What did some catholics do in response?

★ All churches service and the Bible had to be in English ★ Some catholics had Latin masses in secret

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What Catholic features were kept in the settlement?

Features kept in the religious settlement: ★ Candles ★ Crosses ★ Vestments ★ Clergy were allowed to marry

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What happened if you didn't attend church services?

If you didn't attend

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What would happen if you were a recusant?

If you were a recusant, you would be fined one shilling

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What is a recusant?

A recusant was someone who didn't attend church services

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Did the religious settlement work?

The religious settlement was largely a success as their were no major rebellions

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How much did most people attend church?

Most people attended church once a week

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What is communion service?

Communion service in which bread and wine are declared sacred and consumed as memorials of Jesus' death

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What is excommunication?

Excommunication is the expulsion from the Catholic Church

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What is the papacy?

The papacy is the office of the pope

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What were puritans unhappy with in churches?

In churches, puritans were unhappy with: ★ Decorations in church ★ Altars ★ Music ★ Vestments (robes) that priests wore

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What did Protestants believe about the communion service?

Protestants believed that, in the communion service, the presence of Jesus was merely spiritual and not physical

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What did some puritan bishops and MPs try to do to Elizabeth?

Puritan bishops and MPs tried to persuade Elizabeth to adopt a more puritan brand of Protestantism

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What did Elizabeth I do in 1583 in reponse to the complaining of puritan priests? What does this show?

★ In 1583, Elizabeth forced some puritan bishops to resign after 1583? ➜ Elizabeth would not back down from her viewpoint

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What did puritans believe about bishops and priests? What did they want to do as a result?

★ Puritans believe that there shouldn't be bishops and the were too many weak priests ➜ Puritans wanted the removal of bishops and more enthusiastic priests

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Did puritans have any foreign support?

Puritans didn't have any foreign support

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What were catholic thoughts on the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity?

★ Catholics attempted to stop the Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy from passing and were vocal in their opinions ★ They didn't want Elizabeth to be Head of the Church or accept any Protestant ideas

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Why did catholics not like about the Act of Uniformity?

★ Catholics didn't like the Act of Uniformity as it didn't permit Latin Mass ➜ Some priests held Mass secretly (often in homes of Catholic nobles)

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What did some catholics do in response to the Act of Uniformity?

★ Because of the Act of Uniformity, some catholics refused to attend Mass ✔︎ Despite this, Elizabeth didn't enforce recusancy fines harshly

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When was the Papal Bull?

27ᵗʰ April 1570

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What was the Papal Bull?

The Papal Bull was Elizabeth's excommunication under Pope Pius V

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What was the name of the pope who excommunicated Elizabeth?

Pope Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth

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What was the Papal Bull?

The Papal Bull meant that Catholics no longer had to obey the Queen and were actively encouraged to plot against her.

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What act was passed in response to the Papal Bull?

In response to the excommunication, Parliament passed the Treason Act in 1571

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What did the Papal Bull say

The Papal Bull: ★ Released any loyalty a catholics had with Elizabeth ★ Ordered all catholics to remove Elizabeth I from the throne

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What did the Papal Bull motivate catholics to do?

The Papal Bull motivated Catholics to plot against Elizabeth with help of foreign powers e.g. Mary, Queen of Scots

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Why did France not challenge Elizabeth after the Papal Bull?

France did not challenge Elizabeth after the Papal Bull as they were experiencing religious turmoil

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Why did Spain not originally challenge Elizabeth after the Papal Bull?

★ Spain did not help Elizabeth as if Elizabeth was overthrown: ★ MQoS would become Queen ★ Mary had good relationships with France ★ France is Spain's enemy 𐬽 Spain did not challenge Elizabeth after the Papal Bull

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When was the Treason Act passed?

The Treason Act was passed in 1571

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What did the Treason Act say?

The Treason Act stated that anyone who claimed Elizabeth was not the legitimate ruler could face the death penalty

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What were the Royal Injunctions?

★ A set of instructions ordered by sir William Cecil on behalf of the queen for the clergy to follow ✔︎ These included the Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy

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Who was MQoS originally married to? Why was this a problem?

★ MQoS was originally married to the King of France's son ➜ This means she had connections with France (a strong catholic country

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Who was Mary and Elizabeth's shared grandmother?

Elizabeth and Mary shared a grandmother called Margret Tudor

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What did King Henry VIII do to marry Anne Boleyn? Why did this upset catholics?

★ King Henry VIII divorced Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn ➜ This upset catholics as they believed divorce was illegal

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Why did Mary (and many catholics) claim that Elizabeth shouldn't be the Queen of England?

Mary (and many catholics) claimed that Elizabeth shouldn't be the Queen of England as they claimed that Anne Boleyn and Henry's marriage was illegitimate

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Why did Mary flee to England?

Mary was forced to flee to England as: ★ She was thought to be involved with the murder of her 2ⁿᵈ husband ➜ She was imprisoned but managed to flee ⚠︎︎ However, her forces were defeated at batte 𐬽 She fled to England

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When did Mary flee to England?

Mary fled to England in the May of 1568

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Why did Elizabeth keep Mary captive? What did it cause anyway?

★ Elizabeth kept Mary captive rather than let her be free as it may inspire catholics to make Mary the Queen

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What was made more likely by the coming of Mary?

The arrival of MQoS to England made plots and rebellions more likely

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Why didn't Elizabeth execute Mary (originally)?

★ Due to the divine right of kings, Elizabeth believed Mary had been made Queen by God ★ She also feared the reaction of catholics at home and abroad ★ It might motivate people to execute Elizabeth 𐬽 She didn't kill Mary

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What did Mary want when she arrive in England?

When Mary arrived in England, she wanted to regain the Scottish throne

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Why did Elizabeth not help Mary retake the Scottish throne?

Elizabethan didn't help Mary retake the Scottish throne as she didn't want to antagonise (annoy) the Protestant nobles who controlled Scotland

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Why didn't Elizabeth place Mary as the rightful heir?

Elizabeth didn't place Mary as the rightful heir as she feared the Protestant reaction in England and Scotland

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Were Elizabeth's concerns about Mary justified?

Elizabeth's concerns about Mary were justified as proven by the following plots and rebellions

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What was the name of the alliance between Scotland and France called?

The alliance between Scotland and France was called the Auld Alliance

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Who was the Duke of Norfolk?

The Duke of Norfolk was: ★ The leading Catholic noble. he was imprisoned after the Revolt of the Northern Earls ★ After his release, he became involved in the Ridolfi plot ➜ This lead to his execution

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Who was the Duke of Northumberland (Robert Dudley)?

★ The Duke of Northumberland was the leading catholic nobles in the Revolt of the Northern Earls

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How long did it take after the Revolt of the Northern Earls for Duke of Northumberland to be executed?

Three years after the Revolt of the Northern Earls, Robert Dudley was executed

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Who was the Duke of Westmoreland?

★ The Duke of Westmorland was a leading catholic nobles ★ He fled to the Netherlands following the Revolt of the Northern Earls

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When was the Revolt of the Northern Earls?

The Revolt of the Northern Earls happened in 1569

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What were the reasons for the Revolt of the Northern Earls?

The Revolt of the Northern Earls happened because: ★ The Duke of Norfolk planned to marry MQoS ★ Norfolk wanted catholics to have more power in court (objected to William Cecil's power) ★ Some catholics e.g. Westmorland and Northumberland, wanted more power inside AND outside of the court ★ They wished to restore Catholicism ★ They wanted MQoS to become Queen

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What did the Catholic rebels do which made the Revolt of the Northern Earls fail?

The catholic rebels did the following to make the Revolt of the Northern Earls fail: ★ Expected help from Spain + the Pope failed to materialise ★ Most catholics didn't join the revolt due to Elizabeth's popularity and there was no widespread desire to remove her

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