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Thomas Jefferson
Writer of the Decloration
July 4th, 1776
When the declaration was signed.
July 2nd, 1776
When the first draft was finished.
Complaints on the Decloration.
June 7th, 1776
When the Declaration was commissioned.
Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin
The five men that worked on the Declaration.
We ____ these truths to be ____ ______
Hold, Self-evident
That ___ ___ are ______ equal.
All men, created
Freedom from Britain.
What the Declaration declared.
King George
Who the breakup letter was for.
Mean obvious.
Means given by.
Took out the part about slavery.
In-between July 2nd and July 4th.
Blamed King George for slavery.
What the slavery part stated.
They didn’t want slavery to end.
Why they took the slavery part out.
Protecting the people’s unalienable rights, Getting the power from their people, and that the goverment should be abolished or changed if they aren’t doing these things.
The 3 main ideas of goverment.
We hold these truths to be…
The vision statement.
Continental Congress
The ruling system for the 13 colonies.
The Haudenosaunee Confederacy
Oldest democracy on American soil.
Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawkoi
The Haudenosaunee Confederacy
Where the ideas of the declaration came from.
Massachusetts courtroom.
Where Elizabeth Freeman fought for freedom.
Mum Bet
Elizabeth Freemans other name.