Show the relationship between two (or more) numbers, written as a:b or a/b.
Simplifying Ratios
Ratios can be simplified like fractions by dividing both parts by their greatest common factor.
Simplifying Ratios with Decimals/Fractions
Multiply the ratio by a number to get whole numbers, then simplify further if possible.
Simplifying Ratios in Different Units
Convert units to the same type, simplify, and express as a ratio.
Writing Ratios as Fractions of a Whole
Express ratios as parts of a whole, finding total amount and fractions for each part.
Scale Factors
Numbers that scale quantities, used in maps and scaled diagrams.
Show a number as parts per hundred, written as a fraction or decimal.
Calculating Percentages of Amounts
Convert percentage to decimal/fraction, then multiply by the amount.
Increasing/Decreasing by Percentages
Add or subtract the percentage of the amount to increase or decrease it.
Reverse Percentages
Find the original value after an increase or decrease using percentages.
Interest Rates
Money paid back at a percentage when borrowing or loaning.
Simple Interest
Calculate interest by finding a percentage of the principal for a period and adding it.
Compound Interest
Interest where added interest also earns interest, using a multiplier method.
Two equal ratios used to find missing values, set up as fractions.
Scale Factors
Used to compare sizes of shapes, find length scale factor, and calculate area/volume scale factors.
Write equations with proportions using a constant of proportionality.
Direct Proportions
Relationship where values increase together with a constant multiplier.
Indirect Proportions
Relationship where one value increases while the other decreases.
Exponential Growth and Decay
Graphs with exponential growth for >1 and decay for 0<