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Preparation of mixture of Amines from Ammonia and Alkyl Halide
(Preparation of R4NX)

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Preparation Reactions for Amines

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Preparation of mixture of Amines from Ammonia and Alkyl Halide
(Preparation of R4NX)

R-X + NH3 → R-NH2 (Primary Amine) + H-X (+ R-X) → R-R-NH (Secondary Anime) + H-X (+ R-X) → R-R-R-NH (Tertiary Amine) + H-X (+ R-X) → R-R-R-R-N-X (Quaternary Ammonium Salt)

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Reagents for reduction of Nitro Group to form Amines

  1. Sn + HCl

  2. Fe + HCl (gives the most yield)

  3. H2 in the presence of Ni catalyst

These reagents help in removing -NO2 and replace it with -NH2 from an organic compound.

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Reagents for reduction of Cyanides to form Amines

  1. H2 in the presence of Ni/Pt/Pd

  2. LiAlH4

  3. Na(Hg) in the presence of an alcohol (R-OH)

Triple bonds of CN break to form one single bond and hydrogen is substituted to each bond, forming CH2-NH2

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Reagents for reduction of Isocyanides to form Amines

  1. H2 in the presence of Ni/Pt/Pd

  2. LiAlH4

Triple bonds of CN break to form double bonds and hydrogen is substituted to the bond, forming NH=CH2

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Reagents for reduction of Amides to form Amines

  1. LiAlH4

Amides are Ar/R-C=O-NH2

R-C(=O)-NH2 → R-CH2-NH2

Ar-C(=O)-NH2 → Ar-CH2-NH2

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Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis


1. Deprotonation of Phthalimide:

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) deprotonates the phthalimide, creating a nucleophilic imide ion. The imide ion is stabilized by resonance due to the presence of two carbonyl groups.

2. Alkylation:

The nucleophilic imide ion attacks the electrophilic carbon of the alkyl halide, displacing the halogen (X) and forming an N-alkyl phthalimide.

3. Hydrolysis:

The N-alkyl phthalimide undergoes base-catalyzed hydrolysis, where the hydroxide ion attacks the carbon-nitrogen bond. This leads to the cleavage of the N-alkyl phthalimide and the formation of the primary amine and a phthalate ion.

<p>Mechanism:</p><p><strong>1. Deprotonation of Phthalimide: </strong></p><p>Potassium hydroxide (KOH) deprotonates the phthalimide, creating a nucleophilic imide ion. The imide ion is stabilized by resonance due to the presence of two carbonyl groups.</p><p><strong>2. Alkylation: </strong></p><p>The nucleophilic imide ion attacks the electrophilic carbon of the alkyl halide, displacing the halogen (X) and forming an N-alkyl phthalimide.</p><p><strong>3. Hydrolysis: </strong></p><p>The N-alkyl phthalimide undergoes base-catalyzed hydrolysis, where the hydroxide ion attacks the carbon-nitrogen bond. This leads to the cleavage of the N-alkyl phthalimide and the formation of the primary amine and a phthalate ion.</p>
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Structure of Imide

1 N attached to 2 (or more) primary or secondary R’s which are doubly bonded with their O’s.

<p>1 N attached to 2 (or more) primary or secondary R’s which are doubly bonded with their O’s.</p>
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Structure of Imine

1 N (with a lone pair) doubly bonded to a secondary C and singly bonded to an R

<p>1 N (with a lone pair) doubly bonded to a secondary C and singly bonded to an R</p>
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Hoffmann Bromamide Degradation

The Hoffmann Bromamide Degradation is a chemical reaction used to convert primary amides into primary amines with the loss of one carbon atom (Step Down Reaction)

  1. Formation of N-Bromoamide:

    The primary amide reacts with bromine in the presence of a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), resulting in the formation of an N-bromoamide.

  2. Deprotonation and Rearrangement:

    The strong base deprotonates the N-bromoamide, generating an anion. This anion then undergoes rearrangement, where the alkyl or aryl group attached to the carbonyl carbon migrates to the nitrogen, forming an isocyanate intermediate. During this rearrangement, a bromide ion is expelled.

  3. Hydrolysis of Isocyanate:

    The isocyanate intermediate is then hydrolyzed in the presence of water or aqueous base, leading to the formation of a primary amine and the release of carbon dioxide (CO₂).

The overall reaction can be summarized as follows:

RCONH₂ (primary amide) + Br₂ + 4 NaOH → RNH₂ (primary amine) + Na₂CO₃ + 2 NaBr + 2 H₂O

<p>The Hoffmann Bromamide Degradation is a chemical reaction used to convert primary amides into primary amines with the loss of one carbon atom (Step Down Reaction)</p><ol><li><p><strong>Formation of N-Bromoamide</strong>: </p><p>The primary amide reacts with bromine in the presence of a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), resulting in the formation of an N-bromoamide.</p><p></p></li><li><p><strong>Deprotonation and Rearrangement</strong>: </p><p>The strong base deprotonates the N-bromoamide, generating an anion. This anion then undergoes rearrangement, where the alkyl or aryl group attached to the carbonyl carbon migrates to the nitrogen, forming an isocyanate intermediate. During this rearrangement, a bromide ion is expelled.</p><p></p></li><li><p><strong>Hydrolysis of Isocyanate</strong>: </p><p>The isocyanate intermediate is then hydrolyzed in the presence of water or aqueous base, leading to the formation of a primary amine and the release of carbon dioxide (CO₂).</p></li></ol><p>The overall reaction can be summarized as follows:</p><p><strong><mark data-color="purple">RCONH₂ (primary amide) + Br₂ + 4 NaOH → RNH₂ (primary amine) + Na₂CO₃ + 2 NaBr + 2 H₂O</mark></strong></p>
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Acylation Reaction of Amines

R-NH2 + R-C=O-Cl → R-NH-C=O-R + HCl

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Carbyl Amine Test

R-NH2 + CHCl3 + KOH → R-NC

(Foul smell of isocyanide indicates presence of 1 degree Amine)

Formation of Carbene (CCl2) as an intermediate due to alpha elimination occurs.

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Reagents for reactions of Amines with Nitrous Acids (HNO2)


  1. HNO2

  2. NaNO2 + HCl → NaCl + HNO2

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Reactions of 1 degree Aliphatic Amines with Nitrous Acids

R-NH2 + HNO2 → R-N2-Cl (Diazonium Salt) → R+ (Carbocation - rearrangement may occur) + H2O → R-OH (Alcohol)

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Reactions of 1 degree Aromatic Amines with Nitrous Acids

Ph-NH2 + NaNO2 + HCl → Ph-N2-Cl (Benzene Diazonium Chloride) + H2O → Phenol

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