Alice Cogswell
________: Gallaudets Inspiration /Influence to find methods to educate deaf.
________ is not: A code for English, Universal and just fingerspelling.
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet
________: The Father of American Education for the Deaf, Inspired by Alice Cogswell, Set up 1st School for Deaf in America.
Laurent Clerc
________: First Deaf Teacher in US, From Paris, helped create /develop ASL, Used LSQ (French Sign Language), Home Signs and English.
1817: In ________, Connecticut the 1st Free School for Deaf in America is formed.
Gallaudet University: University for the Deaf, Located in ________ DC, Opened in 1864.
Alexander Graham Bell
________: opposed ASL, Developed /supported oral method of education for deaf.
DrThomas Hopkins Gallaudet
________ was an educator and grew interest in teaching his neighbors deaf daughter: Alice Cogswell.
Cultural Terminology
________: Deaf, hard of hearing, Little d deaf, Big D Deaf, a person with a hearing loss, hearing impaired, moderate to profound hearing loss, residual hearing.
Edward Miner Gallaudet
________: established the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Blind.
Manually Coded English (________): Methods created by Educators for the Deaf that mix some ASL signs, some made up English signs and English Grammar.
Gallaudet University
________ is known today for being: the first and only deaf university in the world.
________ does not have: articles, being verbs, and prefixes /suffixes.
DrThomas Hopkins Gallaudet
________: Graduated from Yale and was a minister from Hartford Connecticut.
Abbe Charles Michel D LEpee
Father of Public Education for the Deaf, Established 1st School for Deaf
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet
The Father of American Education for the Deaf, Inspired by Alice Cogswell, Set up 1st School for Deaf in America
Laurent Clerc
First Deaf Teacher in US, From Paris, helped create/develop ASL, Used LSQ (French Sign Language), Home Signs and English
Alice Cogswell
Gallaudets Inspiration/Influence to find methods to educate deaf
Alexander Graham Bell
opposed ASL, Developed/supported oral method of education for deaf
Gallaudet University
University for the Deaf, Located in Washington DC, Opened in 1864
I King Jordan
First deaf president of Gallaudet, Elected due to DPN Protest
ASL is not
A code for English, Universal and just fingerspelling
ASL does not have
articles, being verbs, and prefixes/suffixes
ASL approaches these concepts differently
prepositions, adverbs, verb tense/conjugation
Grammatically ASL
Old, Traditional, Modern
Contact variants of ASL
Anglicized, CASE (conceptually accurate signed English)
Grammatically English ASL
Signed English, SEE 2, SEE 1, Rochester Method
Cultural Terminology
Deaf, hard of hearing, Little d deaf, Big D Deaf, a person with a hearing loss, hearing impaired, moderate to profound hearing loss, residual hearing
2 Perspectives of Deafness
Pathological and Cultural
Pathological View of Deafness
Deafness is a disability/disease that needs to be cured
Cultural View of Deafness
Being deaf is a cultural identity and community
Big D Deaf
Deaf, some degree of hearing loss, uses ASL, and is involved in the deaf community
Little d deaf
Hard-of-hearing/person with a hearing loss, some degree of hearing loss, does not use ASL, Typically not involved in deaf culture
Deaf tend to share
Name sign, educational background, where they are from, deaf family
Deaf want to know
your name/name sign, where you are learning ASL, ASL teachers name, deaf family or connections
If deaf individuals are present in the environment
Do your best to sign and do your best to respect the "voice off" environment
Getting attention in a signing environment
Use touch, wave, use of lights, and use of intermediary
Moving through space in a signing environment
Use of touch and walkthrough
Dr.Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet
Graduated from Yale and was a minister from Hartford Connecticut
Dr.Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was an educator and grew interest in teaching his neighbors deaf daughter
Alice Cogswell
1775 Abbe Charles Michel de LEpee
Founded the National Institute for Deaf Mutes
Gallaudet meets these two people
Abbe Sicard (successor of the Deaf School) and Laurent Clerc (one of the best teachers at the institute)
Laurent Clerc taught everything he knew about teaching the deaf
Gallaudet was ready to travel back and asked Clerc to
travel with him to America and help him start a deaf school in the US
In 1817 Gallaudet and Clerc established
the American School for the Deaf, Hartford Connecticut
The initial phase of American Sign Language was formed with
home signs brought by students, a sign language system used in Marthas Vineyard and the French Sign Language System
By 1863
22 deaf schools were established in the US
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet died in
Edward Miner Gallaudet
established the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Blind
In 1864, the Columbia Institution of the Deaf and Blind was able to
issue college degrees making itself the first college for the deaf
In 1893 The Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Blind was renamed
Gallaudet College
In 1986, Gallaudet College was renamed to
Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University is known today for being
the first and only deaf university in the world
In 1988
The current President of Gallaudet University
Roberta J. Cordano, JD (January 1, 2016)
In Paris, France the 1st Free School for Deaf is established
In Hartford, Connecticut the 1st Free School for Deaf in America is formed
In Washington D.C Gallaudet University Opens
March 6-13 1988
Gallaudet University Deaf President Now Protest (DPN)
English Signed Systems
Variations of ASL Signs in English Word Order
Manually Coded English (MCE)
Methods created by Educators for the Deaf that mix some ASL signs, some made up English signs and English Grammar
Manually Coded English
Types of MCEs
S.E.E.1, S.E.E.2, C.A.S.E