Abbe Charles Michel D L’Epee: Father of Public Education for the Deaf, Established 1st School for Deaf. (Paris, France 1755)
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet: The Father of American Education for the Deaf, Inspired by Alice Cogswell, Set up 1st School for Deaf in America
Laurent Clerc: First Deaf Teacher in US, From Paris, helped create/develop ASL, Used LSQ (French Sign Language), Home Signs and English
Alice Cogswell: Gallaudet’s Inspiration/Influence to find methods to educate deaf
Alexander Graham Bell: opposed ASL, Developed/supported oral method of education for deaf
Gallaudet University: University for the Deaf, Located in Washington DC, Opened in 1864
Deaf President Now Protest (DPN): Student lead protest, March 6 - 13, 1988, Protest Demands were that deaf president must be elected, chair of board of trustees must resign, board must hold a 51% deaf majority, no reprisals for protestors
I King Jordan: First deaf president of Gallaudet, Elected due to DPN Protest
What is ASL?: A living language, the primary language of the American Deaf Community and a visual/gestural language
ASL is not: A code for English, Universal and just fingerspelling
ASL does not have: articles, being verbs, and prefixes/suffixes.
ASL approaches these concepts differently: prepositions, adverbs, verb tense/conjugation
Grammatically ASL: Old, Traditional, Modern
Contact variants of ASL: Anglicized, CASE (conceptually accurate signed English)
Grammatically English ASL: Signed English, SEE 2, SEE 1, Rochester Method
Cultural Terminology: Deaf, hard of hearing, Little d deaf, Big D Deaf, a person with a hearing loss, hearing impaired, moderate to profound hearing loss, residual hearing
2 Perspectives of Deafness: Pathological and Cultural
Pathological View of Deafness: Deafness is a disability/disease that needs to be cured
Cultural View of Deafness: Being deaf is a cultural identity and community. Encourages the use of ASL
Big D Deaf: Deaf, some degree of hearing loss, uses ASL, and is involved in the deaf community
Little d deaf: Hard-of-hearing/person with a hearing loss, some degree of hearing loss, does not use ASL, Typically not involved in deaf culture
Deaf tend to share: Name sign, educational background, where they are from, deaf family
Deaf want to know: your name/name sign, where you are learning ASL, ASL teacher’s name, deaf family or connections
If deaf individuals are present in the environment: Do your best to sign and do your best to respect the “voice off” environment
Getting attention in a signing environment: Use touch, wave, use of lights, and use of intermediary
Moving through space in a signing environment: Use of touch and walkthrough
Dr.Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet: Graduated from Yale and was a minister from Hartford Connecticut
Dr.Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was an educator and grew interest in teaching his neighbor’s deaf daughter: Alice Cogswell
Gallaudet, knowing there was a History of Deaf Education in Europe, found the funds to go and meet authors of the deaf educational methods
1775 Abbe Charles Michel de L’Epee: Founded the National Institute for Deaf Mutes
Gallaudet meets these two people: Abbe Sicard (successor of the Deaf School) and Laurent Clerc (one of the best teachers at the institute)
Laurent Clerc taught ___ everything he knew about teaching the deaf: Gallaudet
Gallaudet was ready to travel back and asked Clerc to: travel with him to America and help him start a deaf school in the US
In 1817 Gallaudet and Clerc established: the American School for the Deaf, Hartford Connecticut
The initial phase of American Sign Language was formed with: home signs brought by students, a sign language system used in Martha’s Vineyard and the French Sign Language System
By 1863: 22 deaf schools were established in the US
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet died in: 1851
Edward Miner Gallaudet: established the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Blind
In 1864, the Columbia Institution of the Deaf and Blind was able to: issue college degrees making itself the first college for the deaf
In 1893 The Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Blind was renamed: Gallaudet College
In 1986, Gallaudet College was renamed to: Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University is known today for being: the first and only deaf university in the world.
In 1988: Dr. I. King Jordan becomes the first Deaf President of Gallaudet University
The current President of Gallaudet University: Roberta J. Cordano, JD (January 1, 2016)
1755: In Paris, France the 1st Free School for Deaf is established
1817: In Hartford, Connecticut the 1st Free School for Deaf in America is formed
1864: In Washington D.C Gallaudet University Opens
March 6-13 1988: Gallaudet University Deaf President Now Protest (DPN)
English Signed Systems: Variations of ASL Signs in English Word Order. This is NOT a language
Manually Coded English (MCE): Methods created by Educators for the Deaf that mix some ASL signs, some made up English signs and English Grammar
MCE: Manually Coded English
Types of MCEs: S.E.E.1, S.E.E.2, C.A.S.E