When was the Reconstruction?
What was the Reconstruction trying to accomplish?
How did the Reconstruction “end”?
What was the legacy of the Reconstruction?
What was the Presidential plan of Reconstruction?
What was Lincoln’s plan?
What was Johnson’s plan?
What was the Congressional plan?
What was the Radical Republican plan?
Federal Reconstruction Policies vs Southern State Loopholes
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Freedmen’s Bureau
Field Order NO.15
Life of Freedmen during the Reconstruction
Who is Lincoln?
Who is Johnson?
Who are the Freedmen?
Who is the Radical Republicans?
What are Carpetbaggers?
What are Scalawags?
What is the KKK?
KKK role in the reconstruction?
Sharecropping role in the Reconstruction?
What were some voting restrictions in the Reconstruction?
What is the Grandfather Clause?
Plessy v.s Ferguson