MHIS 006 Final MCQ Questions

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What are two Ainu cultural practices that were outlawed with Japanese colonization?

A) shaman rituals and the blue-lip tattoo for women

B) the Blue-lip tattoo for women and lyomante, the bear ceremony

C) lyomante, the bear ceremony and Upopo singing

D) Kamui worship and shaman rituals

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Music of the World's Peoples MCQ Final

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What are two Ainu cultural practices that were outlawed with Japanese colonization?

A) shaman rituals and the blue-lip tattoo for women

B) the Blue-lip tattoo for women and lyomante, the bear ceremony

C) lyomante, the bear ceremony and Upopo singing

D) Kamui worship and shaman rituals

B) the Blue-lip tattoo for women and lyomante, the bear ceremony

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What musicians from the documentary sees animist attributes in the tonkori and generally in music-making?

A) Ogawa Motoi and Kano Oki

B) Kana Oki and Fukumoto Shouji

C) Ogawa Motoi and Fukumoto Shouji

D) Kano Oki and Chiba Nobuhiko

A) Ogawa Motoi and Kano Oki

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The piece “Chikap” by Marewrew contains what texture?

A) Homophony

B) Monophony

C) Polyphony

D) Heterophony

C) Polyphony

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How does the Japanese government frame the colonization of the Ainu in Hokkaido?

A) by calling it “aboriginal colonization”

B) by calling it as “development”

C) by calling it “nationalism”

D) by calling it as a prize of war

B) by calling it as “development”

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How does the archeologist Utagawa Hiroshi view contemporary Ainu music?

A) As a literal extension of traditional culture

B) As a reconstruction of traditional culture

C) An art form that is frozen in time

D) An art form that should only be performed by the Ainu

B) As a reconstruction of traditional culture

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What is true about the tonkori?

A) it is considered part of the lute family

B) it was originally a Japanese instrument before colonization

C) its parts are named after a woman’s body

D) its name is derived from a Siberian tribe and literally means a “song”

C) its parts are named after a woman’s body

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Which of the Ainu tonkori players experienced harsh discrimination in his youth?

A) Kano Oki

B) Ogawa Motoi

C) Fukumoto Shouji

D) Chiba Nobuhiko

B) Ogawa Motoi

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A tone’s specific frequency, measured in Hertz, is called:

A) timbre

B) scales

C) rhythm

D) pitch

D) pitch

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What is the working definition of ethnomusicology for this course?

A) the study of how different cultures hear music

B) the study of musical functions in society

C) the study of how and why human beings are musical

D) a discipline that is closely aligned with anthropology

C) the study of how and why human beings are musical

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What is the signature song of Genoa Keawe?

A) Mele Hula Pahu

B) The Queen’s Prayer

C) Aloha Oe

D) Alika

D) Alika

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The slide guitar, aka kila kila, was invented by whom?

A) Queen Liliuokalani

B) Sol Ho’opi’i

C) Roy Smeck

D) Joseph Kekuku

E) Genoa Keawe

D) Joseph Kekuku

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“Aloha Oe”, one of the most iconic songs to represent Hawaii, was written:

A) by Queen Liliuokalani during imprisonment to say goodbye to the monarchy

B) by Queen Liliuokalani to say goodbye to her subjects

C) by Genoa Keawe to say goodbye to traditional culture

D) by Queen Liliuokalani many years before her imprisonment

D) by Queen Liliuokalani many years before her imprisonment

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What was the initial outcome of the Revolt of 1895 by Hawaiian pro-monarchy revolutionaries?

A) Execution of the revolutionaries

B) The annexation of Hawaii to the U.S.

C) The reinstatement of the Hawaiian Monarchy

D) The imprisonment of Queen Liliuokalani

D) The imprisonment of Queen Liliuokalani

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The wide vibrato common in Hawaiian traditional music is called:

A) li

B) Ha’iha’i

C) Ae Ae

D) Kila

A) li

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Queen Lili’uokalani interred a metaphor for Hawaiian’s allegiance to the monarchy in the Gardens of Uluhuimalama in which of her Male Hawaii songs?

A) Ku’u Pua i Paoakalani

B) Aloha Oe

C) Alika

D) Let the Love Inside Be Held Back

A) Ku’u Pua i Paoakalani

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Haiti Lecture: Vodou religion is:

A) a mixture of Rastafarianism and Roman Catholicism

B) a mixture of Roman Catholicism and African spiritual traditions

C) a mixture of spiritual tradition from West Africa

D) accurately seen as “black magic”

B) a mixture of Roman Catholicism and African spiritual traditions

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Documentary video Real Voudou: What is most important ritual figure that is drawn on the ground or in the air?

A) Legba

B) The Cross

C) Loa

D) The Crossroad

D) The Crossroad

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Haiti Lecture: What was called “white gold” during the slave trade in the Caribbean?

A) cotton

B) salt

C) sugar

D) tobacco

C) sugar

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Documentary video Real Voudou: The ceremony that centers on the sea is for what purpose?

A) to celebrate the wedding between the Spirit of the Sea to the Goddess of Love

B) to ask Loa to mount the priestess

C) to bring offerings on a raft for the Goddess of Love

D) to ask for protection from Legba

A) to celebrate the wedding between the Spirit of the Sea to the Goddess of Love

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Documentary video Real Voudou: Who salutes the two priests in the first ceremony?

A) One female and one male assistant

B) Legba

C) The Loa

D) The three assistants, one whom carries a sword

D) The three assistants, one whom carries a sword

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Haiti Lecture: The term “Shango”:

A) is a specific Loa

B) is the name of the spirit of Thunder and Lightning

C) comes from the Yoruba tribe of West Africa

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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How can the melodic contour of “Rock Dance Song” be described?

A) The vocals start low and rise to higher pitches in a terraced style

B) The vocals start high and falls to lower pitches in a terraced style

C) The vocals contain a warble in the singing style

D) The vocals have a “strained timbre”

B) The vocals start high and falls to lower pitches in a terraced style

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Native American Music: When were the powwows created and why?

A) In the early 1900s in response to the U.S. government’s interventions

B) In the mid 1700s in response to the waning of intertribal warfare

C) In the mid 1800s in response to a decline of traditional practices

D) In the mid 1700s in response to epidemics

C) In the mid 1800s in response to a decline of traditional practices

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North American Music: What normally opens powwows?

A) The Grass Dance

B) A Peace Pipe ritual

C) The Rabbit Dance

D) The Grand Entry

D) The Grand Entry

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Many of the Native American vocal songs are believed to have originated:

A) from powwow gatherings

B) from spirits and animals, taught to humans through dreams

C) from inter-tribal collaboration

D) from the Native American flute

B) from spirits and animals, taught to humans through dreams

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What natural phenomena does the Native American flute represent?

A) The Rivers

B) The Mother Earth

C) The Wind

D) The Mountains

C) The Wind

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What instrument was Zitkala-sa known to play professionally?

A) Native American drum

B) violin

C) piano

D) trombone

B) violin

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What is the term for Native American sung syllables that are without specific lexical meaning?

A) vibrato

B) vocables

C) portamento

D) powwows

B) vocables

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What instrument represents an important concept in the indigenous cosmology of Peru?

A) charango that represents armadillos

B) Nazca clay Antares that represents the church

C) double sikuri pan flutes that represent how all things come in pairs

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

C) double sikuri pan flutes that represent how all things come in pairs

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The ceramic instrument that uses water to create sound is called:

A) Quena

B) Sikuri

C) Whistling Vessels

D) Antara

C) Whistling Vessels

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Why are two or more situ instruments normal needed to play a melody?

A) because one siku instrument only has even-numbered or odd-numbered pitches of the scale

B) because the siku instruments perform call & response with each other

C) because of the communal nature of the traditional siku music

D) because traditional siku music is heterophonic

A) because one siku instrument only has even-numbered or odd-numbered pitches of the scale

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The instrument charango:

A) has 10 strings and originally tuned to the bells of the church

B) Believed to be from Ayacucho, a region east of Lima

C) was a smaller version of the guitar that was brought by the Spanish

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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An instrument from Cuzco that is played to bring rain:

A) Puna flute

B) Whistling Vessels

C) Sikuri

D) Antara

A) Puna flute

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What is the role of the Song Lang?

A) It helps to ornament the pitches

B) It highlights the syncopation by playing on the off-beats

C) It outlines the rhythmic cycle by playing on the important points

D) It keeps a steady beat, like the tabla in Hindustani music

C) It outlines the rhythmic cycle by playing on the important points

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What is (are) the musical characteristic(s) of Nhac Tai Tu?

A) Improvisation

B) Heterophony

C) Tone-bending

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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Traditional Vietnamese music has influences from which cultures?

A) Thailand and Laos

B) India and Thailand

C) China and Thailand

D) India and China

D) India and China

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The texture of “Xuan Tinh” is:

A) Polyphony

B) Monophony

C) Heterophony

D) Homophony

C) Heterophony

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What happens at the introductory section in “Xuan Tinh”?

A) The Dan Trinh plays the melody

B) Each instrument plays a little improvisation in free rhythm

C) The Dan Kim plays a drone first, followed by the Dan CO

D) All instruments enter together after the sound of the Song Lang

B) Each instrument plays a little improvisation in free rhythm

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Nhac Tai Tu is mostly played in what kind of setting?

A) in a court setting, as entertainment for the aristocracy

B) in a casual setting, playing for their own enjoyment

C) in a performance setting, with an intended audience

D) in a ritual setting, mostly for ceremonies

B) in a casual setting, playing for their own enjoyment

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What Vietnamese traditional instrument is believed to imitate the human voice?

A) Song Lang

B) Dan Kim

C) Dan Tranh

D) Dan Co

D) Dan Co

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Which Vietnamese traditional instrument(s) has origins from China?

A) Dan Co

B) Dan Tranh

C) Dan Kim

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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The Dan bao instrument is:

A) Has one steel string

B) An indigenous instrument of Vietnam

C) featured in Van Anh Vo’s performance of “Gnossienne No. 3”

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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What is the musical texture of “Running Wind” performed by Van Anh Vo?

A) homophony

B) polyphony

C) heterophony

D) monophony

A) homophony

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The piece “The Dance” performed by Van Anh Vo is:

A) A piece in odd meter

B) Has a heterophonic texture

C) originally a traditional Vietnamese folk song from the 13th century

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

C) originally a traditional Vietnamese folk song from the 13th century

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What can be said about Javanese history and culture?

A) Java was ruled by Hindu courts between 5th and 11th centuries

B) The Javanese have a long recorded history in Indonesia

C) Java is primarily Muslim

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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What constitutes the core of gamelan instrumentarium?

A) Mostly metal-slab percussion with bamboo flutes

B) Mostly drums of various sizes with knobbed gongs

C) Mostly knobbed gongs and metal-slab percussion

D) Mostly knobbed gongs and voices

C) Mostly knobbed gongs and metal-slab percussion

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What is the meaning of “soft” and “strong” in gamelan?

A) Dynamics and tempo contrast

B) Timbre contrast

C) Texture contrast

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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How can one compare the role of the large hanging gong in gamelan (colotomic structure) to another culture’s instrument?

A) Korea’s Buk

B) India’s Tabla

C) Japan’s Odaiko

D) Vietnam’s Song Lang

D) Vietnam’s Song Lang

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The Javanese piece “Udan Mas” (Golden Rain) is in what scale?

A) Kendang

B) Slendro

C) Pelog

D) Colotomic

B) Slendro

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Review of musical elements: What is the musical term for the pattern of sound played over time?

A) meter

B) rhythm

C) syncopation

D) beat

B) rhythm

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Live gamelan performances in Java with extensive social interaction are called:

A) Soft and strong

B) Colotomic structure

C) Uyon-uyon

D) Pelod or slendro

C) Uyon-uyon

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What is present in “Hudjan Mas” that is NOT in “Udan Mas”?

A) Gamelan Gong Kebyar

B) Gong ageng

C) Gender

D) Colotomic structure

A) Gamelan Gong Kebyar

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What is the difference between Bonang and Gender?

A) Bonang has seven tuned bars and Gender has 11-14 tuned bars

B) Bonang is a hanging gong and Gender consists of metal tuned bars

C) Bonang consists of rack gongs and Gender is a hanging gong

D) Bonang consists of rack gongs and Gender consists of metal tuned bars with tube resonators

D) Bonang consists of rack gongs and Gender consists of metal tuned bars with tube resonators

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Name a musical characteristic(s) of Bulgarian folk music:

A) Odd meters

B) smooth vocal timbre

C) high-pitches drone

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

A) Odd meters

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What musical piece(s) is included in Voyager I?

A) “Kaval Sivri” by Le Mystere des voix Bulgares

B) “Iziel Je Dello Haidutin” for voice and gaida

C) “Harvest Song” by Le Mystery des voix Bulgares

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are corect

B) “Iziel Je Dello Haidutin” for voice and gaida

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What musical technique is used both in “Kaval Siri” by the Bulgarian Women’s Chorus AND “Mujo” by Merima Kjuco?

A) portamento

B) Call and response

C) Drone

D) Polyrhythm

E) All of the answers are correct

C) Drone

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Documentary A Voice LIke Egypt: What did Umm Kulthum do after a military brigade returned in 1948 from fighting in Palestine with faulty ammunition?

A) She gave them monetary awards

B) She threw a party for the brigade

C) She published an article in the newspaper commending them

D) She told King Farouk to give them monetary awards

B) She threw a party for the brigade

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Documentary A Voice LIke Egypt: Why was Umm Kulthum blacklisted after Nasser staged a coup against King Farouk?

A) because she had resisted the coup

B) because she had published an article in the newspaper against Nasser

C) because Nasser did not appreciate Umm Kulthum

D) because she had sang for King Farouk

D) because she had sang for King Farouk

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Documentary A Voice LIke Egypt: Umm Kulthum’s monthly concerts were heard when and where?

A) First Thursday of every month on the radio

B) First Thursday at the National Theater in Cairo

C) Last Thursday on the National Television Network

D) Last Thursday of every month at the National Museum in Cairo

A) First Thursday of every month on the radio

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Egypt Lecture and Documentary A Voice LIke Egypt: With whom did Umm Kulthum finally collaborate with in 1964?

A) Mohammed Abd al-Wahab

B) King Farouk

C) Gamal Nasser

D) President of Tunisia

A) Mohammed Abd al-Wahab

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Documentary A Voice Like Egypt: Why did Umm Kulthum go to the airport hours before her departure time?

A) because she learned as a child to go and wait for that which will not wait for you

B) because Egyptian airlines were known to cancel and rebook flights

C) because the fans at the airport always wanted her attention

D) because the Egyptian immigration took a very long time

A) because she learned as a child to go and wait for that which will not wait for you

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Egypt Lecture: The science of correct Qur’anic recitation/pronunciation is called:

A) Iqa

B) Tajweed

C) Tarab

D) Taqasim

B) Tajweed

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Egypt Lecture: What Iqa is included in the musical piece "Waslah"?

A) Iqa Wahdah

B) Iqa Maqsum

C) All of the answers are correct

D) None of the answers are correct

C) All of the answers are correct

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Egypt Lecture: What is a main point of difference between the Middle Eastern maqam and the Indian raga?

A) The maqams have a rhythmic mode

B) There are 7 different pitches in a maqam

C) The maqam has a musical treatise

D) A Middle Eastern piece can shift from one maqam to another

D) A Middle Eastern piece can shift from one maqam to another

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What piece was the first song composed by Abdal Wahab for Umm Kulthum?

A) “Enta Omri”

B) “Waslah”

C) “He Swore to me”

D) “The Old Jerusalem”

A) “Enta Omri”

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What cultural event is associated with the same in Rio de Janeiro?

A) The Carnival

B) The Santeria

C) The Mardi Gras

D) New Year’s Parade

A) The Carnival

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How is the Semba related to the Samba?

A) Semba has a similar rhythm to Samba played on the Cuica

B) Semba is a similar dance to Samba performed by the middle class in Rio de Janeiro

C) Semba is another term for "Samba" in Portuguese

D) Semba is the “belly bump” in circle dances from Central West Africa that eventually became to be called “Samba”

D) Semba is the “belly bump” in circle dances from Central West Africa that eventually became to be called “Samba”

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A very prominent musical characteristic of Samba:

A) use of many chordophones

B) strong repetitive rhythm and syncopation

C) performing in polyphony

D) Preference for triple meter

B) strong repetitive rhythm and syncopation

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What instrument normally plays the samba rhythm?

A) The Caixa drum

B) The Cuica drum

C) The largest drum

D) The Tambourines

C) The largest drum

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How did Bossa Nova become a genre?

A) It was derived from the song samba and musically a fusion with American jazz

B) It was derived from the classical guitar and incorporated the samba rhythm

C) It was developed in the 1920s from the tango bandoneon and American jazz

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

A) It was derived from the song samba and musically a fusion with American jazz

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The composer credited to be the primary force in the creation of the bossa nova style.

A) Antonio Carlos Jobim

B) Stan Getz

C) Vinicius de Moraes

D) Joao Gilberto

A) Antonio Carlos Jobim

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The aerophone that is associated with the tango:

A) bandoneon

B) accordion

C) saxophone

D) flute

A) bandoneon

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What does the tango symbolically represent?

A) A battle between two men for the affections of a fickle woman

B) Dance of the portions, the people living in Buenos Aires

C) Spanish dance from the 15th century

D) Spanish colonization

A) A battle between two men for the affections of a fickle woman

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Documentary Tango Salon: Why did one tango enthusiast call tango as "the most democratic in the world"?

A) because it was created in a democratic political system

B) because it cater to the working class

C) because the only thing that matters is whether one can dance or not, and not based on one's social class or beauty

D) because the first tango dance was anti-Communist

C) because the only thing that matters is whether one can dance or not, and not based on one's social class or beauty

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What is a main difference between tango danced in the milongas and ballroom tango?

A) tango in ballroom is danced in a circle, while the milongas is free-form

B) improvisation in tango (milongas) that is absent in ballroom tango

C) tango in milongas is danced by two men and a woman

D) tango in the milongas must have set partners, while ballroom tango is for individuals

D) tango in the milongas must have set partners, while ballroom tango is for individuals

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Ethnocentrism is a belief that:

A) sees one’s own culture as “normal” and other cultures as “strange”

B) promotes a subjective perspective of cultures

C) promotes an objective perspective of cultures

D) acknowledges personhood in non-humans

A) sees one’s own culture as “normal” and other cultures as “strange”

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The use of political and economic power to promote a dominant culture over a marginalized one can be described as:

A) Emic

B) Ethnocentrism

C) Cultural imperialism

D) Etic

C) Cultural imperialism

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Animism is a central worldview for which of the following peoples/cultures?

A) Mbuti Pygmy

B) Ainu

C) Traditional Hawaiian culture

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

D) All of the answers are correct

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The concept of “animism” was first developed in academia by:

A) anthropologist E.B. Tyler in 1871

B) Lewis and Clark in the 19th century

C) ethnomusicologist Hugo Zemp in his treatise “Primitive Culture”

D) Anthropologists Simon and Schuster in the 20th century

A) anthropologist E.B. Tyler in 1871

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The pulse (what is felt and not necessarily played or sung) is called:

A) The beat

B) The pitch

C) The rhythm

D) The timbre

A) The beat

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A pitch that is held for a very long time, usually in the lower register is known as a:

A) syncopation

B) bombing

C) drone

D) Timbre

C) drone

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The term that describes a tone color or the quality of a sound:

A) Melody

B) Drone

C) Pitch

D) Timbre

D) Timbre

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The clave rhythm is most often played by what instrument?

A) Bongos

B) Tres Guitar

C) Maracas

D) All of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

E) None of the answers are correct

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A dance form from Cuba that started a fad in the U.S. in the 1930s:

A) rumba

B) salsa

C) son

D) mambo

A) rumba

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The Santeria from Cuba can be seen to parallel:

A) the contradance of England

B) the talking drum of West Africa

C) the vodou of Haiti

D) the Estate Novo of Brazil

C) the vodou of Haiti

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What is the term that describes the alternation of a solo and a repeated chorus in the Cuban Son?

A) Santeria

B) Call & response

C) Clave rhythm

D) Montuno

D) Montuno

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What were the original instruments of the Cuban Son?

A) Tres, Claves, Maracas

B) Tres, Bongos, Claves,

C) Guitar, Bongos, Maracas

D) Guitar, Bass, Bongos

A) Tres, Claves, Maracas

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Who first coined the term "Anthropocene" to refer to the current geological era?

A) Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer

B) Murray Shafer and Steven Feld

C) Mian Tansen

D) Antonio Carlos Jobim

A) Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer

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