Chapter 16

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News Media

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12 Terms


News Media

A broad term that includes newspapers, magazines, radio television, and social media postings that cover important events

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Social Media

Forms of electronic communication that enables users to create and share content or to participate in social networking

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Agenda Setting

The media’s ability to highlight certain issues and bring them to the attention of the public

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Mass Media

Sources of information designed to reach a wide audience including newspapers, radio, television, and internet outlets

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Wire Service

an organization that gathers and reports on news and then sells the stories to other outlets

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investigative journalism

Journalists act as detectives, looking for instances of wrongdoing

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Broadcast Media

Outlets for news and other content including radio and television that bring stories directly into people’s homes

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The Radio Act of 1927

established the federal radio commission and required broadcasters to obtain a license to broadcast on specific frequencies

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media consolidation

the concentration of ownership of the media into fewer corporations

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telecommunications act of 1996

significantly raised the percentage of a national audience a corporation was allowed to reach

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partisan bias

the slanting of political news coverage in support of a particular party or ideology

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horse race journalism

coverage of political campaigns that focus more on the drama of the campaign than on policy issues

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