Based on the Unit 5 vocabulary assignment
Rational-choice voting
A type of voting where individuals base their decisions on what is perceived to be in their best interest.
Retrospective voting
A type of voting where individuals decide whether the party or candidate in power should be reelected based on the recent past and his or her performance.
Prospective voting
A type of voting where individuals base their decisions on predictions of how a party or candidate will perform in the future.
Party-line voting
A type of voting that supports political parties, where individuals base their decisions on what party a candidate is affiliated with and vote for one political party for all public offices across the ballot.
17th Amendment
An Amendment stating that the Senate of the United States shall be composed of 2Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for 6 years; and each Senator shall have 1 vote. The executive authority of the state can make appointments if there is a vacancy.
1 guy… 2 balls… 6 kids…
19th Amendment
An Amendment stating that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.