Analyzing a Scene

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Sizing Up the scene

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10 Terms


Sizing Up the scene

Control the Situation (Stay Calm)

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Look for potential hazards

Asses whether there is anything that could harm the team, patient, or bystanders.

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Asses the Situation

Quickly gather any available information about the situation using your own senses and also asking questions of the patients or bystanders.

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Protect and Prioritize

Use personal protective equipment to protect yourself,others, and prioritize.

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Risk Assesment

Scene danger (hazardous material), number of injured patients, extent of the emergency, behavior of the patients, locations

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Form a general assessment

What happened, how serious

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Mechanism of Injury

What caused it? Trauma? Physical danger?

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Patients Responsivness

Alertness, ability to speak, unconscious?

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Stabilizing the Spine

Is there a suspected spinal injury depending on position and MOI?

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Airway, partially/completely blocked? Can you feel the air? Noisy/High Pitched? Breathing, properly, rate, sporadic breaths? Circulation, Adequate pulse? Any bleeding?

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