Sizing up the scene
-Control the Situation (Stay Calm, extremely crucial to not cause extra tension)
Look for potential hazards
-Assess whether there is anything that could harm your team, the patent, or a bystander
Assess the Situation
-Quickly gather any available information about the situation using your own senses and also ask questions of the patient or the bystanders.
Protect and Prioritize
-Use personal protective equipment to protect yourself, and others, and prioritize.
Risk Assessment
-Scene danger (hazardous material)
-Number of injured patients
-Extent of the Emergency
-Behavior of the patients
Form a General Assessment
-What happened?
-How severe is the accident?
Determine the mechanism of Injury
-What caused it?
Physical Damage?
Patient Responsiveness
-Ability to speak
-Too much pain to speak
Stabilizing the Spine
-Is there a spinal injury suspected by position and MOI?
ABC’s of a Scene
A-Airway-Partially/completely blocked? Can you feel the Air? Noisy/High Pitched?
B-Breathing- Proper;y, rate, are the breaths sporadic?
C-Circulation-Adequete Pulse? Any bleeding?