Associative learning
learning that certain events occur together. The events may be two stimuli (as in classical conditioning) or a response and its consequences (as in operant conditioning).
ivan pavlov
psychologist who trained dogs to salivate at sound of bell
neutral stimulus
stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning (meant nothing before conditioning took place)
unconditioned response
naturally occurring response to unconditioned stimulus (salivating because of food)
unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that unconditionally or naturally and automatically triggers a response (the dog food)
conditioned response
learned response to a previously neutral stimuli (salivating because of the bell)
conditioned stimulus
previously neutral stimulus that, after association with an unconditional stimulus, come to trigger a conditioned or learned response (the bell)
getting rid of a learned response but not pairing stimuli (Pavlov rings bell and no longer gives food)
spontaneous recovery
random recovery of a response
decreasing responsiveness with repeated exposure to stimulus
higher- order conditioning
procedure in which a new NS is paired with existing CS without needing US
(pavlov started showing a light when ringing the bell and dogs began to salivate at the ligth too)
not as strong
generalizing the conditioned stimulus to other similar stimuli
(little albert became afraid of anything white and fluffy)
telling the difference between two stimuli
(no one moves when a principal talks over the loudspeaker because we can tell the difference between the sound of a bell and voice)
operant conditioning
orgainisms learn to associate their own actions with concequences and rewards
rewards work better than punishments
BF skinner
founder of operant conditioning
behaviorist psychologist
John Garcia
Researched taste aversion. Showed that when rats ate a novel substance before being nauseated by a drug or radiation, they developed a conditioned taste aversion for the substance.
operant chamber
in operant conditioning research, a chamber (also known as a Skinner box) containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a food or water reinforcer; attached devices record the animal's rate of bar pressing or key pecking.
Law of effect
behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely
edward thorndike
did research on law of effect
an operant conditioning procedure in which reinforces guide behavior toward close and close approximation of desired behavior
successive approximations
rewards for each thing you do until you get closer.
(giving a rat food each step he takes towards a desired stimulus)
primary reinforcer
biological needs- food
secondary reinforcer
conditioned need- money
positive reinforcement
reward giving positive stimulus- getting money for walking dog
negative reinforcement
reward reducing negative stimulus- not having to take out trash
positive punishment
adding negative stimulus- getting speed ticket
negative pumishment
taking away positive stimulus- no phone
albert bandura
bobo the clown experiment
made kids watch adults beat up an inflatable clown toy
observational learning
learning by watching others
being shown a behavior and trying to imitate it
mirror meurons
neurons in the frontal lobe that mirror others observational actions which allows us to learn by watching
latent learning
learning that takes place without realization
(picking up on Russian in the house)
cognitive map
a mental visual representation of one's environment
rats learned layout of maze
(discovered by edward tolman)
bobo the doll experiment
made kids watch adults beat up an inflatable clown toy
continuous reinforcement
reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs
rewarding every time you get a question right
partial (intermittent) reinforcement
responses are sometimes reinforces, sometimes not
fishermen dont get a fish every cast
fixed ratio schedule
providing a reinforcer after a specified number of responses
get 10th coffee free
variable ratio schedule
providing a reinforcer after random number of responses
fixed- interval schedule
provides a reinforcer after a specific time period has passed
variable interval schedule
provides reinforcement at raondom times
flash sale websites
random notifications
Edward Tolman
cognitive psychologist; latent learning and cognitive map