aqa gcse sociology key studies (copy)

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parsons → functionalist

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parsons → functionalist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ 2 key functions of the family: primary socialisation & stabilisation of adult personality

→ ‘warm bath’ theory

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zaretsky → marxist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ family serves capitalism through women’s unpaid labour, passing on advantage in families (e.g., inheritance) and being a unit of consumption

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delphy & leonard → radical feminist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ family is patriarchal because women are exploited economically, family is hierarchal and patriarchal family reflects patriarchal society

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oakley → feminist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ analyses the conventional family, finding that women are expected to do unpaid work, the idea of the conventional family is powerful, people expect happiness but the nuclear family can cause stress and the m/c have more family diversity

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rapoport & rapoport

→ RM: literature review

→ 5 types of family diversity:

→ organisational: structure

→ cultural: culture/religious differences

→ social class

→ cohort → time period

→ life course

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wilmott & young → functionalist

→ RM: survey, face-to-face structured interview

→ symmetrical family, similar but not identical roles

→ principal of stratified diffusion: changes in family life start with the m/c and trickle down

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parsons → functionalist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ education teaches the difference between particularistic and universalistic standards

→ role allocation and meritocracy

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durkheim → functionalist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ education teaches shared norms and values, social solidarity and skills for work

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bowles & gintis → marxist

→ RM: interviews, secondary data

→ correspondence principle: how school mirrors the workplace

→ education creates an obedient workforce via the hidden curriculum

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willis → marxist

→ RM: case study, participant observation

→ studied ‘the lads’, counter-school subculture

→ found they were not obedient

→ subculture similar to w/c workplace

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→ RM: case study, participant observation, interviews

→ w/c students more likely to be in lower bands

→ mixed ability classes did not stop labelling

→ teacher’s expectations differed based on class

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ball, bowe & gerwitz

→ RM: interviews, secondary data

→ marketization (parental choice & competition) have increased inequalities in education

→ m/c parents have more choice

→ schools focus on image and results

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halsey, heath & ridge

→ RM: face-to-face survey

→ survey of 8000 men

→ 3 social classes: service, intermediate, working

→ service class 11x more likely to go to uni than w/c

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merton → functionalist

→ RM: official statistics

→ five reactions to strain theory

→ conformity

→ innovation

→ ritualism

→ retreatism

→ rebellion

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becker → interactionist

→ RM: observations

→ crime and deviance definition changes over time due to labelling

→ labelling leads to sfp leads to master status which leads to deviant career

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cohen → functionalist/subcultural

→ RM: questionnaire

→ status frustration in w/c boys

→ w/c subcultures deviate from mainstream culture

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carlen → feminist

→ RM: unstructured interviews

→ w/c women are controlled by rewards

→ class deal: w/c women can buy goods

→ gender deal: good husband in return for emotional and physical labour

→ no rewards leads to crime

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heidensohn → feminist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ women are controlled everywhere which limits criminal opportunities

→ public: fear of reputation and street violence

→ private: fear of domestic abuse, triple shift busy

→ work: discrimination, violence

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davis & moore → functionalist

→ RM: secondary data

→ social stratification is a universal necessity for all society with 4 requirements

→ all roles must be filled

→ must be filled by the best fitted

→ necessary training must take place

→ roles must be formed diligently

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marx → marxist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ bourgeoisie oppress and control the proletariat

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weber → interactionist

→ RM: secondary data

→ class is based on power and status as well as money

→ similar class background = similar life chances

→ charismatic: special qualities e.g., mandela

→ traditional: inherited status e.g., royalty

→ legal rational: through laws e.g., police

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townsend → social democratic

→ RM: questionnaires

→ 3 measures of poverty

→ state standard: official statistics based

→ relative income: who’s below the median - 60%

→ relative deprivation: not affording luxuries deemed necessities e.g., phones, wifi

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devine → marxist

→ RM: unstructured interviews

→ retested embourgeoisement thesis

→ found no evidence of privatised instrumentalist

→ rejected idea of new w/c and didn’t believe workers accepted capitalism unquestioningly

→ they retained values of traditional w/c and many lost faith in labour party

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walby → feminist

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ patriarchal structures

→ paid work

→ patriarchal relations of production

→ patriarchal culture

→ sexuality

→ male violence towards women

→ the state

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murray → new right

→ RM: work of other sociologists

→ government welfare reforms in usa society led to a dependency culture and a growing underclass

→ increased benefits led to

  • discouragement of self sufficiency

  • more single parents

  • young people losing interest in work

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