He sent Jesus as a sacrifice for God.
God sent Jesus out of love for humans.
God sent Jesus to save humans and lead them back to faith.
In 1424 a peasant called Joan (later Joan of Arc) had visions of Saints Michael, Catherine and Margaret.
She was instructed to force the English from their French homeland.
After convincing the French military leaders, she helped them to victory.
She was captured by the English and burnt at the stake as a heretic, aged 19.
Visions can be powerful, personal experiences, giving great strength and faith.
Examples from the Bible and history allow people to interpret their own visions in a religious way.
Private revelations are rare, but may help prove the existence of God.
There is often no lasting or physical proof of visions.
They could be hallucinations, misunderstandings, or just made up (possibly for attention).
Even if the vision is genuine, it is not certain proof of God.
Dreams could be subconscious wish fulfilment.
Miracles have been recorded throughout history, and claims are still made today.
They involve a religious experience of some kind.
Experiencing such an event may lead to faith or a strengthening of faith.
Moses parting and crossing the Red Sea Exodus 14:21-22
Jesus turning the water into wine at the wedding of Cana John 2:6-9
Jesus healing a blind man by placing his hands on the man's eyes Mark 8:22-25
Jesus healing the official's son who was not present. John 4:46-54
The Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico City in 1531. Her image hasn't faded as would be expected and has avoided fire and bomb damage.
The Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858 in Lourdes, France. She pointed to a spring, which is now visited by over 5 million people a year. Around 70 verified healing miracles have happened there.
There is no natural scientific explanation so suggests that divine intervention is the only possibility.
Those who experienced or witnessed a miracle feel like they have had direct contact with God.
Natural laws have been broken, and only God is able to do such a thing?
Coincidences or unusual events do sometimes occur. -Scientific and medical knowledge is continuing to develop - explanation may occur in the future.
Inexplicable things do not necessarily mean the answer is God.
"Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe" John 4:48
They reveal God's omnipotent nature.
Jesus' miracles often demanded faith, a quality that cannot be explained or justified.
Catholics usually accept that God cannot grant every request and denial may be part of a bigger plan.
Healing miracles show God's love for humans.
Miracles are a way God communicates with his people.
Since there are miracles in the Bible, it is not unreasonable for them to happen today.
People may feel an awareness of something greater than them: God.
They can build or strengthen faith.
They may be seen as an important reminder of God's omnipresence and his nature as creator and designer.
They may be describes as transcendent, going beyond the usual senses.
Richard Swinburne (a Christian) suggested that it is reasonable to believe that the world is probably how we experience it - the Principle of Credulity.
Unless we have a specific reason to question a religious experience, it is possible that it is evidence for God's existence.
Religious experiences increase the probability of God, even if they do not prove that he exists.
It is based on our own experience of design: many things in nature are perceived to have a purpose, order and design.
It complements a Christian view of the nature of God: an omnipotent and omniscient God is able to create the universe.
It encourages scientific examination of the universe: the underlying rules of nature lead to the conclusion of a designer.
Just because it is unique does not mean you can't explain it.
Humans can learn from the suffering and evil in the world; some is the result of free will.
Science and evidence support the concept of order.
Specific evolution must have been directed by a designer God to get where we are today.
A rejection of infinite chains of cause and effect means a total explanation is possible.
All things in the universe can have their cause investigated, so why not the universe itself?
Everything starts somewhere, and only an omnipotent God could be the absolute beginning.
If God is omnipotent, surely he has the power to stop suffering.
If God is omniscient, surely he is aware of the suffering.
If God is omnibenevolent, he would want to stop the suffering.
Evil from natural events that humans cannot control.
Examples include: natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes, illness and disease.
Seems like an unjust punishment for victims.
Catholics may see them as a test of faith.
Opportunity to do good.
Evil from actions of humans.
Examples include, murder, theft, terrorism and assault.
Catholics believe humans have free will; suffering is the price people pay for freedom.
God gave humans a conscience and encourages them to act in the right way.
God allows Job to be tested and tormented by Satan.
Faith gives strength to those who are suffering.
It helps them understand suffering may be something not understood by humans.
119 teaches Christians that they can learn from their previous suffering.
God's omnipotence (135), omniscience, (147) and omnibenevolence (100) are also made clear.
A God who suffered through Jesus is revealed.
Any problem of evil has Christ at the heart of the answer.
There must be a higher purpose, incomprehensible to humans.
Some Catholics do not believe that evil is a thing in itself, but an absence of good - just as darkness is absence of light.
Evil exists due to the abuse of free will.
Free will must be used to choose good, and the reward will be entry into heaven.
It's the best way for humans to develop and grow.
People learn to make the correct moral choices.
People are created in the image of God, but incomplete so they must try to be like him.
The Bible is a reminder of the suffering of both Jesus and the people of God in the Old Testament.
Some find the theoretical solutions useful, while others turn to practical responses.
For many, suffering still remains a mystery.
Statistics suggest suffering is a problem that many Christians can overcome.
It may still be a key factor in some Christians deciding to stop practising their faith.
Suffering can be shared in prayer.
Prayers of intercession are part of the Mass.
This can sometimes be the only meaningful response for the individual Catholic.
Helping others is the same as helping Christ (Parable of the Sheep and Goats).
Those who help others in need will gain salvation.
The Bible is a reminder of the suffering of both Jesus and the people of God in the Old Testament.
Some find the theoretical solutions useful while others turn to practical responses.
For many, suffering remains a mystery.
Statistics suggest suffering is a problem that many Christians can overcome.
It may still be a key factor in some Christians deciding not to practice their faith.
Loving having a relationship of love and faithfulness.
Lifelong having the lifelong support and comfort of each other.
Exclusive being committed to only one marriage partner.
Fruitful having the opportunity to procreate,
Marriage unites a couple in faithful and mutual love.
Marriage opens a couple to the giving of new life.
Marriage is a way to respond to God's call to holiness.
Marriage calls the couple to be a sign of Christ's love in the world.
Religious marriage ceremonies of all kinds reflect the individual set of beliefs of each faith.
Marriage remains a legal ceremony. Catholics not only get married in the eyes of the Lord, but also legally.
For many people, civil marriage is an important declaration of the love and commitment between persons.
Before 2014 homosexuals could not marry.
These weddings between homosexuals are non-religious.
Not all couples wish to marry, same sex couples can undertake a civil partnership.
Any couple can choose to live together but their legal rights are not automatically protected.
The Catholic Church prohibits couples living together as it tempts them to engage in premarital sex.
Premarital; sex before marriage.
Cohabitation; when a couple lives together before marriage. Usually they are in a sexual relationship.
Same sex; being a homosexual is not a sin but engaging in sexual relationships as a homosexual is.
Extramarital sex; this is adultery, this breaks the promise of matrimony and would be grounds for a civil divorce.
Since the 1960s, family life in the UK has changed. Previously, it was expected that people would not have sex until marriage, be married in the church by the age of 25 and live as a nuclear family, and not divorce.
Many people in the UK do not wait until marriage to have sex. Approximately 50% of 17 year old have had sex.
In the UK today, nearly half of babies are born to people who are not married.
A growing attitude of acceptance and tolerance is more apparent in the passing of law in the UK in 2014 that homosexuals can marry.
Secular humanists believe that humans should behave morally and be allowed freedom within the limits of morality.
Catholic do not agree that sex before marriage is acceptable.
The Catholic Church believes that all forms of contraception are wrong.
Catholics agree that couples should be faithful.
Catholics and many secular humanists believe you should treat people the way you would like to be treated.
The holy family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph who provided a model of family living. Being faithful and obedient to God.
Sharing the mission of the Church, family life is seen as a vocation for lay Catholics.
Lifelong relationships of love and faithfulness.
Support and comfort of each other.
To procreate and have children.
To bring up a Christian family who receive the sacraments.
To be a sign of Christ's love in the world.
The family was created by God.
It is the basic unit of society.
It is the place where children should be brought up.
It is the principal place for the education of morals.
It is the place where children learn the faith and pray.
Pope Benedict XVI called it "a communion of love".
It is also called the domestic church.
Nuclear Family: two parents and their children.
Single parent.
Same-sex parents.
Extended: including grandparents, aunts, uncles etc living together.
Blended: a couple where one or both of their children from previous relationships.
Attendance at Mass is a time to be together.
Family Masses can encourage those with younger children to attend.
Catechisms for baptism or First Holy Communion helps parents to better understand the sacraments.
Classes exist to train parents in how to be a good Catholic parent.
Marriage preparation classes teach family planning.
Most parish priests are trained counsellors, and are supported by parish or diocese volunteer teams.
Organisations such as Marriage Care provide free counselling.
Parish friendship groups, open to all, encourage parishioners to support one another.
They often partake in low-cost activities.