what american general was killed at the battle of little bighorn?
george custer
what was the name of the railroad company that left out of sacramento and went east?
central pacific
what was the name of the railroad company that left out of omaha and went west?
union pacific
what were cattle routes known as?
long drives
what was the main cattle route?
chisholm trail
which colonel’s bad judgement led to his death?
george custer
massacre in which over 150 native americans were killed even after many surrenders
sand creek
who led the americans into the battle of 100 slain?
william fetterman
where was the transcontinental railroad completed?
promontory point
frequent moving around because of following a food source is called
final clash between the army and native americans
battle of wounded knee
which law broke up native american reservations and gave native americans plots of land?
dawes act
which legislation was similar to the dawes act, but was meant to encourage settlement in the west?
homestead act
what animal did the spanish bring that aided native americans in hunting?
when was the transcontinental railroad completed?
may 10, 1869
name two things that destroyed the bison
settlers hunting them off the trains, popular skins
refused to get off the gold standard
gold bugs
supported silver-backing and opposed the gold bugs
home built out of prarie turf
what problems occurred with a soddy home?
mud when it rains, bugs & infestation
although miners tried to make money out west, what group of people was more guaranteed to make money?
business owners
what happened to most of the land in the dawes act?
went to speculators
what was the cause of the end of the long drive?
harsh winters and dry summers
what marked the fall of populism?
presidential election of 1896 (mckinley)
what were some of the ways native americans used bison culturally? (not food, clothing, or shelter)
religious rituals, followed for places to live (nomadic)
allowed cattle to be fenced in without much wood
barbed wire
inventions that made farming possible in the west
steel plow, reaper, windmill, barbed wire
what caused the lack of wood in the west?
not enough trees
businesses in mining towns
general store, saloon, brothel, hotel, post office, bathhouse, banks, restaurants
previously enslaved black people who went to the plains for farming
patrons of husbandry was founded by
oliver hudson kelley
american learned their skills from
mexican cowboys/vaqueros
nickname of the patrons of husbandry
the grange
what major speech did silverite william jennings bryan make?
cross of gold
how could the transcontinental railroad be called “transcontinental” if it started in omaha?
it was built off of previously laid tracks
name of outlawed dance of native americans at wounded knee
ghost dance
other than food and culture, what were bison used for?
why did farmers want inflation?
debts would be paid off with cheaper money, higher prices of goods
why were native americans unsuccessful at farming under the dawes act?
didn’t have the knowledge, nomadic, hunters,not enough land
bankers were on what side of the gold/silver backing debate
the completion of this encouraged westerward expansion
transcontinental railroad
native american chief at little bighorn
sitting bull
group of immigrants that primarily worked for central pacific
group of immigrants that primarily worked for union pacific
acres of land given to each household in the homestead act