________ adapted the Chinese system of writing, but resisted sinification due to their unique views on the family and culture.
________ & the magnetic compass eventually found its way to Europe through the silk road.
trade network
Thriving ________ is the difference between americas and Africa.
Steel iron production
________- made farm tools more efficient.
________:* replaced manorialism* Rules provide protection & aid to lesser lords (vassals /nobles)* Nobles employ Knights for protection, & Peasants worked the land in exchange for protection and somewhere to live.
________ are the ones responsible for brining Islam to southeast Asia.
Proto Industrialization
________- less farmers were needed so more people were able to become artisans or laborers in urban areas.
________ was very close to China with a centralized system of government and the use of Confucianism and Buddhism.
________ is a minority section of Islam.
the union of different systems of thought or belief
Holy wars
________ between Christianity & Islam, took place in southwest Asia* Byzantine empire is the only empire.
________ is a minority movement of hinduism.
________ (Mexica:* 13th century* By 1434, ______ dominate the valley by conquering other city- states and creating a tribute empire.
Luxury goods
________ like porcelain & silk were highly desired trade goods created by the Chinese.
________:* were decentralized with many Maya city- states spread out in the region.
Muslim Turks
________ who captured parts of Central Asia and the Middle East including Baghdad from the 11th to the 14th centuries.
Nasiral Din al Tusi
________, Islamic scholar who set the footprint for trigonometry.
Buddhist monasticism
________ is a minority of Buddhism.
silk road
an ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean; followed by Marco Polo in the 13th century to reach Cathay
astrolabe, compass, ships designs & __________
black death
the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe
Mit'a system
a tribute empire, forced to work as a tax
used for record keeping, story telling, _________, calendar