What is resistance to soical influence
The ability to withstand soical pressure to conform or obey authority
What are the two main factors influencing resistance to soical influence
Situational and dispositional factors
What percentage of participants refused to obey in Milgram’s study
How does soical support help resistance to soical influence
The presence of others who resits conformity or obedience acts as a model, showing the resistance is possible
How did soical support affect confomirt in Asch’s study
When another person gave an alternative answer, conformity dropped. However, if the supporter started conforming again, so did the naïve participant
Can soical support help people resits obedience
Yes, seeing others disobey reduces the pressure to obey authority
What is locus of control
A person’s perception of personalm control over their behaviour, ranging form high internal to high external
What are the characteristics of someone with a high internal LOC
Believe their actions determine their fate
Take personal responsibility for their actions
Seek out information rather than relying on others
More achievement-oriented
What are characteristics of someone with a high external LOC
Believe their lives are controlled by fate, luck or external factors
More likely to be influenced by others
Do not believe they have personal control over their lives
Is locus of control a fixed trait
No, it exists on a continuum, with someone people being low internal or low external rather than extreme
Why are people with high internal LOC more resistant to soical influence
They take responsibility for their actions
Base decisions on their own beliefs
More intelligent and less in need of soical approval
What did Twenge et al find about LOC trends over time
Young Americans have become more. external over time (1960-2002), which correlates with poor school achievement
What did Schurz (1985) find about LOC and obedience
80% of participants fully obeyed despite being told hold-intensity ultrasound waves could cause skin damage
LOC did not predict obedience in this case