kennan’s long telegram
february 1946
iron curtain speech
march 1946
truman doctrine
march 1947
marshall plan
june - july 1947
kennan’s mr x article
july 1947
paris conference + cominform
september 1947
czech coup
february 1948
treaty of brussels
march 1948
london conference + currency reforms + beginning of berlin blockade
june 1948
nato establishment
april 1949
end of berlin blockade
may 1949
soviet atomic bomb detonation
august 1949
frg + gdr established
sept - october 1949
mao establishes the PRC
october 1949
NSC-68 issued
april 1950
north korea attacks south korea
june 1950
san francisco peace treaty
september 1951
eisenhower becomes president
january 1953
stalin dies
march 1953
geneva conference
july 1954
seato established
september 1954
frg joins nato
may 1955
warsaw pact established
may 1955