Behaviorists strictly believe in ? over nature
they don’t believe in biological determinism
BF Skinner believes we demonstrate consistent behavior patterns because of our developed ? tendencies
One criticism of behavorial approaches is that humans are far more complex than ?, the main subjucts of studies
behaviorists ? the importance of inborn personality traits
Social-Cognitive Perspective
Based on many behavioral theory principles, but addresses the cognitive aspect
Albert Bandura believed personality is a product of inherent traits and situational context
Reciprocal Determinism
describes the interaction and mutual influence of behavior, internal personal factors, and environmental factors
Personality is ?, it is MOST definitely not static
one’s own sense of competence and effectiveness
Attributional Style
are we funadmentally optimistic or pessimistic
Positive Psychology
study of optimal human functioning
positive thinking is best when balanced with ?
? optimism can blind people from their actual abilities and impulses
past behavior
In social cognitive theory, the best way to predict behavior in a given situation is to consider a person’s ? in similar situations
A criticism of social-cognitive theory is that it is too situational, and not enough about ? personality traits