A set of commands written in a programming language to perform a task
Programming language
Structural language that allows the programmer to communicate with the computer
Machine Code
A language a computer understands that consists of commands written only in binary (0’s and 1’s)
Long Comment
Comments that go beyond one line of code
denoted with :
/* (to open the comment) and */ (to close)
Short Comment
Comment that is only one line of code
denoted with:
names that are given to show data that are stored in the memory of a computer when a program is being executed
the process of an interpreter converting a programmers code into binary
Compiling error (Syntax Error)
a program is unable to compile due to errors in the programs code
Runtime Error
errors that happen while the program is running
Logic Error
When a program produces the incorrect output due to a flaw in the program
Structure for creating an identifier
type identifier = data
Do assignment statements print output?
they simply assign data to the identifier
When data is associated with an identifier it is referred to as a .
Can a variable type change?
once a variable is assigned and given a type it can NEVER be changed (for now)
Primitive Data
basic type of data; built in data types that hold a limited amount of data
int (data type)
any number that is an integer
cannot be decimals
double (data type)
any number that can be positive or negative and can be a fraction or decimal
boolean (data type)
a value that is true or false
True = 1 False = 0
char (data type)
represents a single character that can be seen on a keyboard
letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters
treating a value as another type
When a string value is joined to another piece of data
basic value that can be interpreted in only one way
What does the “+” do?
What does the “-” do?
What is “%” called and what does it do?
does the division of the variables then returns the remainder
What does the “/” do?
What is “++” called and what does it do?
increment operator
it increases the value of a number by one
What is “- -” called and what does it do?
decrement operator
decreases the value of a number by one