What are the main causes of cash flow problems?
Low profits or (worse) losses
Too much production capacity
Excess inventories held
Allowing customers too much credit and too long to pay
Overtrading- growing business too fast
Seasonal demand
How do you manage cash flow problems?
Use reliable cash flow forecasting
Keep costs under control
Manage working capital effectively
Choose the right sources of finance
What are the examples of effective working capital management?
How do you manage stocks?
Stocks take the form of raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods
Stockholding is costly and therefore it is sound business to:
Keep smaller balances (just in time stocks)
Computerise ordering to improve efficiency
Improve stock control (e.g. stock control chart)
This will cut spending on stocks but could leave the business vulnerable to stock-out
How do you manage amounts owed by customers?
Credit control:
Policies on how much credit to give and repayment terms and conditions
Measures to Control Doubtful Debtors
Credit checking
Selling off debts to debt factors
Cash discounts for prompt payment
Improved record keeping- e.g. accurate and timely invoicing
What is debt factoring?
The selling of debtors (money owed to the business) to a third party
This generates cash
It guarantees the firm a percentage of money owed to it
But will reduce income and profit margin made on sales
The cost involved in factoring can be high
How do you manage cash paid to suppliers?
Trade credit- amounts owed to supplier for goods supplied on credit and not yet paid for
Delayed payment means that the firm retains cash longer
Have to be careful not to damage the firm’s credit reputation and rating
Trade creditors are seen (wrongly) as a ‘free’ source of capital
Some firms habitually delay payment to creditors to enhance their cash flow- a short-sighted policy that raises ethical issues
How does short term finance improve a poor cash position?
Cut costs
Reduce current assets (stock and debtors)
Increase current liabilities (delaying payment)
Sell surplus fixed assets
How does long term finance improve a poor cash position?
Increase equity finance
Increase long-term liabilities
Reduce net outflow on fixed assets